Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Whatever happened to cleaning up the mess you make?

Selectman Fortes to step down



  1. Another one bites the dust ! What's new ! Could it be he has a good view of the train about to hit this town and does not want to accept the blame for his share of putting this town in an even bigger hole than was there before he came ? Sure sounds like it ! Your government is only as good as the people you elect. Remember that when you go to vote !

  2. Appears Cam is on to clean up Boston as he did in Templeton..............lol

    From twitter:

    Cameron Fortes

    Nov 14
    When the Gardner News reports it front and center I guess its undoubtedly official. Making Boston my new home December 1st and stepping down as Selectman. What a wild 2 years it's been. Hoping to see if I can help make a change in Boston next.

    1. It would be extremely important that you do your homework, the next time you get involved with any project. If you had done that in Templeton, you would have had an understanding of why the town is in the position of is in and how it got there. You would have had a better understanding of the past, making it less likely we would not make the same mistakes that have been made over and over again. I guess that would have been to much effort. Instead we have an unsustainable budget considering what the school is expecting for the next year, and a Finance Department that does not contain one accredited person on it. Good luck in your new endeavor. Bev.o

  3. You going to run for Selectmen Bob M ?
