Saturday, March 16, 2019

Family of bears removed from den in Route 2 median in Templeton

Family of Bears Removed from Den


TEMPLETON – State environmental officials removed a den of black bears, including an adult female that was being tracked for its movement, from the median of Route 2 Thursday morning.
The highway was closed a short time while authorities from the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and the state environmental police collected an adult female bear, which weighed 206 pounds, and two 8-pound cubs, a male and a female, according to the state. The mother was immobilized for the move, the state said.
The den was recently discovered in woods between the east and west lanes, in the area of Exits 19 and 20.
Wildlife officials relocated the bear family to a nearby wooded area, reducing the risk of the cubs being hit by a car when they are large enough to leave their mother, according to a news release from the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.
The adult female bear wore a GPS collar and was among more than 30 bears involved in a research project tracking bear movements within their home ranges, the state said.



  1. I think they were worried the family wasn't going to be able to make there tax payment on there den!
    thank you mass wildlife for taking care of your own !

  2. The state foreclosed on the Bear's home. That was really cool, closing down a major road for mom and her 2 cubs, let's hope they make it.
