Saturday, March 9, 2019

From a Concerned Citizen

From a Concerned Citizen

Your elected Board of Selectmen [in Templeton] have decided to spend scarce taxpayer funds on legal and legislative action to bully the sewer enterprise into a "money saving" scam that has no merit in their attempt to get at enterprise cash. 

Here is proof. 

Taxpayers can thank Diane Haley-Brooks for the motion. You may want to view the meeting with the BOS chair and co-chair here. 

The selectmen were offered an easy solution, but fell on deaf ears in my opinion. 

We need to elect selectmen that are not the TA's lapdogs.

Terenzini, Carter>
Feb 14 at 2:32 PM
Good Day:

At the BoS meeting last evening a motion was made seconded and passed on a vote of 3-0 to…

notify the Board of Sewer Commissioners of our desire to implement Option 4 of this study effective July 1, 2019 and request their concurrence on this matter by February 25th.  Further, I move that, should they not agree or not respond, the Town Administrator is directed to consult with Town Counsel and advise us as to an administrative or legislative solution to provide the rate payers and taxpayers the benefits outlined in the study as well as addressing the deficiencies noted in our various audits and financial reviews.  Finally, I move that, should the Sewer Commission propose an alternate solution that provides for positive impacts for the rate payers and taxpayers and addresses the deficiencies noted in our various audits and financial reviews by said February 25th that the Town Administrator and Finance Team shall review and advise us on the merits of the same.

Like you, I will proceed as directed by my Board.

The Chair did discuss your invitation with the BoS to attend your meeting of March 4th meeting and it was determined the decision of who might attend will be made at their meeting of the 27th.  In the meantime if you have any comments, questions or concerns I can use them ASAP.

Many Thanks

Carter Terenzini
Town Administrator

This is a power play by the Templeton Board of Selectmen to get control of the sewer enterprise money.

Think to yourself - 

"When has this Templeton Board of Selectmen ever accomplished anything on time and under budget?" 

The Police Station?
The Elementary School?
The purchase of Capital items approved by town meeting votes?

This Board of Selectmen can't even hire a full time, qualified town administrator ! Can't hire a certified accountant or treasurer/collector, either!

Remember the "edict" to create a DPW?

Templeton doesn't have a DPW. It has a highway department and a newly created Building and grounds and cemetery department. Also, hiring a new department head for building and grounds (FY 2020) So what did combining all of these departments do except provide a way for the BOS to get rid of Bud Chase? 

Are your roads in better condition? Think NOT!

The sacred cows, that should be in a DPW, were never included- MOO!

Templeton needs to remove this TA.

Templeton needs a charter committee to clearly define its governmental structure AND hire a full time, qualified Town Administrator to oversee the Charter Committee process.

Charter Committees take time. Look to Hubbardston, to see how they accomplished this task. MMA can provide guidance as well.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Look at the bridge on main street otter river ,i asked the selectman andTA at the annual town meeting about saving money to get ready to repair that bridge,instead of blowing money on stoney bridge ,the answer i got was theres nothing wrong with that bridge look at it now down to one lane and the town owns it not the state , so the town will have to pay to repair it
