Saturday, April 20, 2019

Thank you, Templeton Light Department !

Thank you, Templeton Light Department !

    In the category of "What was I thinking",  I thought it would be a great idea to get a load of compost delivered for our gardening experiments- Mr. Wonderful concurred. This year the gardening experiment involves more raised beds, since we are/were underwater for the better part of last summer... maybe we should go hydroponic, but I digress.

The compost delivery showed up on time! The dump of the compost was successful. The dump truck exiting the property, not so much.

Fortunately the telephone pole was not damaged, but the nudge by the dump truck pulled our electrical and telephone wires loose from the house- AND I had yet to bake the coffee cakes for Easter!

Potential disaster was averted by the quick action of the Templeton Light Department. 

Thank you again for your quick response!

I hope you shared the cookies!

Julie Farrell


1 comment:

  1. Gee, I could do that ! Lol The men who work at Templeton Light are wonderful. Glad they helped you out. Have a Happy Easter Sunday.
