Friday, July 5, 2019



No to adjusted school budget, no to cuts to town budget, no to access to new elementary school until people come to senses.
NO to school budget until school committee cuts one elementary school principal and eliminates the new assistant elementary school vice principal, which I believe would save an additional $250,000.00 (conservatively) No to asking for another override.
If the commissioner of education wishes to slap the face of Templeton voters by approving a 1/12 budget using the FY2020 numbers rather than FY2019, then right back at him. Templeton should refuse to pay anything until a new regional agreement is completed which begins by giving Templeton one additional member of school committee (Phillipston loses one) and elections are separated; Templeton votes for it's school committee members and Phillipston votes for theirs. That is my view on a starting point. Put Templeton's proposed contribution in escrow until the matter is settled, do not pay one dime until things are straightened out, on paper!
I am prepared to rumble, I wonder if Templeton voters are too? This has to be a long term commitment otherwise nothing will change. If voters are not willing to go the distance, then just throw in the towel now. Please show up for selectmen meeting and voice your opinion. Show up for the special Town Meeting on July 18 at 7:00 P.M. and vote.

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