Friday, August 9, 2019

More School Funding - a Comment

Dont be fooled. The school Budget certified by the School Committee of $19.7 million dollars is presently fully funded by the funds already approved by Templeton and Phillipston.

Anything said regarding the school not getting funds or these being estimates, well, maybe that shows the problem. All BUDGETS are ESTIMATES, that's the entire function of budgeting.

$18,674,417 was 2019 budget and they are complaining about a $19.7 million dollar budget when stating costs to open school are $340K.

Folks, this is on top of the additional $1,000,000 already on Templeton's budget. $800k of which is for the New School.

$1.9 million dollars this year on top of our regular funding for this school district and they are whining about being short..............all while teaching 247 out of district kids at your expense..........yes, 60% of the expense is yours.


NRSD E & D funds were certified on January 7, 2019 
So, has the school assessment to Templeton changed? 

What number has been certified by the school committee and assessed to Templeton?

Is Templeton's  certified assessment $6.4 million?

Is Templeton's  certified assessment $6.9 million?

Is Templeton's  certified assessment $6.7 million?

Is Templeton's  certified assessment $7.2 million? 

Registered voters want to know! 

1 comment:

  1. Taxpayers need to demand an ITEMIZED account of the revenue before we go any further.

    We know Templeton Math doesn't add up, so...............SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!
