Friday, August 2, 2019

School Choice IS Fool's Gold

School choice has impact on Medfield budget



  1. Phillipston contributes $1.6 million for 182 kids I believe. For 141 School Choice kids we get $704,095.

    How does that seem right?

    Fools Gold...............

  2. Hello! Just discovered your blog and I couldn't agree with you more about your overall goal of transparency! Unfortunately, in the School Choice article in which I was quoted, the reporter made it sound like I was pro-School Choice, when I was in fact (and still am) very neutral. I'd just like to see data presented on the pros and cons, and I'd also like our Medfield School Committee to abide by the law with a legally noticed public hearing. I'm not a big fan of public officials making decisions for a community in an undemocratic fashion. My youngest graduated from high school last year, but I still care about Medfield children and will continue to push for transparency for their sake, not mine. Thanks for a great blog!
