Wednesday, October 23, 2019

19.5 million AGAIN!

19.5 million AGAIN!

After many amendments, votes and recounts the final vote of $19.5 million was approved at the third or fourth District wide school committee meeting.

Is this the end of it? 

Probably not!

There is still time for one more District Wide meeting, before DESE steps in.

I would like DESE to step in and explain why FY 2020 is LESS than FY 19. This is the information DESE used to base their decision on the 1/12th budget. 

Let that sink in. IF the  FY 2020 budget were LESS than FY 19, why would we be having these District wide meetings? 

1 comment:

  1. Last night, after the District wide meeting was adjourned the School Committee apparently met and voted 5-3 to maintain the $19,786,889 certification number.

    How curious..............
