A study published this week found a large decrease in the IQ of children who had been fed infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated tap water, compared to formula-fed children living in unfluoridated areas. The study by a research team based at York University, Toronto, followed a large cohort of Canadian mother-child pairs through age 3-4 years and found an average drop of over 4 IQ points for children in fluoridated areas, reports Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
This is the fifth recent study finding neurotoxic harm from early life exposure to fluoride, from two research groups funded with $4 million from the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
This study comes on the heels of a comprehensive review of all existing human and animal studies of fluoride neurotoxicity. The review, by the National Toxicology Program of NIEHS, identified 149 human studies and 339 animal studies, but did not include the two most recent studies from the York University group (Till 2019; Riddell 2019).
Based on the large number, quality, and consistency of the studies, it concluded fluoride was a “presumed” neurotoxin. The draft review is equivocal about effects at low exposures, but these newest high-quality mother-child studies support a conclusion that artificially fluoridated water causes substantial IQ reductions. The size of the effect has been likened to that from lead by experts in the field.
The authors of the newest paper note that fluoride’s dental benefits come almost exclusively from topical contact once teeth have erupted into the mouth. They conclude:
“In the absence of any benefit from fluoride consumption in the first six months, it is prudent to limit fluoride exposure by using non-fluoridated water or water with lower fluoride content as a formula diluent.”
Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Director added, “Fluoride levels in mothers’ milk are very low (less than 0.01 ppm). Thus, breastfeeding protects the infant from fluoride. This study shows formula made with fluoridated water at 0.7 ppm removes that protection with harmful consequences to the infant’s developing brain. Research consistently shows that fluoride is a threat to both the fetal and infant brain. Unfortunately, low-income mothers cannot always afford non-fluoridated water. These children are also the least able to afford loss of IQ. The only practical and ethical solution is to stop adding fluoridation chemicals to drinking water.”
Fluoride exposure from infant formula and child IQ in a Canadian birth cohort
Under a Creative Commons license
open access
Water fluoridation
Intellectual function
formula fed
confidence intervals
home observation for measurement of the environment
intelligence quotient
full scale IQ
performance IQ
verbal IQ
maternal-infant research on environmental chemicals
maternal urinary fluoride
standard deviation
1. Introduction
can occur naturally in water and, in some communities, is added to
water supplies to reach the recommended concentration of 0.7 mg/L for
the prevention of tooth decay (Health Canada, 2010).
About 74% of Americans and 38% of Canadians on municipal water are
supplied with fluoridated drinking water. Water fluoridation has been
reported to reduce the prevalence of tooth decay by 26% to 44% (Iheozor-Ejiofor et al., 2015, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), 2017) in youth and by 26% (Iheozor-Ejiofor et al., 2015) to 27% (NHMRC, 2017)
in adults. Infants who are fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated
water have approximately three to four times greater exposure to
fluoride than adults (National Research Council (NRC), 2006)
on a per body-weight basis. Formula-fed infants residing in fluoridated
areas have an approximate 70-fold higher fluoride intake than
exclusively breastfed infants (Ekstrand, 1981, Zohoori et al., 2018, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010)
prevalence of enamel fluorosis, a discoloration of enamel resulting
from chronic, excessive ingestion of fluoride during tooth development (Brothwell and Limeback, 2003, Buzalaf et al., 2001), is higher among formula-fed infants than breastfed infants (Buzalaf et al., 2001, Do et al., 2012, Fv et al., 2012, Hong et al., 2006, Walton and Messer, 1981). While enamel fluorosis develops from excess fluoride exposure during the first four years of life, (Levy et al., 2010) the first 12 months are the most vulnerable period (Hong et al., 2006). The risk of fluorosis increases with higher levels of fluoride in the water supply for formula-fed infants (Hujoel et al., 2009).
contains extremely low concentrations of fluoride (0.005–0.01 mg/L) due
to the limited transfer of fluoride in plasma into breastmilk (Dabeka et al., 1986, Ekstrand, 1981, Ekstrand and Hardell, 1984, Esala et al., 1982, Faraji et al., 2014, Zohoori et al., 2018). Exclusive breastfeeding for six months, which is recommended by current practice guidelines (Critch, 2013, Eidelman, 2012), is reported by 25% of mothers in the United States (Breastfeeding Report Card. United States, 2018) and Canada (Health Canada, 2001). Ninety percent of bottle-fed infants are fed powdered formula (Infant Feeding Practices Survey II) and 75% of mothers report using tap water to reconstitute formula (Van Winkle et al., 1995). Thus, reconstituted formula is the major source of nutrition for many infants in the United States and Canada.
Despite growing concerns about excessive exposure to fluoride during infancy and the vulnerability of the developing brain (Rice and Barone, 2000, Grandjean and Landrigan, 2006),
no studies have tested the potential neurotoxicity of using optimally
fluoridated drinking water to reconstitute formula during infancy (Harriehausen et al., 2019).
Increased fluoride exposure during fetal brain development was
associated with diminished IQ scores in two birth cohort studies (Bashash et al., 2017, Green et al., 2019, Valdez Jiménez et al., 2017), among a number of recent studies conducted in endemic fluorosis areas (Karimzade et al., 2014, Dong et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2015), as well as a 2012 meta-analysis of 27 ecologic studies (Choi et al., 2012). Increased fluoride exposure has also been linked with ADHD-related behaviors in children (Malin and Till, 2015, Bashash et al., 2018, Riddell et al., 2019).
investigated the association between water fluoride concentration and
intellectual abilities of Canadian children who were formula-fed or
breastfed. In addition, we tested whether postnatal effects of fluoride
exposure on child IQ remained after controlling for fetal exposure.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study population
2008 and 2011, the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals
(MIREC) program recruited 2001 pregnant women from ten Canadian cities
to participate in a longitudinal pregnancy cohort study. Women who could
communicate in English or French, were >17 years, and were
<14 a="" abnormality="" additional="" any="" are="" class="workspace-trigger" clinics.="" cohort="" complications="" description="" details="" drug="" during="" excluded="" fetal="" from="" gestation="" had="" href="" if="" illicit="" in="" known="" medical="" name="bb0015" or="" participants="" pregnancy.="" prenatal="" profile="" recruited="" the="" there="" they="" use="" was="" weeks="" were="">Arbuckle et al., 201314>
the 610 children who were recruited to participate in the developmental
follow-up phase of the study (MIREC-Child Development Plus), 601
completed all testing. Children were recruited from six of the cities in
the original cohort (Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton, Halifax, Kingston,
Montreal); approximately half of the children lived in non-fluoridated
cities and half lived in fluoridated cities.
This study received ethics approval from Health Canada and York University.
2.2. Infant feeding assessment
children were between 30 and 48 months of age, mothers completed an
infant feeding questionnaire asking, “How old was your baby when you
ceased breastfeeding exclusively? At what age did you introduce other
type of milk or food to your baby?”. Women who breastfed exclusively for
six months or longer were included in the breastfeeding (BF) group;
those who reported introducing formula within the first six months
(never breastfed or partial breastfeeding) were included in the
formula-feeding (FF) group.
To explore the possibility
of recall or response bias of mothers completing the questionnaire, we
compared information reported by mothers when their children were
between 30 and 48 months of age (i.e. time when the questionnaire was
completed for classifying the BF and FF groups) with information
reported by a subset of women at an earlier visit when their children
were between 6 and 8 months of age. Information about infant feeding was
only available for 11% of the sample at the infant visit (note that
responses could only be matched for women who had stopped breastfeeding
at the time the questionnaire was completed at the infant visit). Among
women who provided information at both occasions, the median difference
for when breastfeeding was reported to be ceased was 0 months; responses
were within 1.5 months of each other for two-thirds of this subsample.
dichotomized feeding status at six months because the Canadian
Pediatric Society and American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend
exclusive breastfeeding for six months (Critch, 2013, Eidelman, 2012).
Moreover, formula-fed infants who are younger than six-months derive
most of their nutrition from formula, placing this group at highest risk
of exceeding the recommended upper limit (0.7 mg/d) for fluoride (Harriehausen et al., 2019, Institutes of Medicine, 1997, National Research Council (NRC), 2006).
Finally, fluoride intake differences become less evident when other
dietary sources of fluoride are introduced at around six months (Zohoori et al., 2018).
2.3. Infant fluoride exposure
estimated fluoride concentrations in drinking water by accessing daily
or monthly reports provided by water treatment plants. Water reports
were first linked with mothers’ postal codes and the daily or weekly
amounts were averaged over the first six-months of the child’s life. We
only included participants whose postal codes could be linked to a water
treatment plant that provided water fluoride measurements. We also
excluded participants who reported that their primary drinking source
was from a well or ‘other’ (e.g. bottled water) (Table S1). Further
details can be found in our previous report (Till et al., 2018).
obtain a continuous fluoride exposure estimate collapsed across the BF
and FF groups, we estimated fluoride intake from formula (in mg F/day)
by multiplying water fluoride concentration by the amount of time that
the infant was not exclusively breastfed in the first year using the
following equation:
- Fluoride intake from formula = (water_F mg/L) * (1 − #mo_excl_BF/11.99) * 0.80 L/day
2.4. Fetal fluoride exposure
used maternal urinary fluoride (MUF) adjusted for specific gravity as a
proxy of fetal fluoride exposure. MUF, which was derived by averaging
three spot samples collected across all three trimesters of pregnancy,
was considered our most reliable measure of exposure (Till et al., 2018). Urinary fluoride concentrations were analyzed at the Indiana University School of Dentistry using a modification (Martínez-Mier et al., 2011) of the hexamethyldisiloxane (Sigma Chemical Co., USA) micro-diffusion procedure previously described (Green et al., 2019).
2.5. Intelligence assessment
assessed children’s intellectual abilities between ages 3.0 and
4.0 years with the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of
Intelligence-III (Wechsler, 2002) using United States population-based normative data (mean = 100, SD = 15).
Outcomes included Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), a measure of global
intellectual functioning, Verbal IQ (VIQ), a measure of verbal
reasoning, and Performance IQ (PIQ), a measure of non-verbal reasoning
and visual-motor coordination skills.
2.6. Covariates
We adjusted for potential confounding by selecting covariates a priori
that have been associated with fluoride, breastfeeding, and children’s
intellectual abilities. Final covariates included child’s sex and age at
testing, maternal education (dichotomized as either a bachelor’s degree
or higher versus trade school diploma or lower), maternal race (white
or not), second-hand smoke in the home (yes, no), and quality of the
child’s home environment (measured at time of testing using the Home
Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) - Revised Edition (Caldwell and Bradley, 1984). For each analysis, a covariate was retained in the final model if its p-value
was <0 .20="" 10="" a="" by="" changed="" class="workspace-trigger" coefficient="" concentration="" fluoride="" formula="" from="" href="" inclusion="" intake="" its="" more="" name="bb0240" of="" or="" regression="" than="" the="" water="">Kleinbaum et al., 19820>
2.7. Statistical analyses
used linear regression to model differences in child IQ by water
fluoride concentration while controlling for covariates. In our first
model, we examined whether feeding status (BF or FF) modified the impact
of water fluoride. In our second model, we estimated the association
between fluoride intake from formula and child IQ. We controlled
potential confounders by including them simultaneously with predictors.
secondary analyses, we controlled for MUF during pregnancy in both
models to account for fetal exposure. We also tested for sex-specific
effects because we previously found that MUF concentration was only
associated with diminished FSIQ in males (Green et al., 2019).
diagnostics indicated no assumption violations pertaining to linearity,
normality, or homogeneity of variance. Specifically, QQ-plots of
residuals were consistent with a normal distribution and plots of
residuals against fitted values did not suggest any assumption
violations. Two observations were investigated based on a plot of Cook’s
D that suggested they may be influential; these cases had extremely low
IQ scores that were more than 2.5 standard deviations from the sample
mean. In a sensitivity analyses, we re-estimated the models after
removing these two observations. Finally, variance inflation factors
indicated no concerns with excessive multicollinearity.
aid interpretation, we divided all regression coefficients by 2 so that
they represent the predicted IQ difference per 0.5 mg/L of fluoride in
tap water or 0.5 mg fluoride from formula; 0.5 mg/L corresponds to the
approximate difference between mean water fluoride level in fluoridated
versus non-fluoridated regions in our sample.
3. Results
the 601 children who completed neurodevelopmental testing, 591 (99%)
mother–child pairs completed the infant feeding questionnaire and IQ
testing (BF: n = 296; FF: n = 295). Of these, 398 (67.3%) pairs reported drinking tap water, had water fluoride data and complete covariate data (BF: n = 200; FF: n = 198). The demographic characteristics of women included in the current analyses (n = 398) were not substantially different from the original MIREC cohort (N = 1945) or the subset without complete water fluoride and covariate data (n = 203) (Table S2, Mcknight-hanes et al., 1988).
the BF group, more women who lived in a fluoridated region had a
bachelor’s degree or higher compared with those in a non-fluoridated
region (86 vs. 74%, p = .001) (Table 1).
Compared with the FF group, women in the BF group were more educated,
more likely to be married or common law, and had higher HOME scores (all
ps < 0.05). The BF group had significantly higher FSIQ and VIQ scores relative to the FF group (Table 1;
Fig. S1). Children living in a fluoridated region had a significantly
lower PIQ score, but higher VIQ score, relative to children living in a
non-fluoridated region (Table 1; Fig. S1).
Table 1. Demographic characteristics and exposure outcomes for mother-child pairs by infant feeding status.
Breastfed ≥ 6 mo. (n = 200) | Formula-fed (n = 198) | ||||
Characteristic | Fluoridated (n = 83) | Non-fluoridated (n = 117) | Fluoridated (n = 68) | Non-fluoridated (n = 130) | p value comparing BF and FF groups |
Mean (SD)/% | Mean (SD)/% | Mean (SD)/% | Mean (SD)/% | ||
Maternal characteristics | |||||
Years of age at delivery | 32.54 (3.64) | 32.86 (4.79) | 32.91 (4.42) | 32.39 (5.11) | .73 |
Net household income >$70 K | 70.3 | 72.9 | 79.7 | 68 | .88 |
Caucasian | 88 | 93 | 88 | 84 | .11 |
Maternal education | |||||
Trade school diploma/high school | 14 | 26* | 28 | 42* | <.001 |
Bachelor’s degree or higher | 86 | 74* | 72 | 58* | <.001 |
Employed at time of pregnancy | 92 | 90 | 94 | 84* | .40 |
Married/common-law (at time of testing) | 100 | 99 | 96 | 92 | .001 |
Smoked in trimester 1 | 0 | 1.7 | 2.9 | 3.8 | .17 |
Parity (first birth) | 45 | 51 | 43 | 47 | .61 |
Number of months exclusively breastfeeding | 7.54 (2.95) | 7.45 (2.46) | 2.63 (2.08) | 2.37 (2.13) | <.001 |
Child characteristics | |||||
Years of age at IQ testing | 3.48 (0.29) | 3.34 (0.31)* | 3.53 (0.28) | 3.37 (0.3)* | .32 |
Female sex | 51 | 53 | 54 | 47 | .32 |
HOME total score | 48.71 (3.42) | 48.09 (3.86) | 47.59 (4.33) | 46.55 (4.76) | <.001 |
Second hand smoke in home | 2.5 | 3.4 | 4.4 | 5.4 | .43 |
Gestational age in weeks | 39.22 (1.55) | 39.17 (1.52) | 38.68 (2.48) | 39.15 (1.53) | .24 |
Birth weight (kg) | 3.42 (0.50) | 3.49 (0.46) | 3.43 (0.62) | 3.46 (0.52) | .75 |
Full Scale IQ | 109.9 (12.4) | 108.9 (13.6) | 106.1 (15.8) | 106.8 (13.5) | .03a |
Verbal IQb | 115.1 (11.3) | 110.4 (12.4)* | 110.9 (14.9) | 107.1 (13.3) | .00a |
Performance IQb | 102.0 (15.2) | 105.6 (15.8) | 99.7 (15.1) | 105.6 (13.4)* | .69 |
Exposure variables | |||||
Water fluoride concentration (mg/L) | 0.58 (0.08) | 0.13 (0.06)* | 0.59 (0.07) | 0.13 (0.05)* | .18 |
% living in fluoridated region | 41.5 | 34.3 | 14 | ||
Infant fluoride intake (mg F/day) | 0.12 (0.07) | 0.02 (0.02)* | 0.34 (0.12) | 0.08 (0.04)* | <.001 |
MUF concentration (mg/L) | 0.70 (0.39) | 0.42 (0.28)* | 0.64 (0.37) | 0.38 (0.27)* | .07 |
HOME = Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment;
MUF = Maternal urinary fluoride, adjusted for specific gravity;
SD = standard deviation.
- *
- p < .05 for comparing participants in the breastfed or formula-fed group living in a fluoridated versus non-fluoridated region.
- a
- p-value reported for main effect of feeding status from 2 × 2 ANCOVA, adjusting for maternal education (binary), maternal race (binary), child’s age at IQ testing (continuous), child’s sex, HOME total score (continuous), second-hand smoke status in the child’s house (yes, no), and water fluoridation status (fluoridated versus non-fluoridated).
- b
- Main effect of fluoridation status, adjusting for maternal education (binary), maternal race (binary), child’s age at IQ testing (continuous), child’s sex, HOME total score (continuous), second-hand smoke status in the child’s house (yes, no), and feeding status (BF vs. FF); VIQ: p = .02; PIQ: p < .001.
Water fluoride concentration was correlated with MUF (r = 0.37, p < .001) and estimated fluoride intake from formula (r = 0.79, p < .001); MUF was correlated with fluoride intake from formula (r = 0.55, p < .001).
3.1. Feeding status
The mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding was 4.98 months (SD = 3.48);
54 (13.6%) women reported never breastfeeding, 32 (8%) reported
discontinuing breastfeeding after the first three months, and 200
(50.2%) reported continuing to breastfeed at six months or longer. Water
fluoride concentration did not significantly differ between the BF (M = 0.32 mg/L) and FF groups (M = 0.29 mg/L; p = .18).
3.2. Model 1: IQ scores and water fluoride concentration by feeding status
A 0.5 mg/L increase in water fluoride concentration was associated with a decrease of 4.4 FSIQ points (95% CI: −8.34, −0.46, p = .03) in the FF group, but it was not significantly associated with FSIQ in the BF group (B = −1.34, 95% CI: −5.04, 2.38, p = .48) (Table 2; Fig. 1A); the interaction between water fluoride and feeding status was not statistically significant (p = .26).
Controlling for fetal exposure by adding MUF to the model resulted in
non-significant associations between water fluoride concentration and
FSIQ in both the FF (B = −3.58, 95% CI: −7.83, 0.66, p = .098) and BF groups (B = −1.69, 95% CI: −5.66, 2.27, p = .40).
Removing two cases with extreme IQ scores from the models resulted in
non-significant associations between water fluoride concentration and
FSIQ in both groups (Table S3).
Table 2.
Adjusted difference in IQ scores at 3–4 years of age per 0.5 mg/L water
fluoride concentration and 0.5 mg infant fluoride intake from formula
per day, with and without adjusting for maternal urinary fluoride (MUF).
Exposure variable | N | FSIQ B (95% CI) | N | PIQ B (95% CI) | N | VIQ B (95% CI) |
Model 1 | ||||||
Water Fl (mg/L) | 398 | 393 | 397 | |||
Formula-fed | −4.40 (−8.34, −0.46)* | −9.26 (−13.77, −4.76)* | 0.89 (−2.87, 4.65) | |||
Breastfed | −1.34 (−5.04, 2.38) | −6.19 (−10.45, −1.94)* | 3.06 (−0.49, 6.61) | |||
Water Fl (mg/L) adjusted for MUFa | 350 | 345 | 349 | |||
Formula-fed | −3.58 (−7.83, 0.66) | −7.93 (−12.84, −3.01)* | 2.60 (−1.98, 7.16) | |||
Breastfed | −1.69 (−5.66, 2.27) | −6.30 (−10.92, −1.68)* | 4.20 (−0.06, 8.45) | |||
Model 2 | ||||||
Fluoride intake from formula | 398 | −2.69 (−7.38, 2.01) | 393 | −8.76 (−14.18, −3.34)* | 397 | 3.08 (−1.40, 7.55) |
Fluoride intake from formula adjusted for MUFb | 350 | −1.94 (−7.09, 3.21) | 345 | −7.62 (−13.64, −1.60)* | 349 | 3.05 (−1.89, 7.98) |
Fl = fluoride; MUF = maternal urinary fluoride; Regression model
adjusted for maternal education (binary), maternal race (binary),
child’s age at IQ testing (continuous), child’s sex, HOME total score
(continuous), and second-hand smoke status in the child’s house (yes,
- *
- p < .05.
- a
- MUF was not significantly associated with FSIQ score (B = −1.08, 95% CI: −1.54, 0.47, p = .29), PIQ score (B = −1.31, 95% CI: −3.63, 1.03, p = .27), or VIQ score (B = −0.34, 95%CI: −2.21, 1.59, p = .73). Note: regression coefficients represent the predicted IQ difference per 0.5 mg/L MUF; effect for both sexes is reported. Variance inflation factor (VIF) for water Fl is 2.41 for FSIQ, 2.41 for PIQ, and 2.40 for VIQ when MUF is entered in the model.
- b
- MUF is significantly associated with PIQ score (B = −2.38, 95% CI: −4.62, −0.27, p = .04), but not FSIQ score (B = −1.50, 95% CI: −3.41, 0.43, p = .13) or VIQ score (B = −0.11, 95% CI: −1.94, 1.74, p = .91); Note: regression coefficients represent the predicted IQ difference per 0.5 mg/L MUF; effect for both sexes is reported. Variance inflation factor (VIF) for infant fluoride intake is 1.10 for FSIQ, 1.12 for PIQ, and 1.10 for VIQ when MUF is entered in the model

Fig. 1.
A. Water fluoride concentration as a predictor of Full Scale IQ with an
interaction by formula-fed (FF) vs. breastfed (BF) group. Black data
points represent the FF group and grey data points represent the BF
group. B. Fluoride intake from formula (mg F/day) as a predictor of
Performance IQ score.
Water fluoride concentration was significantly associated with lower PIQ in the FF (B = −9.26, 95% CI: −13.77, −4.76, p < .001) and the BF groups (B = −6.19, 95% CI: −10.45, −1.94, p = .004) (Table 2); the interaction was not significant (p = .26). Controlling for MUF, water fluoride concentration remained significantly associated with PIQ in the FF (B = −7.93 95% CI: −12.84, −3.01, p = .002) and BF groups (B = −6.30, 95% CI: −10.92,-1.68, p = .008).
Likewise, the associations between water fluoride concentration and PIQ
remained significant for both groups after removing two cases with
extreme IQ scores (Table S3).
In contrast, water fluoride concentration was not associated with VIQ in the FF (B = 0.89, 95% CI: −2.87, 4.65, p = .64) or BF group (B = 3.06, 95% CI: −0.49, 6.61, p = .09); these associations remained non-significant after controlling for MUF (Table 2) and removing two cases with extreme IQ scores (Table S3).
3.3. Model 2: IQ scores and fluoride intake from formula
Fluoride intake from formula was not significantly associated with FSIQ (B = −2.69, 95% CI: −7.38, 2.01, p = .26) or VIQ (B = 3.08, 95% CI: −1.40, 7.55, p = .18) (Table 2). In contrast, a 0.5 mg increase in fluoride intake predicted an 8.76-point decrement in PIQ score (95% CI: −14.18, −3.34, p = .002; Fig. 1B). Adding MUF to the PIQ model slightly attenuated the association between fluoride intake and PIQ (B = −7.62, 95% CI: −13.64, −1.60, p = .01) (Table 2).
Removing two cases with extreme IQ scores did not appreciably alter the
association between fluoride intake and PIQ score, with and without
adjustment for MUF (Table S3).
4. Discussion
each 0.5 mg/L increase in water fluoride concentration, we found a
decrease of 4.4 FSIQ points among preschool children who were
formula-fed in the first six months of life; 0.5 mg/L is the approximate
difference in mean water fluoride level between fluoridated (0.59 mg/L)
and non-fluoridated (0.13 mg/L) regions. In contrast, we did not find a
significant association between water fluoride concentration and FSIQ
among exclusively breastfed children. The association between water
fluoride concentration and FSIQ must be interpreted with caution,
however, because the association became non-significant when two
outliers were removed. We observed an even stronger association between
water fluoride and PIQ (non-verbal intelligence). A 0.5 mg/L increase in
water fluoride level predicted a decrement in PIQ in both the
formula-fed (9.3-points) and the breastfed groups (6.2-points).
Adjusting for fetal exposure or removing two extreme scores did not
appreciably alter these results.
We observed converging
results using fluoride intake from formula, which is a continuous,
time-weighted exposure estimate. For each 0.5 mg/day of fluoride intake,
we found an 8.8-point decrement in PIQ; adjusting for fetal exposure
using MUF attenuated the association only slightly (7.6-point decrement
in PIQ). MUF was also negatively associated with PIQ (2.4-point
decrement for each 0.5 mg/L increase in MUF). The fluoride intake
estimate may reflect a more refined measure of exposure in infancy
because it captures differences in both water fluoride level and the
proportion of time each child was given formula over the first year of
life. Yet, our binary classification of whether a child was exclusively
breastfed for 6 months may better capture children who are most
vulnerable to neurotoxic effects of fluoride because it subsets those
exposed to fluoride during the early infancy period when the brain
undergoes significant development (Huttenlocher and Dabholkar, 1997, Kostovic, 2006).
Taken together, these findings suggest that using optimally fluoridated
water (0.7 mg/L) to reconstitute infant formula may diminish the
development of intellectual abilities in young children, particularly
for non-verbal abilities. The findings also suggest that both prenatal
and postnatal fluoride exposure affect the development of non-verbal
intelligence to a greater extent than verbal intelligence. Prior studies
examining prenatal exposure to fluoride and IQ showed a similar pattern
(Bashash et al., 2017, Green et al., 2019).
Consistent with prior studies showing a positive effect of breastfeeding on cognition (Horta et al., 2015),
children in the breastfed group had higher FSIQ and VIQ scores relative
to the formula-fed group, regardless of fluoridation status (Table 1); higher education and income levels in the breastfed group likely accounts for part of this association (Walfisch et al., 2013).
In contrast, the breastfed group did not differ significantly from the
formula-fed group with respect to PIQ score. Children who lived in
non-fluoridated regions showed higher PIQ scores than children who lived
in fluoridated regions, though this difference was significant only for
the formula-fed group, perhaps reflecting a higher vulnerability of
nonverbal abilities to fluoride exposure in infancy.
studies of fluoride exposure from infant formula consumption have
focused on risk for later development of dental enamel fluorosis (Brothwell and Limeback, 2003, Hong et al., 2006, Berg et al., 2011).
Beyond fluorosis, the safety of fluoride exposure from infant formula
has not been rigorously tested, despite warnings of overexposure (Diesendorf and Diesendorf, 1979). A recent study showed that up to 59% of infants younger than four months exceed the upper limit (0.1 mg/kg/day) (Institutes of Medicine, 1997) when optimally fluoridated water is used to reconstitute infant formula (Harriehausen et al., 2019);
33% and 14.3% of six- and nine-month old infants exceeded the upper
limit threshold, respectively. Conversely, breastfed infants receive
very low fluoride intake (generally less than 0.01 mg/L), even in
communities with fluoridated water (Dabeka et al., 1986, Ekstrand, 1981, Fomon et al., 2000).
Our estimate of fluoride intake (0.34 mg F/day) among formula-fed
infants who live in a fluoridated region is an underestimate of actual
fluoride intake because we did not include fluoride from other sources,
such as the fluoride found in the formula or foods; thus, the
association between fluoride intake and IQ scores among formula-fed
infants may be stronger than the association obtained in our analysis.
results, which showed that higher fluoride exposure in infancy was
associated with diminished IQ scores in young children, are consistent
with two longitudinal birth cohort studies. In one study involving 299
mother–child pairs living in Mexico City, there was a decrement of 3.2
IQ points in preschool aged children for every 0.5 mg/L of MUF level
during pregnancy (Bashash et al., 2017).
In the other study, which we conducted using the same Canadian cohort,
we reported a decrement of 2.2 IQ points among preschool aged boys for
every 0.5 mg/L of MUF level during pregnancy (Green et al., 2019). When MUF was included as a covariate in the current study, the association between MUF and FSIQ was not significant (see Table 2, note a). This discrepancy arises because (1) Green et al. (2019) did not include fluoride exposure in infancy as a covariate and (2) Green et al. (2019) estimated sex-specific MUF effects whereas the current study estimated an overall MUF effect.
The beneficial effects of fluoride predominantly occur at the tooth surface, after teeth have erupted (Limeback, 1999).
Fluoride contributes to the prevention of dental caries primarily when
it is topically applied to teeth, such as brushing with fluoridated
toothpaste (Featherstone, 2001, Limeback, 1999, National Research Council (NRC), 2006, Pizzo et al., 2007, Warren and Levy, 2003). Because fluoride is not essential for growth and development (Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER), 2011),
there is no recommended intake level of fluoride during fetal
development or in the first six months of life before teeth have
erupted. Accordingly, the Canadian Pediatric Society recommends
administering supplemental fluoride (i.e. systemic exposure) only when
primary teeth begin to erupt (American Dental Association)
(at approximately 6 months) and only if the child is susceptible to
high caries activity and is not exposed to other fluoride-based
interventions, such as toothbrushing or water fluoridation (Godel, 2002).
The American Dental Association (Berg et al., 2011, American Dental Association, 2018)
advises parents to use optimally fluoridated drinking water to
reconstitute concentrate infant formulas, while being cognizant of the
potential risk of mild enamel fluorosis development. This recommendation
is echoed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Community Water Fluoridation. Infant Formula) as well as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2015). The Canadian Dental Association (2019)
recommends using water with low fluoride concentration (or
ready-to-feed formula) when the fluoride level in drinking water is
above the optimal level. In addition to tap water, which is reportedly
used by 93% of caregivers who feed formula to infants (Brothwell and Limeback, 2003),
“nursery” water (which may contain up to 0.7 mg F/L) is marketed for
reconstituting formula and sold in Canada and the United States. The
availability of fluoridated nursery water gives the false impression
that fluoride exposure during early infancy is beneficial prior to teeth
Formula-fed infants who reside in
fluoridated areas have a 70-fold higher intake of fluoride than
exclusively breastfed infants (Ekstrand, 1981, Zohoori et al., 2018, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). Formula-fed infants also retain more fluoride than breastfed infants (Zohoori et al., 2018, Ekstrand and Hardell, 1984)
because infants have a limited capacity to excrete fluoride before
renal function reaches its full capacity at about two years of age (National Research Council (NRC), 2006, Zohoori et al., 2018). Fluoride absorption also depends on the presence of other nutrients (Health Canada, 2010);
when fluoride intake is exclusively from reconstituted formula, the
bioavailability of fluoride is 65%, whereas a varied diet reduces
fluoride absorption in tissues and bone to about 47% (Ekstrand and Ehrnebo, 1979). These factors place formula-fed infants at an even higher risk of fluoride toxicity.
study has some limitations. First, infant formulas vary in fluoride
content. Ready-to-use formulas typically have less fluoride than
powdered formula (Dabeka and McKenzie, 1987, Fomon et al., 2000);
information about formula type was only available for 100 of 198
(50.5%) participants in the formula group; of those, 75% reported using
powdered formula, which is the most common type of formula used by the
general population (Infant Feeding Practices Survey II, xxxx, Fomon et al., 2000). Variability in fluoride content is also seen across different types of powdered formula (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2010, Harriehausen et al., 2019, Mahvi et al., 2010).
Additionally, soy-based formula reconstituted with distilled water has
more fluoride (0.24–0.30 mg/L depending on whether it is ready-to-feed
or concentrated) than milk-based powdered formulas (0.12–0.17 mg/L) (Harriehausen et al., 2019, Van Winkle et al., 1995).
Although we lacked data on brand of formula, we have no reason to
expect that use of powdered versus ready-to-feed or soy- versus
milk-based formula would differ by fluoridation status. Moreover, our
effects were primarily based on water fluoride content, which is the
major source of fluoride (Buzalaf et al., 2001).
Second, we did not have specific information on the type of water
(bottled versus tap) used to reconstitute formula. However, mothers
typically report using tap water for reconstituting formula (Van Winkle et al., 1995)
and we only included children of women who reported drinking tap water
in our analyses. Third, there is potential for non-differential
misclassification of the feeding status variable because mothers may
have been confused by the definition of exclusive breastfeeding on the
questionnaire or the responses may have been affected by recall or
response bias. As with any survey, women could be confused by the
question, but given the demographic of the sample – highly educated,
English speaking, and non-teenage mothers – confusion seems less likely.
Fourth, our method of estimating infant fluoride intake has not been
validated. Finally, children were tested between 3 and 4 years of age
and we have no information regarding other possible sources of fluoride
that occurred between post-weaning and the age of testing. Thus, other
sources of fluoride (e.g. dental products) or more frequent brushing,
might differ between participants who lived in fluoridated versus
non-fluoridated communities or among those in the breastfeeding versus
formula-feeding group. To control for these potential differences, we
included maternal education in all models. In addition, the design of
our study compares water fluoride level and IQ scores in the formula-fed
children using the breast-fed children as a control.
summary, fluoride intake among infants younger than 6 months may exceed
the tolerable upper limits if they are fed exclusively with formula
reconstitued with fluoridated tap water. After adjusting for fetal
exposure, we found that fluoride exposure during infancy predicts
diminished non-verbal intelligence in children. In the absence of any
benefit from fluoride consumption in the first six months, it is prudent
to limit fluoride exposure by using non-fluoridated water or water with
lower fluoride content as a formula diluent.
Funding source
This study was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) (grant #R21ES027044). The MIREC Study was supported by the Chemicals Management Plan at Health Canada, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (grant #MOP-81285).
Financial disclosure
The authors have no financial disclosures.
Contributors statement
Till conceptualized and designed the study, drafted the initial
manuscript, and reviewed and revised the manuscript. Ms Green designed
the study, curated the data, carried out the initial data analysis,
reviewed and revised the manuscript. Drs Flora and Hornung supervised
data analysis, reviewed and revised the manuscript. Ms. Farmus assisted
with data analysis, reviewed and revised the manuscript. Dr
Martinez-Mier reviewed and revised the manuscript and supervised the
analysis of maternal urinary fluoride. Mr Blazer collected the water
fluoride data from water treatment plants and reviewed the manuscript.
Drs Ayotte and Muckle assisted with initial data collection, and
critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. Dr Lanphear
conceptualized the study, and critically reviewed and revised the
manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and
agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
authors gratefully acknowledge: Nicole Lupien, Stéphanie Bastien, and
Romy-Leigh McMaster and the MIREC Study Coordinating Staff for their
administrative support, as well as the MIREC study group of
investigators and site investigators; the INSPQ for measuring the
urinary creatinine; Christine Buckley, Dr. Frank Lippert and Prithvi
Chandrappa for their analysis of urinary fluoride at the Indiana
University School of Dentistry; and Dr. John Minnery for his valuable
engineering advice regarding water fluoridation. The authors are also
grateful to the staff affiliated with community water treatment plants
who helped to provide water fluoride data for this study.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
The following are the Supplementary data to this article:
Research data for this article
Data not available / The authors do not have permission to share data
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Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. According to the Fluoride Action Network there are no studies showing fluoride to be safe and effective to date. The EPA Scientists have warned that fluoride is not safe to be in our water supply. Big corporations are allowed to poison us because it helps their bottom line. When in doubt get it out.