Sunday, December 1, 2019

Call for a Special Town Meeting Update

More news on the Petition to reinstate bylaw XXIII - Use of Sanitary Landfill

The Templeton Board of Selectmen meet on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

I would like to have the signature sheets ready to hand to the Templeton Board of Selectmen at that meeting. 

I believe it is imperative to move on this issue quickly.

If you have a signature sheet, please contact Julie Farrell at
978-340-2503 , and I will come pick it up.

In other news, I have been allowed to share the following information with you from the DEP:

From: Kasper-Dunne, JoAnne (DEP) [] 
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2019 9:14 AM
Subject: Templeton complaint, Casella Organics, Gavin Road

Hello, Mr. Barrieau.  Thank you for contacting MassDEP regarding this project.  I apologize for the 
delay in getting back to you.   We have been in discussions with the town and Casella Organics 
and we wanted to make sure we had the most up to date information. Casella Organics has asked 
MassDEP to put the application (Transmittal # X283951) from SWCA Environmental Consultants, 
dated August 1, 2019, submitted on behalf of the Town of Erving on hold for the site, 
Templeton LLC c/o Michael Smith off Gavin Road (Parcel ID # 4-03-14) in Templeton, MA 01436.  
While this proposal is on hold, no actions will be taken by MassDEP.  Thank you again for taking the time to 
write to us.  If the situation changes in the future please feel free to contact us again.

JoAnne Kasper-Dunne

From: Mark Barrieau
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2019 7:20 AM
To: Postale, Brian (DEP)
Subject: Opposed to Casella Organics Operation

Mr. Postale,

I am opposed to any permit for Casella Organics in the Baldwinville village of 
Templeton, Massachusetts.  I live at 75 Royalston Rd, approximately 1 mile 
south of this proposed waste dump.  I am very concerned about the terrible odors, 
and how they will prevent us from the Quiet Enjoyment of our property. Also, the truck
traffic on Royalston Rd. to Gavin Rd. would contribute to the further destruction of 
these public roadways.  Please consider my opposition to this operation when 
reviewing the plans for this operation.


Mark P Barrieau
75 Royalston Rd
Baldwinville, MA 01436


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