Saturday, January 18, 2020


Economic cost of autism epidemic $1 trillion/year and growing. By 2025, the cost of autism will exceed military spending in US.

The True Cost of Autism begins at 52 minutes.

Toby Rogers Political Economist - Doctoral Thesis- 

486 pages - 125 pages of references

Please consider the information from Jeff Bennett's blog -

Pension funds are typically heavily invested in Big Pharma. Big Pharma manufacturers the mandatory vaccines which contribute to autism epidemic. Autism epidemic will break the education system financially as well as our economy. And so it goes. Round and round.

Estimates of autism are now 1:32  projected to be 1:2 by 2030 if NOTHING changes.

Who will be able to work? Who will take care of these kids when they age out of the public school system? Who will  be left working to contribute to the pension systems?

Right now 54% of children have at least 1 chronic illness. Our children are more and more unhealthy. WHY?

Do we continue to do nothing? 
To keep our heads in the sand for fear of ridicule?
Not a good business plan!


1 comment:

  1. A most excellent video on the cost of autism with the accompanying text. Does it get any easier to learn the answers? Nice job Pauly!!
