Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20

Hello – this is my opinion April 20, 2011

Today is April 20th and I just finished putting the sides on the bus, because I don’t want to be thrown under it again, by the powers that be. As a question for selectman candidate “S” and selectman “O” - got any plans to recover the thousands of dollars paid to the conservation agent because of dishonest activities by then selectman “S” and conservation chairman “G"

 You the taxpayer are the ones that were supposed to vote on the grade change for all the money.

But the powers to be at the time thought they could run this town without the vote of us taxpayers. Well it worked for 23 months and a lot of you voters didn’t even know what was going on. And the ConCom agent laughed all the way to his bank in Boxborough. Did all the taxpayers think that I was just joking around when I called certain people dishonest at a selectmen’s meeting that was shown on the town’s cable station 8. Most people are afraid to call a lair a liar. But I am not afraid of any of them.

I pay a lot of taxes in this town and I don’t like the way that tax money is being thrown away on dishonest deeds. Yes I can name them. I have been fighting for all us taxpayers for a long time. Yes the schools, the fire dept, the police, the highway are all asking for big, big money. People are losing their houses, cars, jobs, Rights of free speech and a lot of other things, because of greedy people. People that they let get out of control.

In my opinion, we the registered voters should all go to town meeting and vote “no” on all articles on the town warrant. We should then go home and enjoy life for 5 years. Then have a new town meeting. Things can get better in 5 years.

Without a showdown these same people will keep rocking the apple cart until we have none left. Several members “of the powers that be” say we don’t need a senior center. Well I have news for them. I have been looking for that serum that keeps you young for 74 years. I am convinces that it does not exist. So let’s get that senior center done now! Before we seniors run out of time. Is it true that Adolf Hitler wanted a perfect society; nobody lives longer than 55 years old except his staff. Well look what happened to him and his staff.

We the taxpayers have been pushed into foreclosure, bankruptcy, and hunger by the fat wallet people that we elected to run this town. Don’t let it happen again.

Go to the Elections on Monday, May 2nd and keep the fat wallet people off of the town boards.

                                          For SELECTMEN

and don’t forget to re-elect:    PETER FARRELL SEWER COMMISSION

The town needs Pete Farrell. He has always done a good job on the commission.

I don’t like to be criticized, but if you have to please print your criticisms and slide them under the “rug”. Ya know what I mean? (follow the leader) never mind (progress). Let’s all young and old take a 5 year break from all this “BS”. I realize some things are important, but hey – with all the firefighting equipment within 5 miles of Templeton (mutual aid) do we need full time firefighters or a new $500,000.00 fire truck? (I hope I don’t have a fire.)

I have been in the transportation business for 50 years. I know what needs replacing or repairing. A 3 year old big crown Victoria or a nice big mercury marquis with 150,000 miles will last another 3 to 5 years with repairs, new transmission and engine. That’s all if the problem is diagnosed right. Saving about $20,000.00 a year (I hope I don’t need a policeman). As far as the highway dept goes it looks like we have a parts changer at the highway barn. I thought we had a mechanic. A mechanic repairs vehicles so they don’t have to buy brand new vehicles when the tires wear out. The mechanic is supposed to do maintenance to prevent failure, but it looks like the maintenance is thought of after failure of the equipment. He-he-he

The highway super wants a brand new $200,000.00 truck plus thousands to repair roads around town. $200,000.00 is a lot of “getas” for 1 truck. Is it better to repair some roads so this equipment doesn’t get beat up or to keep buying new equipment? There is a lot of good used equipment out in the world that has had good maintenance and for cheep money. Ask some of us taxpayers that have experience in the equipment field. Or maybe it’s better to pay a consultant thousands for advice on the subject. Smarten up Bud!

Some day we will have a full board of selectmen that will work for the tax payer and listen to the taxpayer with a certain expertise instead of get a quote $$, get a quote$$. In this town of Templeton you don’t need the equipment that New York City needs. 10 million people compared to 7500 people. 127 miles compared to 2500 miles. Bridges, tunnels, side streets, etc. Do you remember the old slogan about cars? “When better cars are built Buick will build them, ask the man who owns one” This should go for vehicles and equipment for the town.

As far as the ambulance is concerned, I am not going to comment (someone will put a curse on me) because when we get rid of our old one someone else will use it for 10 years with proper maintenance and parts replacement.

As far as the schools are concerned – it is a system that should be run by a business person about finance. Not by someone who wants to be comfortable and make decisions as a teacher and not a business manager dealing with money. Our school system has been out of control for years. I know how to fix it. But I am having a hard time getting the powers to be to tell me why nothing can be done about the thousands of dollars wrongly over paid the concom agent. And why in writing that this Town of Templeton ever, ever needed an affordable housing coordinator for the tune of $16,000.00+ a year. What is the big secret? Carol, Shaun, Dennis, Bob C. Chris? When I asked that’s all I hear “verbal” not in writing, that there is nothing we (selectmen) can do. But the thousands are gone.

Hey taxpayers how about giving me some help to help you stop this “BS”.


P.S. Pass the word about my blog more to come daily until things get back to normal and I junk the “bus”.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog...As always I defer to you expertise when it comes to equipment. Why is it that Capital Planning doesn't support buying used? Without their endorsement, there is no money to buy even if the good deals could be had. No support, no article on town floor....What's a Dept head to do?
