Friday, April 22, 2011


In my opinion the Gardner News is not a hometown newspaper anymore. The powers that be at the Gardner News do not want to let us people in Templeton and the surrounding towns know what is going on in this area. I even offered to pay for my information to be printed.

No way I always thought the news, was the news. I am not renewing my subscription and I hope everyone else does the same thing. Who wants to pay for the same news that is in other papers and on the TV news? We the people of Templeton want to read about us and our town not what’s going on in the Middle East or something that we can read in the Worcester Telegram or watch on CNN. I used to enjoy Ernie King’s letters but he must have “P.O.” the in house powers and they “the in house powers” are punishing us readers. Is this some type of the beginning of Hitler’s perfect society?

Does Gemborys from Gardner think it’s just him that the newspaper won’t print his story? We the people that help make the newspaper productive are being punished because 1 or 2 readers are offended. Like the hypocrites on the Conservation Commission and some members of the Board of Selectmen. Most people know by now who I am talking about. With all the hands in the cookie jar. The cookies are all gone!

We the taxpayers didn’t get any – so where is this going to end? The dishonesty and the I want, I want people must be voted out of so we can vote someone in that will work for us taxpayers. Is the Town Coordinator hired – yes hired to advise the Board of Selectmen or completely take over the Board of Selectmen office? And make her own decisions on matters? Ask me, the new town hall is not going to solve any problems.

I believe it will make matters a lot worse and we will end up with a 40 year mortgage for a big mess. All the big problems in the Middle East are caused by dictators. And it has slowly worked its way to Templeton.

I have been waiting for almost a year for my bonafide complaints to be addressed. To let the taxpayers know what’s happening with these boards. I’m talking about thousands of dollars being given away. For example the personnel board makes a rule and some people under the control of the selectmen illegally change the rules. The chairman of the Board of Selectmen said to me in person “I’m sorry but I can’t do anything about what they did illegally” Pretty good answer huh? When you have 3 bad out of 5 “powers to be” the town will never ever work the right way – watch the selectmen’s meetings on ch 8 or come to the selectmen’s meetings to witness it yourself. This activity did not just happen a couple of days ago; it’s been going on for too long. As long as us taxpayers allow it to happen the illegal activities will continue.

When I was thrown under the “bus” in September 2010 for asking the Selectmen “what do I have to do to get your attention? Go Postal” I did not say if you don’t listen to my complaints on paper I will go postal. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed! How many people actually complained to the Chief of Police about my comment? Your right nobody – just the Town Coordinator and Selectman “Buba” (figure that one out) Nobody will own up to going up to the police station and making a formal complaint. I don’t know if it was a man, a woman, or a “chicken”. What do you think?

The whole letter is based on my opinion and without doubt 100’s of other taxpayers in Templeton. So speak up taxpayers and let the whole town know what’s on your mind. Give me any questions you think are important to your fellow tax payers and I will put them on my blog. Can this few people be embarrassed by my blog or are they going to remain ignorant morons? Or are they “the guilty ones” going to go back under their “rock” and stay there?

I wish more people would have showed up for candidate’s night. And a shout out to Tom and Luanne Royer for donating their time and place of business and food! A lot of candidates didn’t show up. How come? It was free or wasn’t it important enough. You be the judge at the elections on May 2, 2011.

For Selectmen – Go JULIE FARRELL - we want you re-elected. Don’t let “Buba” get to you!

Go JEFF BENNETT – you got your point across to most of us.

The rest can stay on the porch!

As far as the rest of the candidates – I am 100% for PETER FARRELL. We the people elected Peter Farrell but the “powers that be” won’t let him do his job. They want to take over his job. Something doesn’t sound right. What do you think Ernie?

Are you the taxpayers ready for a stupid question? You are the CEO or the sole proprietor of a business ok? In Templeton. The Directors of the pallet company say to you. - I want you to hire someone you don’t want for your secretary. Is this a stupid question or what? Well that is just about what has been going on in town. The town coordinator seems to pick and choose who she wants. Then when questioned about it - she says it was voted by the Board of Selectmen. Some vary qualified people put resumes for administrative assistants in the selectmen’s office and did not even get interviewed. And these people were Templeton residents and taxpayers. How Come? Well I’ll tell you how come. Rules and bylaws have been ignored, because “we the Taxpayer” can’t stay up all night watching what goes on in town hall when most of us must get some sleep to function.

I asked a stupid question to a Personnel Board member a while back. I said “How did you make a rule without the taxpayer being involved” he said it was passed at our meeting. I asked – when do you have your meetings? His answer was “8AM, when all you taxpayers are working” pretty good answer, huh. he-he-he. So taxpayers when you ask a fellow taxpayer “how the hell did this get passed by vote?” Now you know how it is done. Meetings are still being done behind our backs. But we are catching up. All we need now is a full 5 honest member Board of Selectmen, not just 2 or 3. Or is that asking for the impossible?

Get out and vote Monday, May 2nd. Ask your friends who they think you should vote for. If we are not allowed to voice our opinion or put a political notice in the Gardner News, we will find a way. In fact I used to use the Gardner News to start my wood stove but now I just spread the Gardner News on all my floors. So I can use my freedom and walk all over it and then burn it. “The Gardner News” I wonder how many people feel about the Gardner News? And no it should not be used in the bathroom if you know what I mean.

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