Monday, May 9, 2011

What happened at the Election

Would someone please explain to me what happened at the Town Elections last Monday. How could everyone leave Narragansett thinking that Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett had won the two openings for Selectmen. Tuesday morning the Town Clerk swears in Jeff Bennett as a selectmen, then an hour later she swears in Gerald Skelton saying he won. We know that Julie got the top spot, but why all the confusion on the second place finisher? Even The Gardner News had Jeff as the second spot winner.
Well as of today, Monday, May 9th Jeff Bennett has submitted his petition for a recount of votes. Thank you Jeff!!! Now maybe we can get to the bottom of this.  What a mess!!
At tonight's Selectmen meeting Jerry Skelton sat with the Board.  I was a little late - missed the voting on Chairman - it appears Bob Columbus was elected.  Now I know that Julie and Bob Mitchell voted no for Bob Columbus being Chairman.  Chris Stewart and Jerry Skelton voted yes. (I missed who made the original motion for Bob C to be chairman.) But the vote was a tie 2 yes and 2 no - so Bob Columbus voted for himself to break the tie.  Oh SH..... we are in trouble now, they elected as chairman of our Board of Selectmen a person who has bullied our treasurer and called the town townspeople attending the selectmen's meeting A.......s .  Chris S - resign now, for you do not have the best interest of the taxpayers in mind.
With the microphones not working or Bob C speaking too softly tonight at least we didn't hear him calling anyone names.  How come when I mentioned the word "postal" everyone heard me? When are the new mics coming so all can hear what is going on????

Does anyone know exactly how many kids are enrolled in the schools?  How big a school do we really need?  Exactly how many acres of land do we need, now that they have decided that the Otter River Road land is too wet?  Didn't we try to tell them this?

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