Friday, May 27, 2011

April 15th, 2011

Hi people-
Did you like my latest blog April 22, 2011, it sure says it like it is, right? I have been preparing for the election May 2nd 2011, helping pass the word on, who in my opinion should be put in as selectman. A lot of people I talked to say they don’t even care who gets in as selectman, and my reply was to them “Don’t cry when you or your grandchildren can’t afford to live in Templeton because of the way the town is run by the I want – I want group with the big wallets “.  Not even caring what impact those decisions have on our lives and well being and on our children and grandchildren.

All of us taxpayers should re-visit our bylaws and throw most of them out. For instance, a ten signature citizens’ petition changed to 100 signatures. Most people have better things to do than go out in this cruel world and explain to people why let one stupid person change a bylaw that has worked and could still work if people and taxpayers were more informed why a particular Selectman tried to get this bylaw passed under the table.  Yes Bubba, we the people ( that was at that Selectman’s meeting) knew exactly what you and that taxpayer involved were trying to do (sneaky again).  See the DVD on what had been discussed at review articles for special town meeting. In fact, it got so frustrating that Bennett got the Chairman’s’ permission to speak and was granted and said that the coordinator and Bubba should resign because of how they, both of them knew it was wrong, but sat there in front of all present and the DVD acting ignorant like they both really are and thinking that they could pull the wool over our eyes.  Thanks Jeff Bennett for catching the sneaks in front of all of us. I was told in my own house that I can’t speak today Sunday, I said yes its just like a Selectman meeting, I can’t speak.
Let those guilty try to lie their way out on that one – I am still waiting for the date of a recount. I know someone did something sneaky but do not know how. I have a lot of trust in the people that ran the election and Carol Harris and Wendy Stevens, so we must just wait and watch the recount to find out what happened.
May 20th, 2011
Ok, the recount is over and I was a witness to the procedure. That lawyer from Kopelman and Paige did not, I said did NOT do a good job. People were talking and distracting a lot of the counters and checkers, like this thing was no big deal. I made a complaint to Jeff Bennett’s lawyer that was walking around checking tables, the lady was at a checking table carrying on like it was a social event. How can checkers and counters concentrate?
In my opinion that recount was a disaster. It’s a shame that Jeff Bennett had to spend a lot of money to bring out the truth. Is that the way it is supposed to be? NO! The town should reimburse any money it cost him (Jeff Bennett) to prove that, even at the polls, a few people try to upset the system by taking shortcuts and being dishonest (they know who they are)- and I want to hear some comments from anyone.
I have seen a lot of dishonest people on these boards, elected and appointed, and I (PHC) will not stop until all of them are out of office and tarred and feathered and kicked out of town- you just can’t embarrass these morons. I have complaints that have not been addressed for over a year and I know why, because the majority votes and I wasn’t that important to them – Columbus, Obrien, Stuart. Now the tables have turned and I am confident that more people will show up at select, personnel, Con-Comm, planning board and board of health meetings if the chairman of these committees don’t bully and intimidate us taxpayers. Columbus wants us taxpayers to come to these meetings and just sit there like stupid’s. He should resign his position and save us taxpayers a lot of embarrassment.
 All you people that read my blog should make your own assessments and bring your concerns on paper to me and I will make sure the Selectmen get them, and not get slipped under the rug! You know what I mean? Like a lot of other complaints that the board never read because of ONE person that thinks she runs the town and the Board of Selectmen are second in command. In the next few weeks a lot of problems will be solved so please try to attend at least the Selectman’s meetings. That’s where it all begins, and yes you can make a difference! You the taxpayers , that have witnessed the way I have been bullied and lied to – yes lied to – by elected officials and appointed officials at Selectmen meetings and Con-Comm meetings, and I have the DVD and the tapes to prove what I am telling you.
These people have cost us taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last seven years, but I am sure the election on May 2nd, 2011 disappointed hundreds of us taxpayers, but the recount on May 19th, 2011 satisfied all of us, Everyone in town, rich or poor, should be thankful that Jeff Bennett, Julie Ferrell and Bob Mitchell are here for all us taxpayers and not just a special interest group.
A taxpayer told me last week May 16th, 2011 that when she goes to Selectmen Meetings she will not say or stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. That is her right and I don’t blame her. I was planning to sit next to her the next B.O.S. meeting in protest of what has gone on in the past with the B.O.S. meetings and the disgusting way the majority of the board voted. Most people could see right through those 3 Selectmen, and I am confident things will take a big turn
May 23rd, 2011
Selectman’s Meeting, come and be a witness to history being made at a Selectman’s Meeting in Templeton, also in my opinion every person in Templeton that can make it to the polls June 1st do so and vote NO on the override. It is time the Superintendant of Schools (Weiss) learns about the taxpayers needs, not just hers. I know how important an education is, but Templeton does not have an education problem. The town has always had a big, big, BIG financial problem with the Superintendant of Schools and the committees that control the budgets for the schools. I am so sick of taxpayers saying how did they (the school people) get away with things. But it is always after they get their tax bill, then the crying starts. Along with foreclosures, vehicle repossessions, lights and water shut off, no food on the table, long lines at the welfare office and “for sale” signs on their lawns.
I hope everyone supports the new Selectman (Jeff Bennett) and the other Selectmen that work so hard to do things right for all of us taxpayers. Come on to the meetings when you can and be a witness to town government.
Thanks for reading my blog – MORE TO COME.

May 24th, 2011
Greetings, from the postal guy. In my opinion there weren’t many people at the new, and I say NEW, Selectman’s meeting. The Gestapo leader Bubba tried to pull some more of his B.S. as chairman. This is going to be turned into anyone that can legally slap him down, and I am going to start with recall for Bob Columbus today.  People that did not see the meeting on channel 8 or be at the meeting itself should go to the Selectman office and order a DVD for $5, then you can see for yourself what an inconsiderate moron Bubba is. We the people in attendance tried to stop him from trying to take more of our freedom away with the rules of order, well, he got shot down, and we all let him babble and try to act important but when the time came for the honest Selectmen to make their positions heard Bubba was thrown under the bus and is not going to come out fighting like I (PHC) did. And I’m NOT done with the papers that were thrown under the rug in the Selectman’s office.
Now, as I understand, the paperwork on the generator sold to the town cannot be found. Who was in charge of that paperwork? How did Frank Mochetti get paid for that generator if he didn’t turn in the paperwork? Good Question! In my opinion the town coordinator should just go home and watch T.V. She, C.S., has proved to me and a lot (hundreds) of others that she did not do a good job in the Selectman’s office. But do not put the blame all on C.S., she had may people going into her office and suggesting that she does things their way and got her in trouble, and now she is all alone to answer accusations made against her, and I am one of them. Two or three people at Selectman’s meetings called for her to resign, along with Bob Columbus for trying to pull shady deals – and I am one of them also.
The Gardner News refused to print an article in “letter to the editor” column so I went to the Gardner News office and offered to pay for my article, but they refused saying it was not appropriate. Well, is the news the news, or is it a private advertising newspaper.  Again I am cancelling my subscription to the Gardner News, and going with the Boston Globe or Worcester Telegram. When I put something in those papers let’s see what happens. I just got the news that Gerry Skelton got paid illegally for 2 weeks that he knows he should not have. Do we make the Election Board pay for this or should Skelton pay it back like an honest person would do? But as you all probably agree , he has not been honest for the past several years. He probably figures why start now at being honest. I have a lot of confidence in three of the Selectmen and possibly 4, but ONE guy is out with me forever. Guess who?
I am hoping that Chris will start thinking about his position on the Selectman Board instead of his position elsewhere. I would not like to sit on a board and be a yes man, when ever taxpayer that watches the CVC or the ones that attend the Selectman Meetings can see right through you. Yes there are 4 such people on the Con-Comm that do exactly that. I hope Grimley and Jo-Ann do not decide to jump off the French King Bridge?  Will the other 4 follow?
See what I mean, in my own opinion all the problems I have had with the Con-Comm only dealt with dishonest people, not one argument had anything to do with wetlands, only sweaty wallets. They who are responsible for the dishonest deeds should have filed a notice of intent He-He-He… you know what I mean wet, sweaty wallets. I have more complaints coming up next month watch real carefully.
I can’t stand a hypocrite and that’s what I am going after – you know I can break the law, as long as I don’t get caught, and if I get caught I will try to lie my way out of it. That is a bonafide hypocrite. Does anyone think that the cheap moron that turned me into the D.E.P. for storing junk cars in the wetland is going to admit it was a lie. Well the D.E.P investigated my yard and found NO violations. I have that decision on paper to prove it, and to the liars that told me it was not them, may they have their day in court but don’t ever lose that thought about West Boylston where a good friend of mine works, he told me that they have room for more – HE-HE-HE.
Well I must close now, do go and sharpen my zip code for postal reasons, HE-HE-HE 01468. Remember all of my blog is in my opinion and my opinion only.

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