Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Letter to the Selectmen

Dear Members,

I respectfully request that you reconsider the appointing of Shaun Grimley to the Conservation Commission.  I call your attention to the numerous complaints concerning him and his actions on the Conservation Commission. If you recall there was an executive session concerning him last November, which I have requested the minutes.  Selectman Bennett knows all too well how Mr. Grimley behaves at the commission meetings,
having been on the receiving end of his refusal to release minutes and other public information, in addition to being a witness to Mr. Grimley’s bullying and yelling at taxpayers. The position of the Commission is to protect the wetlands and inform the public not intimidate then.  Do you remember Mr. Grimley being verbally abusive to Mr. Bob Young and his daughter? How about how he has treated Jodie Parker when all she has been trying to do is get answers on the Otter River Recreation land.

I find it very interesting that when I was up for reappointment to the Conservation Commission last year, the Conservation Commission appointments were done at a meeting by themselves not in the mist of 20 plus appointment with a lot of confusion.  You may remember that Mr. Grimley had gotten the word out to all the Conservation Commission members (excluding me) prior to the meeting so they all could be there to try to get me thrown off and Chris Symonds put on.  Violating the Open Meeting Laws, not exactly an ethical way for a public commission member to act.

 I also would like to remind you members that it is Mr. Grimley who along with the Town Coordinator and a former Board of Selectmen Chairman illegally moved the Conservation Agent after only 4 months of employment from a Grade 6 step 3 to a Grade 10 without it going before Town Meeting resulting in an employee being overpaid a significant amount of money over a two year period. This was done in total disregard of the Personnel Policy and the Town By-laws. 

Please reconsider the appointment of Shaun Grimley to the Conservation Commission.

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