Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 18, 2011

Hello Friends – The “merry go round” has not stopped. I attended the Selectmen’s meeting Monday night (June 13th) and what a circus. It turns from Gestapo type meeting to a “who knows” meeting. The agenda was run a “a pick as you go” agenda – with appointments jumbled around and passed without question because most of the board didn’t know who was talking about who! The people in the audience were trying to figure out what the board was voting on.
The only one who probably knew was Julie.  I wrote a letter to the Selectboard requesting that Shaun Grimley not be reappointed to the Conservation Commission because of the hundreds of complaints through the years against him, along with JoAnn Burndin with hundreds of complaints. Also other taxpayers letters to the appointing authority, not one of those letters against Grimley was read to the public,  not one, not one.
When the board of Selectmen voted 5-0 to reappoint Grimley, I looked at Jeff Bennett with his head down looking at his paperwork and said to Sue Byrne “I must get out of this disgusting meeting to save my sanity”, and I left. I always expected a dumb irresponsible vote from Columbus and Stewart, but I honestly  thought that Julie and Mitchell and especially Bennett would vote “No” on the Grimley reappointment, after all the complaints against  Grimley. Complaints that were turned into the Selectmen’s office, even the ones Bennett himself made. Were they all swept under the rug by the “powers that be” Carol?  Or were they just ignored? Where are the minutes from the executive meeting for Shaun Grimley’s hearing, with Bill Harris, Jodi Parker, Bob and Gwen Young? Did they get lost also?
I know about collusion and shoulder patting that goes on at Town Hall. I am a witness and have documentation on a lot of it, For instance Carol giving my three complaints directly to the people I complained about, to vote on at a ConCom meeting. Yeas, I have the proof on paper. (certified) Without the board of Selectmen voting to do this. Sneaky, crooked, uncalled for, deliberate action by the coordinator without the selectmen’s approval.  How do you like that?
Please, Please Give all your friends my “Blog” info  so they can read it for themselves. Maybe this will help to get more voters to the polls to vote these so called “working” for the people” people, they all need a big “fine” from the Board of Ethics.
All the complaints were not for me to be heard, but to let other people remember, we still live in a free country – or do we? And they still haven’t been answered. Watch the Cable TV of the selectmen meeting of June 13th 2011 and make your own decision on how these people are working for your better interest, watch your hard earned dollars go down the drain with that building “the new town hall”. How can anyone stand on the  ground and say it’s a  nice building and it’s got a new roof”/ the committee that made the decision to buy that rats nest cost you the taxpayer thousands of dollars because it was such a good deal.  I would never want any of the to work for me – it’s so easy to things with someone else’s money “the Taxpayer” and not have to be accountable for you actions. Not to get off the subject but – I just got the minutes of the ConCom meeting of May 16, 2011. If you want to witness a real liar – JoAnn Burdin – see page 7 of the minutes – it says I constantly swearing throughout the discussion and was acknowledged and noted. Is Joann Burdin trying to implicate Janet Haley of did she coerce Janet Haley to print that in the minutes? It is a big lie and I have the only tape recording of that meeting (digital type). Any one of my friends are welcome to hear it, including the so called appointing authorities. 
I have a 2 inch stack of pictures and dates of things that will tell a big story all in itself. I’ll bet they will scramble when the judge orders the pictures to be shown. Carol Skelton knows about me taking pictures because I told her many times.
Now that the liar or liars are exposed, I will be requesting the DEP to conduct a soil test and yes, if I am wrong I will pay for the test. $$$ I know I am right so who is going to pay for cleanup (brownsfield)? Not a chance as long as we have all the taxpayers that know about this alleged issue. Right Irwin? What a beautiful piece of land the Fercold School sits on except the alleged part that is. Sorry I will not mention anything Hazmat until the test is approved by the DEP.  There is no – I repeat no corruption in Templeton, it is just the word of a 74 year old senile old man that was born and lived it Templeton all those 74 years. Does this guy know about any secrets??? Is that a threat or just a senile old man talking (right) JoAnn and Grimley? 
Though all my complaints about the ConCom I Must omit 2 people. Zachery Koziol and Justin Duplessis. These guys in my opinion have common sense and are usually contradicted by JoAnn and Grimley. I don’t know what the powers that be are thinking about, but it sure is not about us people that made the formal complaints 6-17-11.
What do you think about the $136,000. Per year school superintendent? Or what should we do about a recall, I am all for it, and for many others on the town’s (parasite) payroll. If you know some names and numbers $$ just ask, and you shall receive.
Thanks for reading my opinion on the blog. He-He-He
More to come……….

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