Sunday, December 4, 2011

recalling the wrong people

I don’t know what the organizers of the recall effort are talking about. The past Board of Selectman Chairman D.O’B. let me speak at a selectmen’s meeting and then 2 days later someone (Big secret) convinced the Police Chief to throw me under the bus – but it back fired. Then I get the new chairman to listen to me along with Jeff Bennett and Bob Mitchell and they are investigating my complaint. And I am happy about that. So what’s the problem people? What does due process mean – 6 or 7 years under the rug? In my opinion – why don’t all you do-gooders wait another couple of weeks to let me  “not the miss informed big mouths, ” to prove all my complaints are bonafide.  Who is trying again to hide what from whom? I am losing a lot of friends because of illegal BS that went on at town hall before Jeff Bennett took the seat from you know who, who had taken it illegally. This is still my opinion. I hope everyone who reads my blog will look in the mirror and ask themselves, have I been bullshitted or what? Is it true that the organizers of the recall went bed to bed at the Baldwinville Nursing Home? If that’s so- that is the cheapest move so far from that group. It must be true – I checked the petition papers and sure enough I recognized a few names of people I know are residents at the nursing home. Isn’t it bad enough that these organizers stood in front of each precinct post office and intimidated people trying to go about their business? I know  now how the organizers got the signatures they needed but please listen to me, it is like someone stabbing you in the back and then taking bets on witch way you fall.  I believe if it gets to the ballot box for the tune of 6 to 7 thousand dollars of your tax dollars, people will vote a lot different. Nobody will be standing over your shoulder at that nice secure 3 sided box. This time I will be on hand to watch the counting of the ballots. Remember what happened election day may 2011 the only one sorry about the change in who won the election was Jeff Bennett it cost him $4000.00 to prove to all his supporters that he won legally. I also talked to another taxpayer that signed the recall because he was mad at Chief Whittaker. I said why pick on Julie and Bob M? His reply was none of them care about the tax payers.

I personally encouraged Jeff Bennett to order the recount of selectmen’s ballots, May 2011- look what happened after a $4000.00  fee for Bennett and a cost of thousand to the us taxpayers. Was Julie and Bob M to blame for this mistake? Was it a human error? I am still fuming about how Gerry Skelton went to the town Clerks office a looser and came out a short time later a winner. Sorry Carol H - but what do you think happened? Did someone do something illegal again? Without thinking of the recourse from all us taxpayers. “note” I pay over $15,000.00 a year to Templeton and I don’t like anyone reaching into my pockets for personal I agendas.  And these recall  people want to throw the good selectmen out and bring back the ?????? – sorry I’ll leave that up to your imagination – they might sue me – they are sue happy you know.

Thanks for reading – please send comments “on paper” he-he-he –get it?

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