Sunday, December 4, 2011

Town Coordinator

I personally talked to a person that signed the recall papers – that person did not have their glasses on and were told by the recall carriers that Julie and Bob M were firing a lot of employees and other lies about why they want to recall Julie and Bob M. How many other voters and even the non-registered voters were told the same thing about the reason for the recall petitions.
That they signed. Let’s get the truth out to these people even the non-registered voters. These two selectmen Julie and Bob M are the first honest selectmen we have had here in Templeton in a long time. Julie and Bob M have opened up a  rotten can of worms at the town office building. Of course with a little help from Jeff Bennett  and the other town employees. The truth has come out in the open – and to quote Shaun Grimley “ and some people don’t like what they are hearing” end quote! It isn’t a case of just hearing it , it’s the case of proving it and I have it on paper. The accused should just admit her mistakes and stop all the fighting that has caused lifelong friends to go opposite ways because of liars and cheats in Templeton government to prosper dollars with not just bad publicity. I will gladly show any town resident proof on paper then let the guilty ones try another lawsuit. No I am not sticking my neck out for the “town” I am sticking my neck out for the taxpayers, because the Gardner News will not print my letters to the editor that I have delivered in person. How do you people like that (your hometown newspaper)yea right. and that is why I set up my blog. I had a lot of complaints and my requests “just got lost” at the town hall regarding taxpayers interest but Julie and Bob M found 10 of them with the help of Jeff Bennett and asked me on paper from selectmen’s office if I still wanted those complaints addresses. I advised the selectmen’s office that I did indeed want then addressed and not in executive session. Watch what happens. In my opinion an executive session is a judge Roy Bean session in Templeton Did Julie Farrell as chairman decide to have an open session so all you recall people could heckle her and the other two members. No she did it the way any honest chair would in front of the people that could make up their minds  without special interest people to holler” foul” This was not a question and answer session and Julie F told all of us first you are not going to ask questions during this session and our and I say our lawyers as in town of Templeton these lawyers were hired to work for the town including Julie f and Bob M and to quote Shaun Grimley     “you just didn’t like what you heard” from the lawyers firm, so why don’t you sue the lawyer firm that advised the chairman how to conduct the session so there wouldn’t be a  riot in that building. I know who would be the ones to start the riot and in my opinion the lawyers were right because the troublemakers were escorted out of the room by the police one troublemaker lucked out by saying that he had a cramp – when making gestures with his hands – see the dvd. You recall people have designed this procedure just to harass and annoy the town. And it worked so far because of the recall effort. Why doesn’t Julie and Bob M have our town lawyers send each of the recall organizers a nasty letter like the town coordinator had Kopleman and Paige (our former lawyers) do to Jeff Bennett on August 27th 2010. Who wants to see that letter? I have a copy. This was when Bennett was just a nobody that lives on Partridgeville Road. Well that letter fired Bennett up and look at him now a selectman. I don’t always agree with the way Bennett votes but its people like the recall bunch that sparks up people like myself and Bennett and we also have a lot of honest followers. Ask for the truth on paper and you shall receive a certified truthful copy and remember again the town coordinator was thrown under the bus by association, now just ask yourself who are the  most people she associated with , Thanks for reading.

Ps. VOTE NO ON THE RECALL!!!   I heard Bennett was next – is that true

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