Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another response to Bob Columbus

 As I read for a tenth time Bob Columbus’ letter to the editor my blood boils- Mr. Columbus what do you consider a true town hall? Is this “true Town Hall” a “can’t live without issue”? How about the basics of survival?
And another thing I would like to point out about everyone under one roof, in a disaster no matter how small, if everyone was under one roof especially that roof at 252 Baldwinville Road “see you later” Jackson . When I say to board of selectmen –what is the big secret at 690 Patriots Road? We the taxpayers want to know – the answer was usually “what do you want us, the selectboard to do? Good answer huh? That was always said to me by the past coordinator. How many of these questions were ever given to “all” 5 members of the board of selectmen? On paper – not in the “hallway to nowhere” at 690 Patriots Road, No I did not name that hallway between the selectmen’s office and the conference  room, other people did, that’s how I found out. Also I was asked how I liked the $1,800.00 door to nowhere. End of story.

Every time I read the letter to the  editor dated Jan 12th by Bob Columbus, I asked myself, is this guy for real  or is he having a bad dream? Bob, you are knocking the chairman Julie Farrell again, for changing the wording on some article for town meeting. I know why Julie as chairman does things the way she does – it is to protect us taxpayers from people like your group – raise taxes – raise taxes and spend, spend, spend. Other words – if the ballet passes, your group will get $400,000 plus $157,000 – am I right? Are you still crying Bob? Now if the $400,000 ballet does not pass you people still want to drain the Pajari fund completely. Why? Will this be more good money (quote Bennett) after bad? I do not think Mr. Pajari meant to have his gift to Templeton ($275,000. plus) used in a polka game, or any other game when you have a 90% chance of losing.
Now that January 9th has come I am confident that things will straighten out at 690 Patriots Road with the appointment of our new town coordinator, Jeff Ritter. Then if everything goes the way I hope at the recall election – we can give a sigh of relief and get back to our businesses, both public and private.
Also try not to think of how much money we lost on this whole administration from 2004 to 2011. Seven years. Millions including the Sewer Dept deal –( yes Peter Farrell is right – read my blog about the writs of attachment 3.7 million and 4.2 million in Templeton’s favor, and K&P dropped the ball) Plus distrust for elected officials and appointed officials. But the obstruction of justice issue is still on the books as far as I am concerned, and I will have more time to bring that issue out in the open. Other words – to you guilty people, you can run but you can’t outrun the hands of justice. If my prediction comes out right – February 6, 2012 – every taxpayer in Templeton will be thanking me and all my followers, Julie Farrell and all her followers, and Bob Mitchell and all his followers. And maybe Chris Stewart will change his way of thinking about us taxpayers instead of being told how to think, in my opinion.
 And speaking of being told how to think – do you all realize that Virginia Wilder is taking her cues (how to think)  from Carol and Jerry Skelton – just check out how often she’s at their house. And Patrick Mullins –  who I have never seen at a Selectmen’s meeting but he has time to go to breakfast every morning at the Turtle with Jerry Skelton to get his cues!!!
Remember this is my opinion but all my facts are the truth!!!
 I haven’t heard from any taxpayers in Templeton that are mad at me for trying to protect that hard earned money that would be lost. If I am offending anyone in Templeton with my opinions, that’s life. Hee-hee-hee!! I must save some of my energy for my next blog -

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