Friday, January 13, 2012

In response to selectman Bob Columbus’ letter to the editor Jan. 12, 2012

Hello Templeton Taxpayers
In my opinion – in response to selectman Bob Columbus’ letter to the editor Jan. 12, 2012 in the Gardner News. I’m going to try to do this blog without calling someone a liar, look up the definition of a liar, for yourself. What you (Bob) are telling the taxpayers is that you,

the Municipal Building Committee wants $557,000 to make the roof in compliance, is that what you are saying in print, on paper (the Gardner News – January 12th) I am glad for many things that are put on paper, 1) you can’t say “I did not say that”, 2) or you (Bob) can’t say that you didn’t mean to print that, other words that’s where you separate a liar from a natural man like myself.  (PHC) What part of throwing good money after bad money (quote Jeff Bennett) don’t you understand. I believe the other selectmen are right. If you got 2 -$100 bills and you lose 1 $100 bill at least you got something left. If you get $400,000 at ballot you also get the $157,000 from the Pajari fund, that’s a little over ½ a million dollars. That sounds like more than $400,000 to update that roof at 252 Baldwinville Road, right? Or is the $157,000 from the Pajari fund just one of those other things – huh?

Also has anyone, I mean anyone, like the people that are going to work in that new town hall been asked what  their opinion of working there is? Don’t they count? Did any of the town employees ever take the time to talk to my friend Bill Rucky or his children about that building. I have and it wasn’t good. The Ruckys’ have lived next door to 252 Baldwinville Road for years. Billy’s kids made complaints when their mother  passed away a short time ago from cancer, but they were brushed off by the authorities they complained to. One report says – on paper – that 75% of the hazardous waste was water. Pretty good, huh. But where did that 75% that was water go? Out the back door?? Is that why it’s such a big hurry to bring in 3000 yards of fill? Why cover up the back yard with fill, 3000 yards?  How much did it cost materials unlimited to get rid of that Hazardous waste. I mean all 100% of it. Or did they? If 75% was water – how did they separate it and where are the manifests for hazardous material disposal. I (PHC) ask again, what did our building inspector say about that building? Did the committee give him time to inspect that building? Did someone say to Larry Brandt “we need that building Larry so don’t let us down” or was he, Larry Brandt, bullied into saying it’s a good building. How long did it take Larry to inspect that building at 252 Baldwinville Road?
Too many questions remain unanswered. How come? And people don’t forget my words on paper. A new 5 million dollar town hall is not going to solve Templeton’s problems, misuse of municipal funds, collusion, dereliction of duty, conspiracy, bulling, favoritism,  our past coordinator making bad decisions without the whole board of selectmen voting, taxpayers being influenced by a handful of sexual intellectuals (f---ing know it alls for you first time blog readers), yes only a handful, not 10% or 5%, a handful and a half a hands full, in other words about 7 to 10 people. I have the names and the offence each one has been using for the past eight to 10 years. My complaints are open for taxpayers or law enforcement to review, anytime. Don’t forget that obstruction of justice is a serious offence. Ask Sal Demace  and all those so called politicians – we the people are catching up to all involved in obstruction of justice.  

And as far as my “eight grade” education goes – I know that a $1.9 million dollar project is going to cost us over 5 million – want proof - just go to any online website that has a mortgage calculator and do the scenario of $1,900,000. Over 40 years at 5% interest – I did and it said payments would be $10,000.00 per month/$120,000.00 per year for 40 years. You try it. And where is the guarantee that employees won’t get sick from the building.
And Bob, my answer to your “example” on the end of your letter  to the editor, The selectchair did not lower our standards by hiring new legal people. She, Julie Farrell just got rid of a big expense for the town and everyone knows exactly what I am talking about, on paper and “no” chairman Farrell did not keep the board in the dark about the past town coordinator. Everyone who cared for the town and how it has been run knew about this issue. How come you didn’t? or did you? And in my opinion I don’t like the way you use the letter to the editor to politic for Ms. Wilder and Pat Mullins and to recall Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell. You sure have very little class, or is that what you, yes you, think is honest and the best interest for Templeton. Yea Mr. Gardner News editor explain the January 12 letter to the editor by Bob Columbus. You wouldn’t print my letters to the editor and some of Jeff Bennett’s. But Bob Columbus  always fits in, how come??? Do you call it political pull or has your paper been threatened with a lawsuit like the Town of Templeton?  Some officials in Templeton only have lawsuits on their minds, it’s a proven fact. I can go on until my note book is empty but in the Dec 29th article you mentioned “Julie and hundreds of taxpayers say the same thing – we the voters have been kept out of a lot of so called loops in town. Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell and Jeff Bennett are opening a lot of the secrets at 690 Patriots Road and to quote Shaun  Grimley “you just don’t like what you are hearing” and Chris Stewart you are a victim of circumstance. I know you don’t want to believe it but in my opinion you are, so smarten up. And Mr. Columbus, as far as putting everyone under one “leaky” roof to make things run better. I suggested years ago to install time clocks (which I offered to buy for the town) and video cameras, in other words – when you get paid for 20 hours  and you only work 10 hours – I want to be part of that club, Hee-hee-hee. Yeas I have time clocks at all 4 of my businesses, even my sons and my nephews  must punch in and out. I only insist on this to keep the honest honest, ya know what I mean and all my employees agree with me whether they like it or not. Hee hee hee
So enough about under  one, 5 million dollar roof, I am begging all of you registered voters to vote NO on the recall of Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell and vote NO on the $400,000.00 question , actually $557,000 you do the addition $400,000.00 plus $157,000.00 from the Pajari fund= $557,000.00 Pretty good addition for an eighth grade dropout huh? And maybe after February 6, 2012 we can concentrate on Templeton running smooth and a lot of attention to our taxes, not how much you can spend on stupid s---t. Let’s hear some pro’s and con’s about our East Templeton School for a town hall. We already own it and it’s empty. But in my opinion in retaliation by Rosalie Weiss for not handing her another couple million dollars. How do you like me know? Also the school committee better smarten up. Right Rae Ann? 
Money doesn’t grow on trees, especially not in my town of Templeton.  Thanks for reading and remember this is my opinion.
PS After an interview with Jeff Ritter, our new town coordinator - I am confident he will help us all to turn Templeton town government in the right direction - so lets help Jeff Ritter as much as we can.

1 comment:

  1. For those of you readers with ADD, the moral of the story is you don't overthrow elected governments. For those with larger attention spans...

    Ya know what's interesting? In an article Friday, I think it was, that was talking about the recall efforts of Gov Walker in Wisconsin, there were, in the comments section, a whole series of comments essentially, "c'mon, the guy was fairly elected. You don't like what he did, fine, if he goes for re-election don't vote for him". But he was elected, let him finish his term.

    Personally, I think he earned the recall, severely overstepping his bounds, canceling existing union contracts, swaying the legislature to change laws in support of his efforts, etc. But, did he get convicted of breaking any laws, did he commit a crime, is he a felon? No, not to my knowledge.

    Overthrowing a government is serious business. Yes, there is a time and a place for it like when it knowingly violates the US Constitution, The state or commonwealth constitution, federal or state laws. But just because it fired someone's spouse???? (The board of selectmen fired Carol, not Julie). Are you folks all on drugs? You are talking about overturning the will of the people, overthrowing an elected government.

    You can pretty it up with polite language like we are recalling the Governor, or the President, no, you, a incredibly small percentage of the voting population, are overthrowing a government. Don't like the way an election turned out, keep forcing another one until it goes your way.

    Let's say you win, then what Boss Haugg? Then, as soon as legally possible, others will get the 12 signatures (or however many it takes) at Stop and Shop to have a recall of your standins, and the vicious cycle will continue. Who gets the bill for this temper tantrum...err recall effort.

    Let's not conflate this topic with the whole school department issue, that's a whole 'notha conversation.
