Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Well it a new year – so let’s all spread the word – we have a little more than a month to keep spreading the word to vote NO on the recall of Julie and Bob M.  As I hope everyone has realized the two new candidates Mr. Mullins and Ms. Wilder are just “yes people” for the Skeltons.
How do I know this? Just watch the traffic at the Skelton ranch – along with Mr. Mullins and Ms. Wilder you will see Selectman Bob Columbus, employees Shaun Grimley (affordable housing coordinator), Kathy   Matson (library and webmaster) and Selectman administrative asst. Kate Meyers  -  Do we really want people in office that are just an extension of the Skelton rule.  Did you know that the group was at the Skeltons on the day that several “recall” people and one selectman called the new coordinator Jeff Ritter and tried to intimidate him into not taking the job?  I like Mr. Ritter’s comment “I will not be working for 1 selectman, I will be working for the board of selectmen and the people of Templeton”  maybe a few other employees should think about that – hey Shaun, Kate and Kathy – we the taxpayers pay your salaries are you working for us the taxpayers or the Skeltons? 

The recall people have been saying that Julie and Bob M are going to fire more people – this is not true well if your job is needed and you are doing it with honesty and integrity you have no problem.  So I ask why  pay Shaun Grimley as affordable housing coordinator ($16,000.00 + per year) now keep in mind that that position  is to monitor 40B projects. Well the last “affordable” condo to sell was in August 2008. They can’t sell the affordable units because the others are being priced less and so are houses. The town just paid $5000.00 to MRPC (Montachusett Regional Planning Commission) to do an affordable housing survey. Guess what as Kirk Moschetti said at the planning board meeting (and I don’t agree with him very often) there is no need for 40B projects they are a thing of the past now. So why are we paying $16,000 a year for a position that is not needed? What other towns have this position – none.
We have a town planner that makes over $40,000.00 a year yet the planning board pays MRPC to a lot of the studies – oh yeah she also works for MRPC – talk about job security at both jobs. With the economy the way it is and the developers not doing much (anything) in town do we really need to be paying a planner so much money? Remember when Dot Leger Lore did all the work in the planning board for a lot less money – couldn’t Carl G (planning board asst) handle the work?
Three assistants in the selectmen’s office  - well whenever I walked into the selectmen’s office – before they moved Deb D to highway  so Jean F could fill in for  coordinator. It was always Deb that would look up from her desk and ask to help. I’ve heard this from other taxpayers too. I’ve seen Kate filing her nails. Hmmm taxpayers money to file your nails!!!!
Last but not least the concom agent – remember when Bob Maki worked only 6 hours a week. Well we pay the agent for 23 hours a week – remember how the Skeltons (Jerry was selectmen then) illegally moved him up to a grade 10 from a grade 6 without it being voted at town meeting – he was over paid for 2 years over $14,000.00 and never had to pay it back?? What does he do for 23 hours per week? If there is nothing going on in town. Why couldn’t we just hire a consultant (at the applicants expense) when needed? Do you know that since he was hired Shaun G and the Skelton’s have totally ignored the personal policy (that every other nonunion employee abides by) and have paid him move than the wage and compensation plan – first when he was hired grade 6 step 5 they (concom and skelton’s) (I voted NO) gave him extra money from the wetland protection acct. then 4 months later the illegally moved him to the Grade 10. Then when it finally went to town meeting 2 years later (and I fought it) he was put to a Grade 6 top step – he should have put to Grade 6 step 5 (the same 1 step increase that the other employees got) then at a selectmen meeting Bob C, Dennis O, Chris S (on Shaun G’s recommendation) increased his hours. Talk about a conspiracy! I, PHC could organize and run the ConCom as volunteers – no agent. We, the members of the ConCom, in my opinion, are rubber stamps, 7 of us, stupid, but it’s been happening for 10 years, costing us taxpayers thousands.
Now I have heard that Kathy Matson – who has worked at the library for the past several years – has taken over the second floor of the library as her and her kids’ personal space and classroom for home schooling them – were we paying her while she was home schooling her kids? One of who is now the Chairman of the Advisory Board and another Skelton supporter.  Do we pay cleaners to clean up after them? Does anyone else have any info about this?
And then we have the wonderful employees that the Skeltons have tried to get rid of. – Treasurer Tammy Coller – bullied by Selectman Bob Columbus and Jerry Skelton – If Jerry Skelton had gotten back in office back in May 2011 do you know that they weren’t going to reappoint Tammy – they were going to give that job to Virginia Wilder!!! Tammy has done an incredible job cleaning up that office – just ask the auditors. Look at what she has collected from dead beat taxpayers.  Oh yea – and even with being constantly bullied by Bob Columbus and Jerry Skelton (I’ve seen Jerry do it) she refuses to sue because “she doesn’t want to do that to the people of Templeton” knowing it is the taxpayer who will pay  – too bad Carol Skelton doesn’t feel that way about the town.

Do remember when they were not going to reappoint Bud Chase? Another one they Bob C, Jerry S have bullied – but they are much better at bullying the women employees – Luanne Royer – why do you think she left the sewer dept.  when the job came up at the assessor’s office – not because of Pete Farrell – but because of the Skelton’s and how she was harassed – another one that didn’t want to sue because she would be hurting the people of Templeton.  Oh yeah what qualifications did Linda M have for that job? Another job created for a Skelton friend? Just my opinion.  Watch me PHC with the lawsuit against them personally not the town.
Then there is Deb D – the nicest person in the selectmen’s office – the one that I send people to because I know she will try to help them to the best of her ability. Harassed by Bob C – brought to tears by Bob C. Is it necessary to swear at an employee Bob C?   oh yeah and she’s on the municipal build committee with Jerry Skelton, Bob Columbus, Dennis O’Brien and Chris Stewart and the “Boy’s Club” doesn’t  keep her in the loop – is this what we want for our town of Templeton. Another one that could sue and won’t. oh yeah and did you know that Carol S used to make Deb D get her tea (at Dunkin Donuts) every morning  - gee Carol S how stressed were you?
So as you can see this is just some of what has go on in my town of Templeton and why I started this blog – to get the word out – do we need more Skelton puppets – do we need positions that were created by the Skelton’s for there “buddies”.  Remember this is my opinion.

Being this is a New Year let’s start a resolution (or a revolution) and spread the word to everyone you know in Templeton – send a link to my blog – send a page – lets be heard!!!
Does everyone understand “obstruction of justice” I am living proof.
PS hundreds of you people want to know what I remember – well keep reading.

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