Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello friends

Well, candidates night was really exciting, to start with Tom Royer had to pay me and my friends big bucks to maintain a smoothness, you know, don't create any problems during the session while the spokesman for Recall Inc. did a lot of talking, but just did not say much.
If you know what I mean? That bunch do not and will not understand English. All of those recall people should listen to themselves and then they can see what an a--- they make of themselves. And that reflects back on a few supporters. Yes a few. I know for fact that they got 900+ signatures on the recall sheets. Some still have bloodstains on the recall sheets where the elderly, like myself were forced to sign under duress. Do you readers know the definition of under duress? That recall bunch did this to hundreds of registered voters with their door to door bul--- talk about the intimidation, that them, at “meet the candidates’. That bunch and I say bunch should be ashamed of themselves, they the recall bunch just upset and annoyed all us honest taxpayers. But they just can't be shamed.
Dan Keeney did a good job of telling that bunch what side of the street they belong on. I wish Tom Royer would get his mike set up so we all can hear what's going on up front. But the “candidates’ night” was free so why should anyone bitch? hee hee hee. Dennis O'Brien said out loud, sit up here, we have a few empty chairs. Sure right, it would almost look like we would want to join that group. And you Pat Mullins, when you mention override, you just lost all chances in your life to be elected to a board that must make big decisions in town government. So back to the transfer station in Winchendon. But please do not drink any Kool-Aid up there it does bad things to your ego. Bumpsy Dennis asked the recall chairman a couple of clear questions. Mr. Mattson tried to ride around Mr. Dennis’ question. But it did not work. Shame, shame Mr. Mattson for trying to outwit Mr. Dennis. We all heard it; you were asked a question by someone who knows the ropes and you could not give any answer. Is that how you people got those recall signatures? I don't think Robert’s Rule is perfect, but it's a guide for people to go by. Imagine what would happen with no rules. Yes a lot of people would look like Sen. John Kerry this week, sporting two black eyes. He said on the news that he got those two black eyes playing hockey. Does any of the recall group want to play hockey?
Now let's get to the ballot for the recall of selectmen. One question on the ballot asks “are you(the voter) for the recall”, and right below that question, says “against the recall,’ what happened to yes or no. Is someone trying to confuse some voters? No! Confuse all the voters on this recall bull---! Now let's try this for an example. Say the people speak and it is voted not to recall Julie Farrell or Bob Mitchell, okay now by some stupid ass coincidence Pat Mullins and Virginia Wilder are voted in as selectmen, what now? Do we now have a seven-member board of selectmen or is the Kool-Aid kicking in? I just want the “what if's” to be answered. I know all the ins and outs of town government. And I don't really know answers. I Paul H. Cosentino am living this “obstruction of justice serial,”If that's what some call it for nine years now and if you were at candidates’ night January 24, 2012 you would have heard a speech from Isaac Matson of the recall party. That must have been rehearsed 1 million times. The speech was long and I heard it loud and clear. But when asked questions by the audience he sputtered and twisted, but still did not have a clear answer. Did the recall group get incorporated for a reason or did the past coordinator warn them of “a possible lawsuit”. Yes in my opinion Isaac Matson made a fool out of himself with his speech. He just won't catch on -that what the recall group did was degrading and embarrassing to Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell and all us taxpayers, that are Julie and Bob's followers and also Jeff Bennett followers. I am personally going to stay at the polls Monday, February 6 to try to answer any questions that my friends have before going to vote. Again the ballot is confusing to some people, so let's see what happens.
PS should I start to build a hockey rink so the recalled group can play hockey against the no recall group? I’m going to call Sen. Kerry and ask him what rules he played by when he got those two shiners. hee hee hee.

Vote NO on recall for Julie Farrell and vote NO on recall for Bob Mitchell and vote NO on the 252 Baldwinville Road project. A note, I want remembered - if Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell and Jeff Bennett made so many bad decisions, why, yes why, don't these recall people put their accusations on paper to bring them up at the selectmen's meeting? Lay it on the line. I, Paul H Cosentino, are calling you people the recall group – liars. So “what say”? Thank you and as always this is my opinion.

1 comment:


    My granddaughter helped my start a blog. I posted the paper I had written last night under "A History Lesson." Tell me what you think!

