Thursday, January 26, 2012

To Narragansett Teacher

Well it appears that my blog was the subject of discussion in one class at the high school. Who am I and what are my credentials? I am Paul H Cosentino, Sr. life long resident, taxpayer, business owner.I have raised a family here - the fourth generation is now attending Templeton Center School. I was the 11th of 17 children, Yes I only have an eighth grade education,
have worked everyday since quitting school, served in the Marines.  I sued the town of Templeton in the early 80's for the right to start my business Cosentino Salvage and Recycling Inc. (my junkyard) where people and businesses from the area can bring anything metal to get rid of - most things free of charge, I crush it,bail it and ship it out to the big recycling businesses where it ends up at the smelters in Pennsyvannia or going over sees - all to be reused, over a million tons a year.  You see back in the 1980's there was a Selectman (we only had three at the time) whose brother had just received a Class III License (Junkyard) from the town - so when I applied the vote was no - I took the town to Worcester Superior Court, not for money but for the right to have my business. I got my license with one selectman's signature - Gladys Salame. (rest her soul). In the 70's I purchased my garage property in East Templeton, I worked many late nights rebuilding starters for $2.00. My son Paul Jr., now owns the business.
 I might not have much of a formal education, but I read everything I can get my hands on and reread and reread.  Being in my the business there are a lot of rules and regulations  - my saying is let me see that in writing - Over the years I have had different town boards and commissions tell me that I could not do this or I had to do that - my only response would be" show me the law in writing" Though this I learned that many "people of power" will try to intimidate the resident/taxpayer. Most people wouldn't question - I do. Over the years many people have come up to my junkyard and asked me for advise/help about issues - not just town issues.
As a taxpayer - I want to know where my money is going - I attend selectmen meetings, Town Meetings (yes all nights)  and I vote! I am also  member of the Conservation Commission (since the 90's) I have stood up for many of the taxpayers, I have faced public  ridicule at the hands of Selectman Bob Columbus, former Town Coordinator Carol Skelton, Former Selectman Gerald Skelton, Conservation Commissioner Shaun Grimley.  Why because I spoke up about wrong doings with the Conservation budget that started in 2002. (oh we have $1,400.00 left in the budget - member J------ B--- is owed $200. for stamps and phone calls lets just give her the whole $1,400.00, otherwise we have to give it back to the town) yes this was actually said by the Chairman George Andrews at the time - I voted NO and member Will Corstange voted NO. But we were out voted and she got the money - I did my research and I even have the check number of the check she received for $1,400.00. From there it just snowballed - the more I dug the more I found - ever look into the animal control records?
 I'm not afraid to ask for copies of department records - although some people (Carol Skelton, Shaun Grimley, Animal control) have tried to prevent me from getting the records by quoting me amounts like $365.00 for one set of copies. (I learned how to appeal this to the Attorney General by reading that website) yes I have the letters from them to prove this. (I also save everything)
Now let get to the present. Are you a Templeton Taxpayer? well the Municipal Building Committee, after trying since 2006 to get the approval of the voters to build a new town hall, It got shot down every year. This group decided to be sneaky the wrote and article (#64 of the Annual Town Meeting) to purchase and renovate a build for the use of a town hall. They proposed to do it under the tax levy - therefore it didn't have to go to the voters (ballot) by financing the project over 40 years. Now as a business man I started to ask questions - I owned the property where Cumberland Farms now sits in East Templeton - Before Cumberlands would buy it from me they wanted a full  21E environmental study done - soil and water samples(it was a house with an old shack that  had been a gas station in the 1920's ) from this and from being in a business with a lot of Mass Department of Environmental Protection regulations I have read and reread environmental laws (here's the reading again)
 The town bought the property at 252 Baldwinville Road with out an independent appraisal, with out a full Environmental study (only a Phase 1 - I called the DEP and verified -"a Phase 1 is a nothing just paper pushing for the realtors" quote the DEP) Yes along with reading I also make phone calls to the "top dogs". Oh yeh we also didn't get an independent building inspection - they asked the towns building inspector 2 days before the town meeting - let's face it did he want to loose his job? was placed at the end of a three night meeting -and don't forget the article  So as a business man I have  it passed at 10:24PM less than 118 people made the decision for a town of over 4000 voters.
Now I realize that a lot of those 4000 peple don't vote -but to make this kind of a investment with the taxpayers money with less than 118 deciding - I beleive this to be wrong. As a business man I would never ever finance something for 40 years - never purchase a piece of property without doing the full research, especially one that had Chromium and mercury stored there.
I hope this help with who I am and my credentials - basically I'm just one man who reads a lot, does my research and asks lots of questions - and at the age of 75, I am not afraid to keep  learning - so I have 75 years of knowledge actually 75 years and 14 days !!!
Keep up the good work teaching those kids - and to the student who I learned this from - you are amazing - you will go far, we love you!!
Remember the facts are the facts the rest is my opinion.

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