Wednesday, February 22, 2012

State Election Commission by Jeff Bennett

According to the state election commission, the requirement for a recount as far as notification goes is for the board of registrars must set the recount time and place and give at least three days written notice of this to each candidate for the office for which the recount was petitioned. See MGL c 54, section 135. I confirmed this with a call into state election commission on Wednesday, February 23, 2012. I also contacted the state Attorney Generals office,
division of open government and inquired about the 48 hour open meeting notice requirement. Mr. Phil Mylanta with the AG's office informed me that the 48 hour rule only applies to public bodies meeting. The election or recount is only covered by the election commission rules. So, it appears that not only could the recount have taken place on Wednesday, but it also appears that Templeton Town Clerk Carol Harris does not know what the hell she is doing or she purposely delayed the recount for the office of selectmen or both. A rather blunt observation if I do say so but considering the past few election blunders, it is time to call em as I see em and not be politically correct any longer. This is right up there with the BS bob columbus pulled February 16, 2012 at a selectmen meeting with some legal thingy he heard, read or could not remember where he got it from. Perhaps mr. columbus should be looking for a legal opinion on the railroad retirement board/investigations of fraud. All of this is my own opinion, of course and may not reflect the views of Pauly's Templeton Watch. So remember residents of Templeton, town clerk Carol Harris is up for reelection this May.     Jeff Bennett


  1. What Next? How deep does this crap go with Town Officials not doing their jobs or doing it the way they "feel" like doing it.

  2. I goes back to 2002 when JoAnn Burdin was given the remaining $1,400.00 that was in the Conservation Commission account - she was on the board like the rest of us as a volunteer - we voted to pay her for phone calls and stamps ($86.00) when Chairman George Andrews said - "we (Shaun Grimley, Irwin Hendricken, and George) decided to give whats left ($1,400) to JoAnn, other wise it has to back to the town.) Myself and member Will Corstange (deceased) voted no - JoAnn Burdin received ck #19252359 dated June 12, 2002 in the amount of $1,400.00 I have been fighting this and other wrongdoing on the ConCom ever since. (unfortunately I had to take time off to fight throat cancer and was even life flighted to Umass and put on a respirator - thank God Sue didn't say "pull the plug" Once I started to look into things it has just snowballed - Others have also witnessed the snowball effect - once you start digging.....

  3. I would like to believe that this was an honest mistake made on the town clerk's part and I certainly hope that it was not deliberate misconduct by anyone on the BOS. After viewing the firing of former town councel I have my concerns. I would like to also believe that the town clerk who I am asuming is not working for the sheer enjoyment would not do anything to jeopardize her job. I also wonder where all the "Let the People Speak" warriors are and why they are not speaking or at the very listening to what the people are saying. It is one thing to let the people speak and another thing to listen and hear what they are saying. I am totaly taken aback by what is happening by the new board. I thought that personal agendas were going to be a thing of the past? Were the warriors aware that one of their candidates was being investigated for theft when they were touting him for selectman? Do they think that he is the best that Templeton has to represent their town? Why is it that the Board cannot put aside personal agendas, stop the mud slinging and finger pointing and start representing the best interests of the town and not themselves or their families?

  4. Oh yes, and one thing I feel entirely comfortable saying is Bob Columbus's comment that legally binding contracts made by previous administrations are not binding upon subsequent ones is utter nonsense. That it was said in earnest by the chair of the board of selectmen is scary beyond belief. It appears the board is making this crap as they go along, with the taxpayers picking up the tab. Sweet gig if you can get it huh?

  5. i think i will give carol a pass on this . she is a good person and i know her and her husband good there good folks.

    what must be done is commutation between all departments will help a lot

    1. Mike I too have always thought well of Carol - however as you and I both know many people in this town are related - Virginia Wilder is Aunt to Carol Harris' husband and Constable Randy B's wife. Patrick M's Mother-in-law is related to Randy Brown - Honest mistake maybe but how many honest mistakes

  6. Evil operates openly in Templeton. You had a board that WAS working in the interests of the town. You recalled two of them. Now you got what you got. You listen to a hate group going door to door spreading lies about former board members and don't give the former board members the courtesy of asking them if any of the lies were true? Then evil will have a strangle hold on Templeton.

    The town clerk is elected. Has been for quite a while. Has never been certified as a town clerk. Town clerk is up for re-election. Town Clerk was instructed by former town counsel to post recount on Thursday. Town clerk did not. Was town clerk waiting for new town counsel to be appointed? How would town clerk know about appoint of K+P before it happened? The BOS didn't talk among themselves or to K+P before they voted to appoint K+P. Each member of BOS was asked if they had any contact with K+P before they voted to appoint them as town counsel on Thursday night. Each member of BOS stated "No".

    Was this deliberate? Yeah, it was done deliberately!

    As for the hate group, Let the People Speak...where the hell did those big -a__ signs go? Did they burn in the 250th bonfire? Can the "People" still speak? This one is. Question is will anyone listen?

    1. Speaking of the signs - did anyone notice that the big sign on MaryBeth Karuss' lawn (State Rd) bled out with the weather and underneath it said "elect Gerald Skelton Selectman" I'd bet the sign are in a barn on Baldwinville Rd

  7. here is a conspiracy theory for you ...lets say that the recount had to be put off so the three amigo's can fire the town coordinator and bring back skelton on Monday night???before the recount just incase
