Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stop the presses stop the presses - Jeff Bennett

, Len Koppelman may have misspoke when he told Julie Farrell that he treats all selectmen equal. First I called him Wednesday afternoon, February 22, 2012 to ask why he requested a copy of the Town coordinators contract. I wanted to know who asked him to look at that. He never called me back. I called him a second time at home when he informed me that he got the message and he was not returning my call. I asked him if he worked for Templeton or did Templeton work for him. He said he made a public records request and as I informed him he should do it in writing because if denied, you can not appeal unless your request is in writing. (per secretary of the commonwealths literature) He said I am not going to argue and he hung up on me. Apparently he does not treat all selectmen equal. Mr. Columbus most likely misspoke on Thursday, February 16, 2012 because a little birdie told me that Kate Myers may be concerned if someone asks her about Len Koppelman calling the BOS office prior to that meeting. In my opinion, there may be some explaining to do here. Now about this recount snafu. It seems former town council, Lisa Mead (Templeton town council until Friday, February 17, 2012) informed town clerk Carol Harris to post the date, time, and place on Wednesday, February 15, 2012. Then the election wonder girl of K&P, Lauren Goldberg, told Carol Harris that since Monday was a holiday, that the posting for the recount on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 needed to be postponed. Is this the great all knowing, all doing law firm of Leonard Koppelman that bob columbus and his two puppets spoke so highly of? In my opinion, if this is the kind of work we get from K&P, I hope the taxpayers of Templeton are getting a good discount. Perhaps I was a little harsh on our town clerk in my last contribution to the blog, but after 12 years as town clerk and a recount just done less than a year ago, I would think one would know how to do it. Unless there is a reason to delay it. Perhaps Len Koppelman wants to provide bob and the twins some ammo to push Jeff Ritter out and bring back Carol Skelton, the person who has been a party to one lawsuit against Templeton already and has another one pending as we speak. What a plan from the let the people speak and we need a recall cause them guys are just going thru with personal vendettas and getting back at people. Wasn't it bob columbus who wrote in a letter to the gardner news on Friday, July 29, 2011, page one "there is not justification or reason to dismiss an employee. If you care about Templeton's future and financial well being, please attend this hearing and voice your opinion. This matter is too important to allow one public official and her yes men, who has a long historic vendetta against the individual to put the town at risk. If she is successful on this mission, my question to citizens and employees is, who is next on the chair's chopping block?" So my question to bob columbus is, who is next on the chair's chopping block? town coordinator, fire chief, highway superintendent? Perhaps me? Please attend the next board of selectman's meeting and ask the chair who is next? This is my opinion and does not represent the opinion of Pauly's Templeton Watch necessarily. Jeff Bennett


  1. isn't time to have the attorney general investigate all this mess. bob is a big lier and KP must of violated something ...this town is a mess!!

    1. I have been writing forever the Atty General, Inspector General, Sen Brewer, Rep Anne Gobi, State Police etc etc Maybe EVERYONE SHOULD START WRITING

      Atty General Martha Coakley
      One Ashburton Place
      Boston, MA 02108 -1518

  2. Good luck getting anyone at the State level to look at this! Been trying for years and look where it gets you! Still plugging away at it.

  3. Did K&P represent Mrs. Skelton (and Mr. Skelton) when they sued the town of Templeton? I have seen references to such a relationship before K&P represented Templeton.
