Monday, June 11, 2012

Don't Forget we need to all attend.

Selectmens meeting Monday June 11th 6:ooPM at the NRHS Kiva. here's the agenda Please note the "new Business" items - action on appointments - lets pay attention to who they appoint to what - There are a few people who should never be appointed to anything again - in my opinion. DOB, GS, BC.  Can we get Virginia to answer about her treatment of Mr Ritter when she flew down to Scout Hall to confront (yell at)Mr Ritter when he and Kirk Moschetti (Chairman Planning Board) were trying to resolve the parking issue between the new business next door, and the seniors. Hey VW - ask Kirk - parking comes under the Planning Board and Mr Ritters was asked by Kirk to go with him. You as a Selectman have no special power and thanks for embarrassing us town folk by yelling at Mr Ritter infront of Mr Smith (new owner of the church) Way to scare businesses/people out of our town. yes VW - Our town
Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly
PS - Can we ask who gave Mr Caamanos the wrong information on Mr Ritter.


  1. Maybe we can give out an award : "The Miss Information Award"
    Can we start a poll for suggestions?

    1. We could give the "so far from reality" award.

  2. Maybe someone provided Caamano with incorrect info, but he bears full responsibility for printing it.

    It's indicative of what a low-quality newspaper the Gardner House of Corrections has become. Worse, he has the title "senior editor", which implies some ability to oversee the work of others. He would get an "F" in any college journalism class with his terrible wirting. He would fail for his sloppy fact-checking.

    1. I agree & he should be fired from that position & also sued for defamation of character of Mr. Ritter! Also, in my opinion, VW should have her head dunked in one of those Irish rain barrels, they can so freely use, to cool herself off!! If she can get so heated over a parking issue she has a major anger problem, which everyone knows by now anyway. She needs to not only be removed from the BOS but, never allowed to "self-serve" again on ANY board. She is the epitome of a Bully & it will not be tolerated anymore. These are just my thoughts & opinion. Have a nice day everyone.

  3. Please confront VW tonight about her treatment of Jeffrey Ritter at tonight's meeting. She should be ashamed of herself, but I'm glad that this occurred somewhere other than 690 Patriots Road so that others could observe her tactics.

    1. Talk about poor inpulse control. Sounds like something a four year would do..VW needs to tell Mr Ritter and Kirk that she is sorry, but at this point I don't think anyone is going to buy it. Time for Ms. Wilder to go...My opinion, Bev.

    2. DCE you should ask her and watch her flounder.

  4. Nice job asking about the Code of Conduct of elected officials in Templeton. Unfortunately, it sailed right over VW's head. Probably in Phillipston by now.

    1. Looks like a good article for the Citizens 4 Templeton to get on next years town meeting warrant. It is too bad this is needed, but it is, so we will do it. Bev.
