Sunday, June 10, 2012

more from Ireland

Today we are driving from Galway(on the west coast) to Bray (on the east coast) I have never seen so many cows, horses and sheep in my life. (Pauly can I get some some sheep – they’re so cute) The west coast has stone walls everywhere – no need for fences all the livestock is kept in by stone walls – they are also around everyone homes. Hey Pauly reminds me of you and I clearing your field (you driving the tractor and me picking up the rocks lol)  Gas is 1.65euro a liter. – think of the one liter soda bottles that one can buy. 1.65euro is just under 2 dollars – so in other words gas is about $9.00 a gallon. We are driving a little red Fiat (reminds me of Julie’s little red car)lol . Speed limits on the roads are 80 – 100km crazy. Difference is no one seems to eat or drink or anything else while driving. Seeing more trees as we drive east, no more stone walls. Sortof looks like Vermont rt 5. All the houses are cement/stucco.

Arrived in Bray Co Wicklow (on the east coast )– beautiful Wicklow mountains in the back ground scenery. Met up with my cousin’s son Danny(Pauly – he’s Aunt Jeanne’s Grandson)  from Dublin for dinner. Going shopping at St. Stephen’s Greene in Dublin tomorrow. So nice to be in an area where I don’t have to spell my last name. lol.

Did want to mention one thing I noticed when we were in Inishmore and the Galway area- they have big cement troughs about 4’ x 8’ with a cement area to catch the rain. They catch “rain water” to water the livestock – so much for “stormwater runoff” Have to laugh, we in Templeton have so many rules with “where the rain water goes” and here they just collect it for the animals!

More later.


  1. Lucky you, is all I can say!! Yes, aren't we over-regulated in all levels of govt. to the point you want to just puke!! Too many lawyers, insurance cos. govt & beauracrats that want to control every aspect of our lives. We aren't so free anymore, are we! To Ireland, everyone!!

  2. I'd be careful with those darling sheep, it wouldn't be the first time them animals ruined a good relationship between a man and his woman.

  3. Sorry if I offended anyone with my bad Irish. It was meant to be light-hearted fun with Sue because I knew she was about as Irish as you can be without living in Ireland full-time & also knew she understood the language. It was all in fun to break away from the troubles we have been battling here in town. Have a safe trip home. I am sure Pauly will be glad when she gets back. Thanks for your understanding. English from now on. LOL... All the best, Isteach
