Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Elementary School Building Committee Meeting

Don't forget there is an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING - TONIGHT, TUESDAY, JUNE 19th, 6:30PM NRSD Central Office agenda is here http://www.templeton1.org/docs/TESBC_Agenda_61912.pdf  We all need to attend - remember this is your town and you money!!!!


  1. I couldn`t make last night`s meeting. Could the people who were able to attend fill me in on what was said or aconplished. I still think the new school SHOULD NOT even be thought of in the Templeton center school location. VERY BAD LOCATION. In my opinion. To many cons and really no pros. BIG TRAFFIC PROBLEM NOW!!!!
    We might not be able to continue our important daily 8 AM round table meetings at the country store because of the traffic jams and no parking. Right Kenny C.?

  2. Last nights meeting - here is my opinions - Someone should tell Ms Koziol that being chairman does not give you any special powers, you just run the meetings. and although it was pretty funny watching her speak down to and chastise the committee (especially Jerry, Bob C and Dennis) is was not right. I understood it as she was telling the committee members that they were not to talk about any committee business outside of the meeting and that all "hearsay" was to be broght to her for her to address. She did tell the "public audience" that no one was to speak until the end of the meeting and then anyone who wanted to speak would have 3 minutes. (shades of Bob C) okay Ms Koziol we are not school children! now for Ms Matson (school Committe member) I would like to see her attend a selectmen's meeting and have someone say to her "we are going to take your house by eminent domain" and see if she doesn't get some "negative and hostile" feelings. So basically we have wasted time and money and have a deadline approaching (end of June) and the best we can come up with is TC. Maybe we should look at who has been on this committee - Jerry S, Bob C and Dennis O'B another screw up just like 252 Baldwinville Rd - money, our money wasted and time wasted! Just the opinions of another anoynmous taxpayer

  3. Jerry, Bob C and Dennis is the big problem here and this committee has no direction and no plans so the only reasonable out come to this mess is to vote it down!!!!!

  4. I was undecided till the threats started that "We HAVE TO vote this in" They are all just a wild bunch that want a big and shiny building for themselves, It has nothing to do with the Kids anymore. My Vote is a big NO

  5. first off, the point is/was that a vote is needed to show MSBA that the town is controll of a site to build a school, then a plan can be produced and presented to the town to be voted up or down, it is as simple as that. In a conversation with Bob Whalen today, I was informed that he found about about the taking of his home thru the newspaper, unbelieveable w/expleted deleted thown in!!! The building committee has gone thru some changes and will change somemore soon ( I hope) I am to the point of about ready to call DOT and have them inspect all of the vehicles at the highway barn and let them decide which ones are road worthy or not, which would force the town to act. All we have is junk and we can no longer say we can't do it, we have to do it or eventually the state will come in and tell us it will be done and that will not work out well. On another front, the May legal bill has arrived at the tune of around 7 thousand dollars and we have a little more than $2,900.00 dollars to use. Guess bob columbua and crew along with len kopelman should have used a calculator back in Feb 16, 2012 when they made the big moves. len Kopleman said in an e-mail to Julie farrell last summer that he would work with whatever budget the town had, well len, we have 2 thousandnine hundred bucks, take it or leave it. Again this was no emergency as the former chairman bob columbus, wilder and mullins voted to change law firms and spend money to get rid of jeff Ritter and they failed to do some math so there is no money to pay the bill with. Just another reason why bob columbus, gerry skelton, dennis o'brien and carol skelton should never again be allowed to serve on any board or committee. As always this is my opinion as a town resident and not a view of the select board.

  6. How much money for new school studies and fees have we spent so far? still no answer as was asked at BOS meeting.
    Will we ever know? I'm on the no side, till i find out how much has it cost us to date for the big pile of nothing we have again!
    PS can they add it up?

  7. I do not have the exact number, but I believe about half or approximately $250,000.00 has been tossed away with nothing to show for it, alot of this has to do with poor management, remember this was to be a town project not a school district, but as usual, the selectboard 4 years ago handed it over to the the school district where for the past 3 years the former superintendant was basically running it and trying to steer it in one direction only, things are changing, slowly but movement is happening. i am looking for an exact number as I can get now and will post when it is available.

  8. I couldn't agree more, the templeton center location is NOT the place to be building a new school. the traffic issues are already a problem with the buses and south road, it is already to congested and that would make it even worse! no one should have their home taken from them for this project!! i find it interesting that they feel east templeton is good enough temporarily while it is being built, so why was it closed in the first place?? whatever happened with the state property on 202 by crow hill?? the town apparently does not want possibly free land??

    1. Give me a break! Will this stuff never end...How many more screw-ups can this town take. A couple things,[thats to put it lightly] bother me. First there has been so little said about the vote to be held on Monday, it scares me. This happened once before that I can remember. There was nothing until the day after. Then the paper had no problem printing the results. Very convienent, if you want a special interest to push something through. That paper should be shut down. It was interesting to see the "little reporter" chase G.S. out the door after the meeting Tuesday night. Mr. S. was very quiet, did not open his mouth, looked down through the meeting. Gee B.P. must be on the high side poor baby, his face was awfull red. Stupid, isn't smart enough to know he is stupid. So we had the three stooges there. I think I am right, this school project has dragged on for eleven years! The guy running the project only wanted to look for 20 acres or more, so we paid this guy to look for something we did not even need. While he sucked up a ton of money, and any land we could have used is gone. The most incredable thing is a line that said we need to pay him because looking for land is not refundable from the MSBA.[got to watch the fine print]. It will get you every time. It kind of sounds like the MSBA changes the requirements as they go along. Now, I may be wrong about this, but this is what I got from that meeting. A question about if we {the town}, tells the MSBA" the town is going to use T.C.", could we change the plan if something better comes along. No answer, as the lady was not in the office when Virginia called. Bart does not think this would be acceptable. {he knows alot of things]...anyway. I guess the MSBA is about to pull the rug out from Templetons' feet. I feel very bad for the Ruth Miller. She is a nice girl who has been left with a big mess. Ms. Koziol really carried on. I did not know if I should laugh, when she announced this was the selectmans project. Gee, I did not see that coming. Less than a week before the letter has to be written, fine timeing. It is too bad the three stooges spent so much time trying to get rid of Julie and Bob. Maybe some of the real issues in town would have been taken care of. Having Bob Whalen find out they were planning to take his house from the paper! Give me a break. Rudy Sunstrom tried to tell everyone we need to stop spending money. He is right, we need that plan Will talks about. Got to give Rudy, credit, 85 years old, he cares enough to come to a meeting. These are my opinions, I hope Ms. Matson developes a sence of humor. Bev.

  9. J,

    To answer your question, No, the town does not want free land.

    Let me rephrase, the Building Committee does not want free land. They think that the only way to get something good is to pay through the nose for it, or to take it from someone else. They all assume that someone who gives a piece of land has an ulterior motive.

    Just my opinion...

    1. I do not have any problen passing a over ride for the highway dept. They have gone too long working with junk. It is a shame. Bev.
