Thursday, June 21, 2012

New school

New school?

·        In my opinion, if a person or persons from out of town is hired to do a job like the new elementary school, where does that firm or professional get all the information? It looks to me like it's obtained from the third seat on the right at the Candlelight Café. I attended a second meeting of the elementary school building committee and in my opinion that committee pushed all that heat on two people, Ruth  Miller and that guy that tried  to answer some questions on the feasibility study. We all know how long this study has been going on, but, and I say but, what has been accomplished? Years have gone by and big bucks have been spent.
In up to Tuesday night, June 19, 2012 it seems nothing of any value has been accomplished except, they are again looking at donated land from John and Doris Brooks all, get it, donated. Who was on the committee to print "not in layman's terms" all the problems with that "donated" a piece of property ? Who did any tests about the ledge, about the wetlands, about the elevation of the land. I read the report. Three of four times, and in my opinion a handful of people did not want to see a school built on the site, period! No if's, no buts, and no ands. No school on Brooks's donated property, in my opinion someone was influenced to not research this property anymore. Look at the so-called fees on the Berks site issues, anyone that does not have a copy should "shut up" and go home as Bev says it. Was the report questioned by this committee on tape or DVD? As I PHC sr said at that meeting, verbal information isn't worth listening to, put it on paper so we all can read it. Not and I say not just hearsay. Get it, on paper. Take the information and talk into your computer and it will print it for you. Ask me  PHC Sr, I have proof of what I am saying, and I only had an eighth grade education at Templeton Center school, get it? The chair of that committee Ms. Kozoil said that when the Templeton Center school was built, teaching was different. Yes it was different, we learned what we needed to survive in this world. And it was not done with fancy doors, and windows or with a facade that was designed by Capt. Kirk or Mr. Spock, get it? And to Ms Koziol, TC school is a nice plain well built building, built in 1942 for teaching children the basics of survivability, not a place to daydream and praise the so-called architects for nightmare years later, get it. Just give me PHC Sr, a list of the most necessary things classroom should have that can't be done by renovating an old brick and concrete building and don't forget pre-K through grade 5, not a college or university. Graduates can no longer afford a college or university these days because of all the architectural nooks and crannies involved, take a good look at MWCC from the road and go to the classrooms and tell me about it? Why can't most high school grads go to college, because it's too expensive that's why. Can a person get a diploma online  via a computer? Good question on what? In my opinion the Templeton Center deal is not going to be approved anyway, listen to the people that have to live in that area. And you better listen to the voters this time like Bob Whalen for all the other people that travel south road or live close by. And a quote from Mr. Claybaugh, “I don't live in Templeton, I live in Ashburnham”.-While I don't want Ashburnham residents making decisions for me in Templeton. End of story. Advice is okay, but that's all, get it. And in my opinion when I noticed a board of committee not functioning well, I then look at the people on that board and make my own conclusion. I just had a conversation with the man that I know has a good head for business and construction. He says to me, get a list from those people involved on what is wrong with the East Templeton school that was closed because of the economy or Templeton Center school. Rudy Sundstrom says those two schools have been neglected for a reason. Yes, someone wants a new school and that all there is to it. And I PHC Sr agree, we are not broke, me and Rudy, or stupid. And a good question was asked by a taxpayer. Then what is going to happen to those schools when, if it happens? No answer, and as Rudy says-put the brakes on and make a plan on paper so all taxpayers can see what is going on here in Templeton. Not some other town as in Ashburnham, Barre, or Winchendon. And I don't believe a word that is said at these meetings because most of us taxpayers can't hear what those so-called officials are talking or mumbling about and that has been a big problem for years. And it's still going on, look at yourself on DVD to see what us taxpayers are saying. Sharon says they do not adjust or talk into the mic or they talked with their head down reading a script. Not Jeff Bennett, or Joe Boyd or Pete Kasper or PHC Senior. And again as Bev on the Hill says, if they don't want us tax payers to hear and understand them they should just go home. How about some loud comments from you bloggers and send a letter to these people. I have found plenty of different complaints, but you all know what happened. But with Jeff Ritter at the helm, things should be a lot better. And if not let me know I will confront him, Mr. Ritter in person and get answers. Tuesday night at the school building committee meeting, Ruth Miller was asked how much money has been spent looking around the land and the feasibility study. She said I can't tell you because the way the committee has been run and what has been approved and the information that I don't have, I can't tell you people what the figures, and who is doing what? Again it's all a big secret and that is why taxpayers are saying "no" and I hope everyone that goes to the polls on June 28 votes “no” right across the board, someone will be unhappy with the voters. But maybe next year we can get some answers on paper get it on paper. How can we vote for a school override when we have cut hours of many town employees? And don't miss the selectmen's meeting on June 25 Monday, at the Narragansett middle school cafeteria. The elementary school building committee want the selectmen stick their necks out and send a letter to the state and tell them we have a site for the new school, is that so? Who asked Bob Whalen or anybody else? I don't live near the site at Templeton Center but I do feel for the people that oppose this  move. Who is making all these decisions? The town powers that are "2012" on trying to move to town back to fiscal 2004, at it up and look back on the town reports, I am really surprised that the attorney general's office has not caught on about Templeton. I'm still chasing that office and I'm not giving up and if Denise Andrews wants Templeton voters and other support, she, Denise better not go to sleep on us taxpayers here in Templeton. We need her help and she needs our support, and my right people? Don't forget the selectmen's meeting June 25 at 6:30 PM at the middle school cafeteria, plenty of room so be sure to show up for our support. And again do not forget the special election on June 28, voting in the middle school gym 11 AM to 7 PM. The 28th is on Thursday. Thanks for reading my opinion.

PS handicap access? Asked me PHC Senior is anyone mad at me  yet? Hey!! Take a good look at TC, it looks pretty good for 70-years-old-right? And it's not about to fall down.


  1. Your comments are all on them mark. Why tear down a perfectly good school when we can add on to it. Before the new high school was built and still in the planning stage, an elementary principal suggested adding on to TC. But the powers to be did not listen, they wanted a new high school. Too bad. Your comments tell it like it is. Why do we need out of towners to tell us how and where to build a school? Because it was not the former superintendent's idea to build on Brooks property. And, name the school after his mother, a former TC teacher. What a mess! The regular townfolks will not vote for an override on June 28 with this kind of thinking. By the way, the superintendent hired an assistant superintendent, which she said a month ago, she was not going to do. More money for the school while the Town Departments all had to cut their people. Oh, by the way, she said she could let a school nurse go so she could have an assistant. Oh booy!

    1. I live on South Road, have just about all my life. I plan to die there also. With all the new building that has been done over the years, the trafic can be awful, especially when people are coming home from work. No one goes slow. If there is something going on in the common, or at the school, forget it the road is almost impassable. I have never figured out why they did not put a parking lot behind the ice cream barn? You get the idea. The school people are coming to Mondays meeting. They may come in large numbers. This Tuesday night Ms. Miller was trying to rally the troops. I really do feel bad for her. Mrs Weiss left her with a big mess. If the selectmen sign a letter saying they ok the TC building spot, I don't think it will fly anyway. But you never know. As my friend says, "government is run by those who show up", oh yes, also by those people who have money. It is to bad they would not add on to TC, but they want a new school, and it would not do a thing to fix the parking issue. Bev.

  2. what ever happened to the light and water department coughing up some more money to the town to help with the short fall ? #007

    1. Hey I just saw on the cable channel that the Light & Water Co is hosting a pizza party for the COA (seniors) Bet the seniors would rather have more money go to the town to reduce the tax rate than free pizza!!! Just my opinion.

  3. They choked up 100k and the answer they gave us at the meeeting was that we are getting what they think it should be! When asked how they formulated the amount for pilot it was a line of lines of bullsh-t and bla bla bla no good sounding explanation for it other than a clear qoute stop talking from the chairman blazer to driscoil to say yes there is a formula in the other room!
    we'll lets see it in writing on paper as uncle pauly says
    on paper!
    other towns give more and few give less!
    ipswich is at 325k they have better management!
    when asked about the 4.00 per customer charge they almost shit!what 4.00 I don't know what your talking about,they said. must be for overhead and expenses. 4.00x 3600 customers is per year 172,800. for us to be customers?
    when asked about the 3.6 million in free cash the accountant told us we have the mgr.driscoil said and was very angry to have been asked the question!
    he hates when the accountant gives out information like that.
    more to come about them,gotta eat!

    1. That is our money and I 'd like to know why they were angry to have to answer financial questions. Its their job to answer those questions. So, what is the formula? I would like to understand it. H5, do tell more from that meeting when you can. Inquiring minds want to know!


    2. google public power association and you shold come across that information, I found it but had a senior moment and forgot to save the location, it has the number of northeast public power groups and how much on average they give by way of PILOT, it gives the national average, all sorts on interesting data and information, hope this helps

  4. My question is a simple one, the CO&S garage in East Templeton was recently torn down and a new building put in its place, why? Why was that structure replaced when it was operating fine in the old wooden building? I ask that because that is the same question I have concerning all the bluster against a new elementary school. Has any of these people been inside these schools recently? Are these buildings built in a way that allows for renovation, especially with multiple floors as when you go in the front door there are stairs going up and down. Why was that co&s garage replaced with a new steel building when the wooden structure was still standing?

    1. Hey Jeff- C O & S Garage was torn down because we could not get a license (from the state) to do stickers on the big trucks. The building was too small. And the building codes prevented us from remodeling! Pauly

    2. thanks Pauly and a tip o the hat. just something to think about because we could come up against the same type of issues with the schools, as in the state coming in and telling us to do this that and the other thing, remember, you move one screw and they can tell ya to bring everything up to code, jst things to think about when dealing with the state, as you know Pauly. That is one thing about this blog, it gets information out there for all to see. Them building codes could bite Templeton in the butt if we tried to remodel or add on to present schools. I know you would have kept the old building if you could have but big brother was watching and they usually lack common sense!

  5. I think people are not understanding the fact that a letter from the BOS to the MSBA is in no way a vote to put a new school in TC. It simply is a step to keep the 60% reimbursement from the state alive and to buy us time to find a more viable site. The TC site is a fall back, last resort. I believe no one really wants the new school at TC. Hopefully, another site will materialize and everyone will be happy. But, if no site comes about, there needs to be a plan created to move forward with. That's why a feasibility study needs to be done.

    What will really help gain support from the citizens is if the School Building Committee would ask a certain three people on the committee to resign. With their names attached to the project, there will always be skepticism and distrust for what the committee does or says. Its a fact. Their actions on the town hall project have shown they are not the best people to work on these kinds of projects. PR with the town can make or break a public project. If the committee really really wants to achieve their goal, they will seriously consider this action.


    1. The meeting at the light department was absoluetly unbelievable. The tempature in the room dropped more than a few degrees. We were as welcome as the flu. I don't believe there ever was or is a formula used by the light commissioners in our town. I think the guys in the past gave as much as the dept. could afford. The light dept.behaves like they are a independently run group. They are in a way. They have been able to do what the want, with no one to ask questions, for so long. Mr Driscoll is a real beauty. I asked him to speak up. He did not like it,and he would not speak up. I don't know how Julie survived as long as she did. They do not like answering questions. The best event was when Will. asked why this years report in the town report was a copy of the year before. Oh my, he did not think anyone would notice. Bart said they should freeze the pays for the office staff, until the rest of the town employees catch up. Why should a office worker get paid more just because they work for the light dept. My opinion, as always. Bev.

    2. Why are their meetings not listed on the website? Is the public not welcomed?

    3. Well, "the public" as in Templeton residents and taxpayers have been referenced as "nimrods" in the past by management of the TMLWP. If you look up the definition of Nimrod, one of the less used references is to hunting. In fact, Holden has a club called the Nimrod League of Holden:

      Anyone want to start a Nimrod League of our own? Hunt for the truth?

      Thanks for making me welcome as the flu....


  6. I don't understand that either Bev, and I agree with Bart... "freeze the pays". I believe the office staff is not part of the union in that department, so why aren't they covered by the town's personnel policies and also the pay grades and steps like the rest in town. Just another GS decision to bilk (or should I say "milk") the town.

    Echo Hill Farm is a good name for "milkers".

  7. We need a Public Works Dept now more than ever. Many towns our size have a centralized utilities/hwy dept and it works well. Templeton's dept structure should be re-thought and streamlined. How can citizens get that ball rolling?

  8. comce to selectmen meeting and suggest and ask the question, it is a valid point. Putting the water and sewer dept together would solve the problem of how do you put pressure on someone who pays the water bill but ignores the sewer bill. If they have a paid receipt in hand for water, you cannot shut off the water to entice them to pay sewer. One director of public works dedicated to oversight, admin and all the paperwork and time involved in running a dept could be met and then have working in the field foremen to over see the field work. A director of public works could then stay in the office and do research on good used equipment, surplus ( government, state and federal and military) which costs the town little and saves much!!! So attend meetings and ask questions and make suggestions, your input is valued and appreciated by this selectmen anyway.

  9. One step in the direction of a possible DPW would be a government study committee....oh wait, we have one of those.
