Monday, June 25, 2012

from Pete Farrell

Hi Paul hope all is well with you.  Recent info from New Hampshire in regards to fluoride.  Please post if possible.  Fluoride Warning from New Hampshire is name of blog. Thanks.

     Templeton residents who have been following the blogs Pauly’s Templeton watch and Templeton Times in regards to the fluoride debate in the Town of Templeton will be surprised to learn that New Hampshire Governor John Lynch has signed into law a bill that would require all fluoridating communities in New Hampshire to warn their citizen’s about the fluorosis risk the additive poses to infants.  A short article in regards to this important development can be read at this link

     Although many believe that fluorosis is just a cosmetic problem there is no law that says interference in biochemistry will not occur in other tissues as it does in teeth.  For fluoridation promoters, it has always been an article of faith that the presence of dental fluorosis does not signal any other damage to the human body.  This is called the “Great Fluoridation Gamble” as taken from the book The Case Against Fluoride. 
    There is a biological pathway that uses a protein called HIF or hypoxia inducible factor.  The conversion of the normal, unstable state of HIF, to the abnormal stable condition that triggers these cellular responses is a biochemical process quite similar to that found in the formation of enamel in teeth.  The key steps are a phosphorylation and a hydroxylation of proline to stabilize the HIF structure.  Along with the hydroxylation of proline comes the requirements of iron in the Fe+2 state and vitamin C.  This is the same reaction as found in the formation of the collagen structure in enamel.
     Reactive oxygen species or oxygen free radicals definitely promotes the stability of HIF and many scientists believe this is a true link to the long known connection between free radicals and the development of tumors according to the book “The Devils Poison” by Dr. Dean Murphy. 
     The following link is a quick read on the increase cancer risk due to fluoridation.
     Templeton needs to follow suit with the State of New Hampshire and get a warning out to users of our town water concerning the use of fluoridated water and infant formula. 
     Perhaps a pole can be taken right here on Pauly’s Templeton Watch to see if we can get the Board of Health to endorse this warning concerning fluoridation and infant formula.
     Surely Phil, Rick, Ed and Donald can be counted on to do their homework on this issue as they may have dropped the ball on the larger fluoridation issue.   
     New Hampshire’s warning reads, “ Your public water supply is fluoridated.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluoriosis.  Consult your child’s health care provider for more information.”
     With over twenty studies showing a lowering of IQ due to fluoride use prior to birth in India and China and the neurological problems established in rat studies by Phyllis Mullenix both pre-partum and post partum a closer look at fluoride is warranted and certainly a warning is due.
     Let’s see how long it takes The Gardner News and Worcester Telegram to bring you this information from New Hampshire in regards to the fluoride warning and infant formula.
     Let’s see how long it takes our Board of Health to recognize the problems involved with using fluoridated water and infant formula together.
     Has Myron Allukian from the Public Health Service sent any information in regards to this matter to Phil Leger our Board of Health man?  
     Have our caring dental hygienists and school nurses brought this matter to the Board of Health’s attention?
     If you haven’t figured it out yet, you are on your own when it comes to the dangers involving fluoride.
     When in doubt get it out.    


  1. This fluoride warning for infants would appear to be something at least as important as testing the pile of dirt from the Senior Center project over at Sadie's Pit for possible contamination from PCB
    's. Any mothers and fathers with children due or with young infants should learn more about problems associated with fluoride and should contact there Board of Health in regards to the issue of placing a warning on our water bills warning of the dangers of mixing infant formula with town fluoridated water. If there were a pole being taken put be down in favor of a warning regarding mixing infant formula with fluoridated town water. Can we hear from the Board of Health on this issue? How about the School nurses and dental hygienists?

  2. I really think the towns vote is more then a privacy issue its a oxymoron that the town can state there putting poison in the water under any vote The state or our board of heath should not allow the propaganda machine too continue putting out that fluoridated water is safe when many studies show just what is really happening with fluoride . fluoride is used in RAT Poison in our town water and the claim form the water department is the soul purpose is the prevention of tooth decay ... I see many people in town with fluoride stains on there teeth i see many more with no teeth and many with rotten teeth and they all live in templeton YOU know who you are ... It reminds me of the many lies government personal afford themselves And why because in 1950 they said hey this stuff is great they didn't even study it ?? The public is lied too and then some be leave the lie as truth This truth on on many issue the drug war ???? ring a bell However this is a violation of safety so we must prove the damage is being done and bring a law suit which takes some time and study and we need damage people please come forward for a resolved to come . we must show them they hurting us

    1. If our Board of Health agent would spends half as much time looking into this article, as he did trying to keep your article off the town meeting warrant, we may actually gain some support. But, don't count on it. Its' always easier to go along with the crowd, than admitt your wrong. Who knows, maybe he will fool me. I know for sure I would not want to be the one who did not do enough to save anyone from getting sick, or having life long problems because I did not do my job. I can speak from experience, because I have been in that position, and I did the best I could. I can live with myself. Bev.

  3. Why is the burden of proof on the ignorant citizen???? POLITICS! The FDA has never approved water fluoridation!! They can't because the material they're adding to our water is nothing like the pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride added to dental products. What they ARE adding (actually disposing of)is industrial-grade silicofluorides laced with toxic heavy metals and radioactive elements! Big industry like steel, aluminum, copper, glass, and especially, the super phosphate fertilizer industry produce many billions worth of this toxic waste (disposal costs). This fluoride material(ie. hexafluorosilicic acid) comes straight from Chinese smokestacks (air-pollution scrubbing systems). Needless to say, there are mountains of special interest monies to help sway decisions and opinions.

    They can't pump their so-called "fluoride" (air polution concentrate) into the waters of well-educated populations! China, the top rated country in education, has banned water fluoridation. Japan and 98% of Europe have also banned or rejected it! Myron Allukian, is a wolf in sheeps clothing, he masquerades as public health authority, but is clearly a politician first.
