Monday, June 25, 2012

Pauly will be back shortly!!!!

Pauly will be home as soon as they finish filling him up with antibiotics. Kind of like an oil change. But let this be a lesson to all you men out there - ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE! LOL  They ALWAYS know what is best.


  1. Thank goodness he is going to be ok. Some things you can't fool with. It's kind of like riding around with your oil light on. Hopefully he will be quicker to listen to Sue the next time. I want him here when the sun comes out, and the law finally makes it to Templeton. Bev.

    1. I was most impressed with selectmen's meeting last night. It is suprising how much can be accomplished in two weeks when a final date has to be met. We could have had a school built by now if the committee had put a little more effort into getting what the people want. I really feel that the public input has helped with the making of good decisions. Thanks for getting the ball rolling and let's see if other committees will follow suit (town manager,patriots place,personnal board etc.)

    2. please clarify your last comment { town manager patriots place board etc.} and also what committee are you referring to . if its the build committee your dead wrong as they are the ones that didn't do a damn thing .

    3. Sorry if you didn't understand what I meant. We have a committee in place who is supposed to be researching the possibility of having a Town Manager as we have become such a large business. No offense to Mr Ritter. What is holding up the building of Patriots Place? Isn't there a committee or board in charge of this? What is the hold up on appointments of a fire chief and accountant. It has been several weeks since applications were to be in. I assume money is the problem, but we need them so I guess we have to bend a little. As for the school building committee, isn't Kurt a member of the committee? Just questions. No offense intended.

    4. Thanks for the clarification . Mr Ritter needs to be given time to prove himself { so far so good } town manager to expensive . Patriots place im told is still in permitting . plus the economy sucks . Kurt is not on that committee thats what makes me MAD . the guy did it himself , where the hell was the committee when he was saving there ASS
