Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sandowski - Templeton

In my opinion, the only difference in some elected and appointed officials and Templeton and Sandowski is the spelling, get it? This spelling! That bum took advantage of those young kids like Wilder/Mullins/Columbus did to the innocent taxpayers here in Templeton. Indirectly molested you taxpayers, right in front of the police, pretty good,huh? In fact six police watched and listened. This activity has went too far and justice will be served. Have you heard how many years that pervert Sandusky has been playing with little boys and thought he would not be punished? Does Wilder, Columbus, Mullins think our complaints are just going away.
I thought so too until Atty. Gen. Martha Coakley’s office called me. Yes her "Ms. Coakley" office called me two times last week, Monday and Tuesday. Yes I have proof thanks to our state rep Denise Andrews from our Orange/Franklin County and Templeton area. Do you want to know his name and rank? Come on out to my house and I will show you nonbelievers on paper, get it, on paper and I won't be hostile against anyone. When you see the facts you will think differently. Can you imagine without Denise Andrews how long would I have waited for answers, to my complaints. Attorney general Coakley's office also acknowledged two of my complaints via registered mail/return receipt. He said to me, he doesn't know why my complaints (two years old) were not answered. My reply was it might be just one of those things that happens in the Boston area-get it? In the Boston area, hee hee hee. Like here in Templeton, anyone looking for a nice 12 foot aluminum flat bottomed boat, no oars, built to hold the motor or one guy with flippers, actual weight about 50 pounds, no it's not free-it will fit in back of the pickup truck. And I have the serial number to the boat.
 Hey Bev, don't blame K&P, use your imagination if you saw a table on South Road with 2 gallons of gas in improved cans, seven dollars value and the sign said Free would you stop in just take 1 gallon? Or would you take both? Well K&P is like a deer hunter with a big  deer, he guts it, takes it (the deer) and skins it. K & P just sits on the other end of the telephone and skins Templeton with their billing machine, and it never rounds off numbers. In other words, in layman's terms, K&P is like a gas pump if you pump $30.01 you pay $30.01. Get it, about rounding off numbers? Other words K &P has 259 customers in Massachusetts and each account is billed $10 over the final bill each month who adds up the time on our end? Yeah right and to quote Chris Stewart-I would not trust that lawyer firm any further than I could throw them. Right on Chris, everyone has a right to their own opinion, right Paul Q?

So now let's get back to some touchy issues for this week's special election. I know how words are twisted and misspelled or miss understood. But I will not vote for the override because one and one is still two, but the school people always say one and one should be three. End of story. But in answer to you "H5" yes I know firsthand about junk, you get it, other words I am in the "junk" business. But also a class a recycling business. If you never heard of putting a new frame on that 10 wheeler you mentioned, you better get on the school building committee-they don't want to renovate an old building, that in my opinion is better than a new building. Except all the bells and whistles, if you know what I mean. And a Mack is like an old Chevy, most parts are interchangeable. And new parts are available for a long time to come. As I say about truck frames, in the towns business sanding and salting roads, those things will rot away. A good maintenance is always the answer. But if your average truck driver don't like the color of a truck or the horsepower or the speed or the name, there a lot of us guys here in Templeton that know 99% of owning, buying advice facts and most of all, preventive maintenance. Other words if you know you have a bad generator, or bad alternator you don't wait until it's dark to replace it, get it. And I PHC Sr know the headaches you guys at that town barn have had to go through. But your attitude and behavior about a certain truck should be changed. Don't bitch to God write a letter to the board of selectmen and a copy to the Templeton department of public safety, sign it and send the letter by registered mail. I will pay for the postage in the envelope in the paper. If you don't want to sign it give it to me PHC Senior and I will check out your complaint-right now. And sign it as a taxpayer and see what happens within 10 days. If our complaint is not answered or rectified, I will personally deadline that vehicle with the law. How's that H5 in retaliation? I don't really need a hot dog license, hee hee hee. Hey H5, do you guys keep a log on the circle check every morning? Or do you guys even do a circle check on those vehicles? To who and when did you ever complain on paper? Get it on paper and not get an answer?

Hey Jeff Bennett, I want to believe you about costs for renovating compared to brand-new. But I can't, are you or they talking about an underground school with all the bells and toys? And 180 days a year and the sick pay and all the other bull---? That goes with it. Or are they building a school to teach kids how to survive in this world? I really would like to see the paperwork on one of those feasibility studies. I think you will find that our one plus one still equals two, but they're one plus one equals about seven. What do you think? Remember Koonce, grade 6 was a grade 10 when it came to payday? Remember that? And because of obstruction of justice Koonce laughed all the way to the bank at all us taxpayers. Don't forget Templeton is all out of the am sorry bull---. It got worn out by Skelton (Carol), Mullins, Wilder and Columbus. Hoo boy, cheaper to build new than renovate? Do those people in Ashburnham plan on building their school in China and shipping it over here? I like to watch Star Wars, but come on let's be practical. Thanks for reading my opinion.

PS I'm back and the washing machine is turned on. Right Bev? Let's watch the dirt fly starting Thursday, June 28th. Get the tar and feathers ready. Justice will be served on a number of old issues, on paper. Get it? Taxpayers fact on papers.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i do agree with Jeff ..i todays world it is defiantly easier to rip it down and start over ..an old building over years settle and floors are not level and walls out of plum ..you have to go and fix that stuff code issues and on and on ..it is not cost affective ..why did McDonald's tear there place down and rebuild it in the same spot because it is quicker and cheaper !!and rumer has it the scrappy was in line this am for free burgers ..lol lmao i should use spell check!!!

  2. Who is the creditor for all the debt towns like Templeton take on? The more I learn about finances and who controls our debt the less borrowing money appeals to this taxpayer.

    1. Well, guess what? VW sped on down to Echol Hill in record speed after the Advisory Bd. meeting Someday she will wake up with a knife in her back (literally) but, let her learn they cannot be trusted.

    2. I heard the new advisory board member Mary Lang was right behind VW arriving at Echo Hill after the advisory board meeting.(8:45PM) So Ms Lang where are your loyalties: with the taxpayers or the Skeltons? How do we remove an advisory board member?

  3. OK folks there is a new member of the echo hill gang - Mrs Lang newly appointed member of the advisory board and dear friend of VW and BC. watchout folks another one with an agenda. evidently she didn't listen to the chairman of the advisory board when he said "The advisory boards job is to protect the taxpayers".

    1. Oh yes, she is a BIG troublemaker, the same as Darlene Brehio. Watch out for her.

    2. Speaking of Darlene - does she know that Stevie has been harassing another woman from Winchendon? He is always stopping by this woman's house when her boyfriend is at work!

  4. on old versus new, I start a new building and you begin a renovation/add-on. I have foundation in and am ready for walls, you begin the renovation and then you find lead paint and asbestos, all stop while you have it checked out according to the law, then bids have to out, costs have to be taken care of, while you are bidding for that, I am putting up walls, rough framing inspected and okayed, I am now running electrical and plumbing and waiting on inspection, you are now just begining demo work on lead paint and asbestos removal, I get okay and insulate and install wall covering, you begin the rest of demo and discover the electrical is worse than you thought, it has to be completely redone, increased/unexpected cost and more delay, you have to bid it out or buy more than you thought, I now have a building with roof and finished walls and on and on it goes. I am done with my building (new) you are still dealing with the renovation/demo. More time, more labor = increased costs. Simplistic comparison, but that is what to expect with a building constructed in 1941. The feasibility study is available on line and you can go to Ashburnham and talk with them and probably see exactly what they have and how they came upon a million dollars less to build new rather than renovate and add-on. Perfect example is 252 Baldwinville road, the company that put up co&s garage estimated $144.00 per square foot for a brand new steel building the same size as 252 and the opm for that project stated it was gonna be somewhere over $200 per square foot to renovate that building, and it came in around 3 million dollars, new estimated, non bid no haggling was 1.4 million for brand new, perhaps with competetive bidding it could be cheaper, but I know it was half as much to get a brand new building than to rehab the old one, 200 grand just to shore up the roof.

    1. Thanks to the good people who stood up for me at Mondays Selectmans meeting. I am now on the personel bd. Thanks to Sue for making me aware of the opening. I wrote my letter and had it in the selectmans office Monday morning. Gee, its a good thing i'm not sensative! Can you believe Chris acted like he did not want me! Bubba wasn't happy, Chris did not know I had applied. Sue,and Stella Smith stood up for me, along with some others. I did not say anything, but if push came to shove I was going to tell Chris what I had written. "I have no people in my family working for the town. Therefor I have no conflict of interest. I have been on the Board of Health, and on the advisory bd. I can, and will be fair and impartial." What more does he want. Any way I was saved by some of the best people anyone could ever ask for, and I want you to know I appreciate your support. Someone better find some rope. Next time Pauly gets sick we are going to tie him to a chair. Like they say, you can't keep a good man down. Bev.

  5. Glad you are back, Pauly, with your usual wit & humor regarding the funny & not so funny things happening in Templeton. I agree with the analogy that we have been screwed over. Maybe in a different manner but, nevertheless, screwed over! And yes, the timing has been like that guy that just got convicted of molesting many over several years! You are absolutely right, time for some more convictions! My opinion expressed here. Once again, good to read your astounding viewpoints, Pauly. Now stay well for not only you & Sue but for all of us :) We need you!!

    1. Oh & Thank you, Pauly & Sue, for everything you have done to get the word out on wrongdoings in our community. You & your blogging forum have accomplished many great things!!! Glad you are going to be okay. Have a good day!

  6. I would like to see Templeton file a home rule petition to exempt the town from the so-called "prevailing wage" law.

    Any government construction project is painfully slow and expensive. The slow part, in my opinion, is due to government/union collusion to "not kill the job". The rt. 2 overpasses are a case in point. Very expensive, very inconvenient for taxpayers and (IMO) very wasteful.

  7. On a good thing, for those who do not know, work on senior center is progressing at a fast pace and I don't want to jinx it, it will be 'standing" in a couple of weeks. A lot of credit goes to many people, more credit goes to a few. Alot recently goes to the highway department. Their work so far has saved you, the taxpayer, around 200 thousand dollars. So when you vote on Thursday, (tomorrow) think of that and the highway department on their requests for a truck and a loader. Stop by the highway garage and check out the work the new mechanic is doing on an old truck, he is replacing frame rails and a few other parts so as to get another 10 years out of this truck. This new employee has already proved his worth. He cannot unfortunately rebuild a loader cheaply. just two things to think about prior to voting tomorrow. Thank You

    1. The public can go out and get a deal on a piece of equipment with not too many hours on it, and if the guy that owns it is hard up, the guy buying it can get a deal. This is not the way it can be done when you work for the town. Too many hoops to jump through, boards to answer to , you know the drill. The guys on the highway dept, are doing the best they can, with what they have to work with. It does come to a point where it is costing you to much in labor and parts, to keep dumping money in a machine. While the mechanic is working on this piece of equipment, other things get neglected, so we end up on square one. To try to avoid all this time that gets sucked up trying to fix junk, I think it is time to put up or shut up. Bud has done his best. Time to vote Yes, give him the equipment he desprately needs. We now know he has a good man to maintain it. My opinion, Bev.

  8. Agreed Bev I've been trying to explain this to Pauly that the laws do not allow Bud to just go out and find a good deal like he (Pauly) can. All this procurement cr--- just like all the state regulation for a new school. But also I have seen in the past certain departments get all of what they need and more and other departments - not so much!
    Anonymously Sue

  9. It is hard to give a common sense answer when the the procurement laws are designed to make it difficult to fund public projects. The rules in place are supposed (I said supposed to) to stop corruption.

    We could follow Mark B.'s suggestion to file a home rule petition to exempt Templeton from the prevailing wage law.... and the Attorney General would rule that the home rule petition illegal. ...back to square one.

    Bottom line - the highway department needs equipment. The wording on the ballot is confusing. The highway articles for equipment are debt exclusions...they will not be on the tax rate permanently.

    The school override is also worded in a confusing manner. At town meeting, the wording included "2 1/2 override" wording. The ballot question for the school does not include this wording.

    I have mixed feelings on the school override aside from the wording of the ballot. There are about 30 kids who attend the NRSD who are homeless. I have no desire to increase this number. Many families are stressed. They are one paycheck away from homelessness. I don't want to increase that number. I can afford the increase in my taxes. I know there are many people who can not afford to have their taxes raised.

    I can only hope that people will go out to vote tomorrow. See you at the polls!


  10. I will vote no on the school because of mismanagement of town money buy the BOS. Maybe next year there will be more funds.

    1. The school administration needs to bear a lot of the responsibility for overspending & mismanagement of funds, in my opinion.

    2. It is hard to justify to myself, really how anyone could screw things up so bad {11 years} give me a break! I could not believe it when all of those people, with the school interest, could just walk out the door, and leave us old people to deal with what are critical problems in town. Must be a small attention span, or they are so self centered, they don't care about anything but their adjenda. I admit, I was not happy with any of them and I was not alone. We are fighting a battle to get this town on its feet, emotionally and financially. I would hope they read this blog. We need the support of these young people. This town will be theirs when we are gone. Bev

    3. Sad to see that so many school parents showed up for the BOS meeting on Monday and when the school issue was over, they left. If they would pay attention to ALL town business, maybe certain people would not have been able to get away with mishandling town funds for the past 10 years. And that goes for a lot of people. You can't simply support your niche issue in town and ignore the rest of town business. We are all a part of this community and we need to pay attention to all town business & all depts. Its the only way to sustain a healthy and happy community. Think outside yourself. Stop asking "how does this affect me?" and start asking "how does this affect the whole town?".

      Its not the school dept's fault there is little money this fiscal year. They are doing their best with what they have. its our fault, collectively, that there is little money to go around. We got too trusting that the powers that be were looking out for our best interest. Let it be a lesson to us all that we need to keep all eyes on town business moving forward and participate at these public meetings. It far more important than rushing home to watch the Bachelorette on tv.

      If there are 30+ homeless kids in Templeton, that should be all the more reason to SUPPORT the school system. Lets give these kids as good an education as we possibly can so they can feel good about themselves and go on into the future with skills to succeed. I looked at the formula to see what it would cost me if all 4 questions passed at the polls. It will end up being and additional $75 for the year. I am one month away from being broke. But you know what? I'll make it work for an additional $75. The money is worth it. I can't punish these kids for adult misbehavior. And the highway dept has always been last in line for support from the town. Lets show them we support them by giving them the equipment they need to keep our roads safe and passable.

    4. A LOT of salaries were cut and hours were shortend for Town employees, How much did the school administration cut from their salaries?

    5. Several teachers have already been given their pink slips. The district does not have a librarian or gym teacher. Many administrators and teachers wear multiple hats as is. They have sacrificed right along with the town employees. Not sure ALL depts have sacrificed. I don't remember the Light Dept. eliminating any jobs or excessive costs like a wardrobe allowance. Do any other town depts give $$ to their staff to buy clothes?
