Saturday, June 30, 2012

Is legal right?

Is legal right?

In my opinion all the problems in Templeton started with the people that twist words to fit their lips, and only their lips. This is legal, that is legal, K&P says - in their opinion it's legal. And on and on and on. And Mass General law number this and Mass General law number that, but none of those people  stating the law had one paper on hand to back up their big mouths, except Jeff Bennett and Julie Farrell. And you VW shake your head in disbelief and you Mullins (scrappy) hide your head in shame and you Columbus sit there like a king that just got stepped on by the court jester.
What say you people? The failures this town has had in the past few months should prove to your "bunch" that lying, deceiving, cheating, eroding our town government would not be tolerated. And it is not over, it's too bad others have to suffer for a few boneheads in control of the town. I will write the attorney general's office as anonymous, but that office is not, and I say not doing its job either. You are right "Baldwinville" someone is keeping my investigation awfully quiet. But we are just about ready. Is K &P making sh--- up with the attorney general's office about the bids on the senior center? And yes people I PHC Sr am pissed off about the way this election went Thursday. Where were the "vote today" signs? Yes right around the driveway to the school. What about the east Templeton square, Templeton common, otter River and Baldwinville common? Of those signs a big secret also? Whose job was it to locate those signs around town? We all know where to vote-it's the day and date that sometimes slips one's mind. Have you forgotten the old saying "please remind me" young and old, need to be reminded of unwanted issues, like it or not. And to you voters  that are happy about the election, good for you. And to you voters that are unhappy with the election, look around –ask  your real friends who cause all this bu----. Let the people speak, but shut up-recall, recall, recall, Inc. really honest taxpayers know who you are and you will never live it down, and you are just too ahhhh -stupid! No, ignorant? No narrowminded? Yes the morale here in Templeton hit a big, big, low. But it will return, heavy-duty when the obstruction of justice issues are out in the open. Names, dates, times and offenses are all recorded on paper. Get it? On paper. If this election, did not open a lot of eyes and ears, nothing in the future will. And speaking of reminders, who is going to make the rules for a school at the Templeton developmental center? I will write a whole book about it why? Yes why, an elementary school should never and I say never be built in that area. When the final word is out from the SBA or the other outfit that approves these things, you all will hear from me PHC Sr. And I will say it again in my opinion "stupid people should not be allowed to breed" another reminder, who is going to pay the legal bills for the new lawsuits? What you don't remember? Now for the "blame game". Please blog me some names of the people you taxpayers think caused this mess. I won't tell, hee-hee-hee. I honestly believe most people know the guilty parties, of this big, big conspiracy against all us honest taxpayers. By about 12 to 15 zeros-oops, I mean residents/taxpayers. Come on, I need some arguments on paper yes on paper, oops I mean blog, get it? And the famous townwide question by Joe Boyd-who is to blame for the changing of the town meeting articles? Its not going to be a secret much longer right "Pete". It's Saturday two days after the voting on an override article, that's what I call today. I personally feel bad right across the board, but in I say but take a second and third looked at all my, PHC sr’s complaints. On paper to "your" powers to be and ask why? Not even one have been addressed. And yes it's all about money and conspiracy and collusion. Do you people want me to put my complaints on the blog again with names and amounts. To start with the con con agent, 23 months over paid. How much money? Add it up-23 months overpaid. I can go on and on and I'm going to do exactly that. I want in investigation here in Templeton and eventually it will happen. And it's all about trust and money, no shoulder patting, get it? No atta boys, just trust in money. Thanks for reading my opinion. Pauly


  1. Pauly Take good care of yourself because without you standing up for all of us we would have been screwed worse than we were. Think about the damage "Let the People Speak" caused and would still be causing if it were not for you and Pauly's Templeton Watch. Keep up the good work. You have many supporters/followers. Even townspeople who do not agree with you read and talk about your blogsight. Your reward will come. Good things come to good people. Thank you for all your efforts.

    1. Hear ye, Hear Ye, read all about it on Pauly's Blog. He is our modern day Town Crier!! You are so right in all you said above. I have said it many times, too, but always worth repeating, Thank you Pauly!! Yes, good things are coming your/our way because you made this site possible. No more throat infections, right Sue! We need you both, if this town is going to continue to get the "other" side of the story. And Thank you, Julie for having come back to us, in spite of all the Egregious & Outrageously Nasty things that let the people speak & recall groups Unethically & immorally did to you. We are fortunate to have you back in the "stall". In reference to your hilarious description, I believe most people would find that you are Far from being an "old mare". LOL. Possibly you feel you're not the filly (Lol) you want to be but I would bet my money on the best, most Honest races you have run any day!!! Thank you, as well. I do agree with Jeff that people need to research things before they lay claim to anything that they say someone has done. Other people may not read everything else that rebuts it & believe that Julie & Jeff voted for those mentioned, when indeed they had nothing to do with those appts on the Advisory Board. These are my solid opinions. Lastly, yes, just because something is deemed legal does not mean it is necessarily right!!

  2. I hope the time comes when a good legal look can be had of the WWTP contract and K&P's obstruction of justice in that case. It is believed that K&P's actions cost this town between ten and thirty million dollars. If people ever wake up to what happened and become informed on this issue it will make you sick to your stomach.

    1. In my heart of hearts I know you are right, Baldwin Templeton. One of the last things Gladys told me was that the mill owed us alot of money. If she had taken care of herself, the way she took care of everyone else, the town would not be in the mess it is in right now. But we are, where we are, and all we can do is our best. I can tell you all one thing we are not going to back down, no way in hell, as long as we can stand together, we are going to take our town back. What is the old saying," THE BIGGER THEY ARE, THE HARDER THEY FALL". lOOK OUT MASSACHUSETTS, YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR ONE BIG BANG. My thoughts as always, Bev.
