Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sound off

In my opinion, when a taxpayer sees something wrong in town that has an effect on our taxes, that person should make a note "on paper" with particulars and make it known to all us taxpayers. Send me, PHC Sr a copy and I will make sure the word gets out. And remember just here in Templeton, this is where we pay our taxes. We know that other towns (Winchendon) have big issues on honesty and waste of the taxpayers dollars. But some still try to keep these issues a big secret from the taxpayer. The book says the average wage here in Templeton is $23,000 per year.
Get it, per year. Now let's take a look at some other per year jobs here in Templeton. School teachers average 180 days a year. That's only half the year. Soooo, if you are a teacher, and only work six months per year does that mean the average pay teacher is $46,000 per year. Compared to our average of $23,000 per year. Think about it. What does a teacher do with that of 180 days a year, collect unemployment? Go on vacation? Work a second job? I'm not trying to knock anyone's job, but a year is 12 months at my last count and a half a year is six months, right? So school people indirectly work six months out of the year. Has anyone ever added that to a per year wage? Start counting your job days of work. Then add, subtract, multiply and divide all these figures, and one year is still one year. And six months is still six months. I am talking about actual, you know actually working so to say, not procrastination. If your elected or appointed officials want to be recognized for their services, make a log of your everyday duties to the town. Not and I say not, show up for work at 7 AM and leave at 9 AM and get paid until noontime. And go ahead ask me who does this practice. A lot of people know this type of practice has been going on for a long time. But the proper authorities look the other way, am I right or not?( Kudos for Kirk Moschetti for buying a time clock for his department, that ended an issue there.)

Today is July 1, 2012, your con comm agent is history, but what about all the money that agent was paid by us taxpayers because of the certain four people that just "looked the other way" is this practice going to continue? We will be in the same financial mess next year, if you don't have a time card or a "good" supervisor to keep things above board. Then you should make a log to explain what a particular job or inspection you are conducting. Not to just say "I was busy in the field". But in all honesty you, per se-were visiting in another part of town, or even visiting out-of-town-get it? Other words, the 40 hour position at $50,000 per year only needs 19 hours, $25,000 savings. Always financial problems don't just happen they are created, by those that are looking out for something for nothing. And it's our "duty" as taxpayers to bring these things to the attention of the proper authorities “on paper” and also copies to other state or federal agencies to help us. "Good luck" but above all, don't blame Templeton, it's happening all around the world, right? But we here in Templeton can bring " our" town under control by working together, as a team, not as a conspiracy. Answer to this blog, share your ideas, good or bad. Don't forget we are now in fiscal year 2013. Thanks for reading my opinions.-Pauly


  1. Have a husband with only one skill. Will take the lowest bidder. You said "Let's have some fun." So here you go.

  2. Okay lets have some fun, since we no longer use the conference room at 690 patriota road, lets move the assessors into that space, move town clerk into the assessors office, move conservation office into the planning board room and close 4 elm street. That way the tax collector and assessor can be in the same building with the treasurer, accountant and selectmen. We could then have a board for in/out of office and have a log so anyone can see who was in the office or out of the office and for how long, that would tell a story. Have all meetings at the school and tape them all. The schools are paid for by the taxpayers and then we can see how willing the school is to work with the taxpayers.

    1. Doesn't the conference room have enough room for the clerk and the assessors? need to keep an eye on the clerk too mistakes w/posting warrants etc. Need a time clock at 2 School st too. ei - heard the building inspector could not be found when someone drove into a house. we pay him for 25 hours a week. but no one knows where he is after 9:00am need a log!

  3. What is that one skill? Maybe bid it out for the fundraiser

  4. I knew this was coming, ergo, I cleared my throat just for it. Thank you for that opening Pauly. I just can't type that much on laptop without huge typos and inordinate amount of time trying to catch them all. Ready?
