Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Open Meeting Complaint

Open Meeting Law Complaints vs TMLWP

On May 1, 2012, I was a Light and Water Commissioner. As such, I attended the TMLWP meeting. As is the custom for the Light and Water Commission, the meeting is not posted on the website, only at the Town Clerk’s bulletin board on Elm St. The Commissioners do not receive a copy of the agendas before the meeting. All the materials for these meetings are received at the meeting itself.

The posting for the meeting included an executive session to discuss solar energy proposals and a commissioner’s blog. No exemption was given to enter into the executive session. This is the “blog” entry that was going to be discussed. Because the blog was identified as “Julie’s Blog” ( April 24, 2012) I had a pretty good idea the discussion was going to concern me. I stated that I was not properly notified 48 hours in advance of the meeting, so I left the meeting.

I filed this OML complaint against the TMLWP manager and chairman on May 3, 2012. I made a public records request to review the minutes from the executive session held at the may 1st meeting. I received this communication from Mr. Driscoll. The response I received back from Mr. Driscoll regarding my OML complaint was interesting to say the least. I think more training is definitely in order for the manager and the commissioners of TMLWP.

After reading Mr. Driscoll’s response to my OML complaint, I remembered the Commissioners meeting back on March 13th. I recalled a similar executive session posting. I found the material from this meeting, including the agenda posting. (There are a few documents included here)

One thing I would like to point out is that I left this meeting after the water meeting, to attend a school committee meeting. The minutes (included) reflect my presence at the water meeting, but not the light meeting. Another executive session had been posted without the exemption listed. Included was the material from Pauly’s blog entitled “What Leonard Kopelman will do for you!”( February 13, 2012) printed out in color. I returned to the meeting quite late, expecting everyone to be gone. Instead I entered the conference room where a discussion was taking place about my blog entry. I have filed another OML violation against TMLWP manager and commissioners. (I needed to continue the complaint onto another sheet.) I do not have the executive session minutes from that March 13 executive session meeting, maybe the Attorney General’s office will be “permitted” to view them?

Julie Farrell


  1. I encourage readers to review the letter Scott Graves sent to ethics for Julie. She has it posted. It clearly shows how far some will go to keep the truth out of the public eye. Yes even the Light and Water are public entities owned by the taxpayers. Vote and attend meetings. Help Julie fight the fight and demand truth from those that seek to run the town as their private kingdom.

    1. You got that right, reachout!! I couldn't agree with you more that everyone should read the response from Atty. Graves to the Ethics board that was most well done in defense of Julie. He clearly shows that what she was trying to do was, really honorable actions, or at the very least, that she was exercising her constitutional rights as a citizen of this country, as opposed to the picture the complainaints were trying to "paint" of her. My favorite point he makes is that if these types of (frivolous, my opinion) complaints keep being filed against good citizens it will have a very "chilling effect" on those who are attempting to do what is right & just. These ruthless people will stop at nothing. I can also tell you that from personal experience. What else I can tell you from experience & knowledge of her is that, Mrs. Farrell is probably the most undeterred, principled, & dedicated, person to your rights in govt. that I have ever met anywhere at anytime ever!! As you say, reachout, please read the letter in order to understand why we need to help her in her efforts to retain those rights for us! I can't always do as much as I want but, I do what I can, where I can. I respectfully request that anyone do anything that is within their capabilities. Go to meetings, email suggestions, blog here, sign (legitimate petitions) especially if they are circulated to protect your rights (& Health), etc, etc. Always do your research 1st for any "cause" Before signing. If we keep on these "BULLIES" with numbers, strength & power then they will eventually have to be accountable. They have gotten away with far too much for far too long, as those who read Pauly's "newspaper" are now beginning to get much more than they might have previously just reading the "one-sided" GSnooze (my opinion). Thanks everyone who tries to help Julie & the rest of us hold these unethical & in (my opinion again) immoral people accountable for their dirty deeds & outrageously bad behavior. Once more, everything I say is my opinion expressed under the 1st amendment, as my right & privilege. Please help defend it because if you have not tried to use it in Templeton within the last 10 years you have been "living under the illusion" that you still have it here. Please read Julie's attorney's letter, as reachout suggests. It will prove what I have just said about your right to speak out & get information to the general public & that it is being trampled upon. There are enough who know now what is going on here in town, so don't be afraid to come forward, even if you have to do it anonymously. Anything newsworthy, suspicious or threatening please report to Pauly's blogsite. Be well, safe & have a good day everyone!

    2. In my opinion there certainly does seem to be an abuse of power down at the Light and Water Department this is nothing new. Something people may want to become familiar with is Agenda 21. This is a program where elected official are replaced with bureaucrats who are appointed rather than elected to positions of power and as bureaucrats no longer work for we the people but instead do nice things for themselves like perhaps our first manager of Light and Water. If possible it would be nice to hang on to our Constitutional rights when it comes to participating in town politics.
