Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Who is Ritter????

Who is Ritter?

I went to a selectmen's meeting April 9, 2012, in my opinion, that meeting was quite unusual. I heard through the grapevine that the town coordinator was going to resign sure enough there goes Mr. Ritter with a big pocket full of money $14,000 to be exact. Also as Ritter exited the room I can see that big knife in the middle of his back. It had some initials burnt into the handle BC -VW-PM. I ran outside to try to find Mr. Ritter so I could return that knife to the original owners. But he was gone. I did hear a train whistle, it sounded like it was heading east towards Harvard.
Does that mean Mr. Ritter got the railroad with a $14,000 deal? I never did understand those railroad people, hee hee. But that’s just one of those things that happens here in Templeton, right? Now almost 3 months later, after the executive meeting of the board of selectmen, the regular selectmen's meeting convened, guess what? Yep-there was Mr. Ritter sitting next to the empty seat of Mullins. Did the board of selectmen make a trade in that executive meeting or what? If so was that case, in my opinion, that was the smartest thing the board of selectmen has done, in the best interest of us taxpayers in years and years. I know where Bennett was, so he was not part of the so-called "swap", if that's what happened. Maybe Ritter did not like that railroad deal, and decided he did not want to resign and would work for zero dollars until July 1. How's that? A nice guy to work for us taxpayers for one month free, Hoo boy what's next?

I noticed BC looking at the back of Ritter’s shirt for patch or a small knife hole. Hee hee, I wonder why BC was at that meeting? Pete Kaspar said it was because BC never saw justice being served. Hee hee. And in my opinion it is just the beginning of justice being served here in Templeton. Right Joe Boyd? Well so much for that Ritter guy- I let's get back to the railroad whoops I mean selectmen's meeting. Sue Byrne asked why the personnel board rules have been violated and nothing was done about the violators. In my opinion it's the same old-same old answers, huh? Then the Board of Health agent started talking with his box of Kleenex close by. And when he started rattling off numbers – Wow. I thought he “Phil Leger” was the new accountant. Actually he sounds a lot like BC and VW – trying to move money around like a game of checkers to fit his salary. What did he sound like to you taxpayers? That’s all us taxpayers need – another BC & VW to try to use our dollars as a shuffleboard “puck”. Get it like a hockey puck? Other words Phil Leger if you don't like the pay you are getting after all the bull----that us residents and taxpayers have gone through to balance our budget-I suggest you take a hike and find a town that will pay you more. In my opinion if I were you I would smile all the way to the bank before us taxpayers "wake up". Sorry old buddy but that is my opinion and a lot of others in this town. I wonder if Mr. Ritter will ask to rearrange his pay. Hee hee, other words if you are not happy with your pay don't start a war, deal with your "new" town coordinator on the finance board don't keep upsetting the selectmen meetings, other words go through the chain of command, like I PHC Sr have always been told. I can guarantee you will be heard, but put your concerns on paper to be timestamped. Get it, time stamped, nobody is happy with the cuts and reduced hours, but you must remember-how and when this whole mess started. And to you Phil Leger you are new here in Templeton and haven't gotten the drift yet. If you talk to the right people you might catch on-and have a different outlook on things. Like Bev on the Hill says, get the truth or hit the road, and to settle any hearsay, I had a good conversation with the attorney general's office at 11 AM Monday morning about all my complaints about Templeton. In all the people responsible for what has been going on to near bankrupt our town. I thank state rep Denise Andrews for her help with these "ignored" issues. Obstruction of justice has been ignored here in Templeton, especially in the last four years and the two selectmens meetings witnessed by DVD. Those DVDs don't lie about these obstruction of justice issues and it's not "just democracy" it was outright obstruction of justice and us taxpayers have the numbers to prove our claim. And remember six people with guns is no match for 100+ taxpayers with no gun. And the DVD is worth 100 guns in my opinion. What chance did those people on the 9/11 planes have against terrorists with knifes that took over the pilot of those planes, and cause many many deaths. But, and I say if all those passengers had nice guns 911 would not be history today

It is now 4 PM and I just received another call from the Atty. Gen.'s office and in my opinion all us taxpayers can thank state rep Denise Andrews for her help with this issue. I am certainly going to give her my vote and I hope all that reads the blog will do the same. Don't forget none of the other state reps or Sen. Brewer has helped us in Templeton with issues. Unless, now hear me good, unless our selectmen got called and did not give honest answers. And remember one appointed official admitted on tape that they had called and talked to that appointed official, who called? Gobi, Sen. Brewer, Congressman Oliver, who called the town of Templeton in my opinion was told "all was well" (except for a senile old Ian) that just did not like the answers from the board is selectmen. How about three members of the board of selectmen being kept from the truth, asks Julie, Jeff Bennett, Bob Mitchell and you all know how it was done, and by who. "As in chain of command" it is not just hearsay, when I say I have it on paper, I have it on paper-get it? And I will say it again about the health agent, I'm not concerned about any other town in the Commonwealth, I am only concerned about Templeton because this is where I pay my taxes and Vote and live I can't do anything about bylaws or health concerns of any other town, so pay attention Phil Leger, don't worry about other towns when you are being paid by the town of Templeton. If you feel you are not being paid enough for what you do prove to us taxpayers on paper-a log. Not just bitch about it at the selectmen's meeting. We now have an honest town coordinator, but verbal complaints will not be accepted. So put it on paper "two copies" and your complaint will be answered promptly-is that fair? This is my opinion thanks for reading.


  1. I don't think this man gets it. The good times are over. The days when some people got paid alot for doing not alot, are gone. This guy can't find the time to do barn inspections? Its funny he had enough time to chat with Mr. Driscoll about keeping Julies' floride article off the town meeting warrant! [I believe a person has the right to put anything they want on the warrant, as long as they get the signatures} He had three or four hours here and there, if I read the emails right. Try doing the barn inspections instead of derailing someone elses business. Sorry, but I can not believe the board of health needs a full time agent. Big building boom is over, not alot going on as far as I can see. I really think he can find the time to get those barn inspections done. This is my opinion, as usual Bev.

  2. For the record, it was Pete's citizen petition to discontinue water fluoridation. He works very hard at trying to educate people on the issue. I totally support my husband on this this issue. Not because he is my my husband, but because he is right.

    The Farrell household has a large collection of books regarding fluoride, the history of fluoride and water fluoridation. Pete has read all of them and most are extensively highlighted.

    I find it very disturbing and downright "Un-American" that two department heads, the light and water manager and the board of health director would conspire to undermine a citizen petition, that had followed the proscribed procedure for being placed on a warrant. (For more information please see the blog entry "Please read" May 25, 2012) I may not be an attorney, but my reading comprehension is pretty good. Anyone with a 3rd grade education should be able to understand the last paragraph of MGL Chapter 111 section 8C -

    ....in such district the following question shall be placed before the next annual meeting of the inhabitants of the district:—“Shall the public water supply for domestic use in this district be fluoridated?” If the majority of votes in answer to said question is in the negative, the water supply of such city, town or district shall not be fluoridated, and the fluoridation of such water supply shall not be ordered again by the board of health for a period of at least two years from the date of such vote."

    I hope the attorney general will take action on Pauly's complaints of obstruction of justice. I think an impartial examination of the complaints is long overdue.

    Julie Farrell

  3. I found this while researching thyroid stuff. For me it puts the flouride issue in simpler terms for those of us that are a bit less scientific:

    The natural form of mineral fluoride is Apatite (calcium fluoro-chlorohydroxyl phosphate). When fluoride is added to drinking water, it’s not the natural apatite mineral. Instead, it’s other fluoride compounds – the toxic waste products from aluminum manufacturing, phosphate
    fertilizer plants, steel, cement, phosphate, and nuclear weapons plants.

    The 2 most common compounds used for fluoridating water are:
    1.Sodium silicofluoride
    2.Hydrofluorosilicic acid

    Cherie Calbom, M.S. Nutritionist, Researcher:

    Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the most commonly used additive. (Center for Disease Control)
    Environmental stress such as chemical pollutants, pesticides, mercury, and fluoride are also tough on the thyroid.
    A growing body of evidence suggests that fluoride, which is prevalent in toothpaste and water treatment, may inhibit
    the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Pauly for bringing up 9/11 as I feel if you look at the facts surrounding this event you will see that the Muslims did not do this event. Al Qaida or the base as it was known was a CIA asset used in the mideast and paid through heroin money and cash sent through the Pakistan ISI Osama knew lots of money people as well. The box cutters with knives statement was it is believed made by Barbara Olson a CNN correspondent and wife of a legal advisor to President Bush who was allegedly on flight 77 headed for the Pentagon. The problem with her statement according to FBI records at the trial of Zacharia Moussai is that cell phones at that time did not work at altitudes above about 5000 feet where the alleged phone call would have been made. The plane being used also was not equipped with a phone that she could have used. Author David Ray Griffin gives an excellent account of the events of 9/11 ten years later if anyone is interested in the truth of what happened. You will not learn any of this in the main stream media. I would also suggest "The Terror Timeline" by Paul Thompson. For anyone interested on June 15 2012 at Monadanock High School in Swanzy New Hampshire at seven pm the group of 1638 Architects and Engineers will be sponsoring their new DVD "Explosive Evidence" that shows how controlled demolition was used to bring down the three towers on that fateful day. The more you look at 9/11 the more it looks like an inside job. Seek and you will find.

  6. Back to fluoride. It was partly the science showing the toxic effects of fluoride that got my attention but what really grabbed me was the politics behind fluoride. Christopher Bryson's book "The Fluoride Deception" is the one book you will need to read to get that special feeling someone has handed you a big bag of Sh--t when it comes to the benefits of fluoridation. Big corporations are behind putting fluoride in the water supply such as Alcoa, USS steal, Dupont, and many of the other "War Machine" industries. Even if you are to lazy to do the homework yourself try talking someone you know and trust into reading "The Fluoride Deception" and then listen in horror to what they have to say about how fluoride came into your life. I looked at this subject two times before I noticed that my ribs were breaking very easily when I fell out jogging. I was getting what I believed were ectostosis on my ears and my joints in my hands were getting something growing there. My lower back ached and I had a lot of indigestion problems. All of these problems have improved since I have tried to get fluoride out of my life. Anyone on prozac knows there best friend may soon be ED (erectile disfunction) due it is believed to the fluoride in that product. Fluoride also accumulates in the arteries around your heart causing big problems there. Your brain accumulates fluoride in what is called your third eye or pineal gland causing problems with melatonin production. Every doctor, pharmacist,nurse or medically trained individual reading this should get the book "The Devil's Poison" by Dr. Dean Murphy. This piece of literature will scare you straight when it comes to the nitty gritty of this enzymatic poison. My personal favorite is how fluoride is treated in Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater 20th edition. Fluoride reads like an advertisement for the dental community while Calcium reads like a plumbers problem concerning scaling on the inside of pipes, go figure. I could go on and on. Please stop me and say "lecture me on the problems with fluoride" should you see me out and about.

  7. Just before Mr Ritter resigned I had contacted him at the suggestion of a cleaning lady who used to do laundry and odd tasks for residents where I live. She took me aside into a room with just us two and gave me his phone number she was afraid of others knowing she had given me his info. I contacted him a few days later concerning the THA's bid to evict me and to get some legal advice. He assured me at that time that the judge would probably be favorable in my case and I should not worry, and he would even be at a grievance hearing for me. He was not and then I heard news he was no longer town coordinator and had resigned through this blog, then the cleaning lady who gave me his info disappeared and hasn't been seen since. Just like many residents at the THA apartments I live in have been disappearing for years after just as many years of tortured living circumstances imposed upon them by the local gestapo...I go to court next week to defend my right to live in an apartment I don't even wish to live in, but I believe the L-RD put me here for a reason and I have been afflicted for a reason, perhaps in order to show me their evil works and deeds and defend those who had no defender...I have no legal council. I am sure the L-RD is with me however and will be with me in the judgment. I do not believe the judge will risk any more criminal behavior going unchecked under his watch. It is not the same judge that took my home from me and guided me here in the first place with the help of a neighbor/friend's advice. This town is very family oriented as far as abuse of powers and land manipulation fairs...It's a Gadianton scheme much like Sovereign dread king james of old except entirely hidden by schmucks who play schmucks and out of lucks who suffer in silence for getting snared...It's very biblical and the end is not near but neither has justice won the day in as many a year as Templeton has been a hidden gem in the world...Justice however is more important than hidden gems and if she is to be shown to the world for all the wonder she once gifted the inhabitants of her realm with , justice must be sought and hard handed ly for a while...A lot of old schemers are getting caught and screwed by the reapers overtaking the sowers of wild and sour grapes...bitter roots are losing their power hold and can only fair worse in days to come before their children can take the realm by force because she's now being watched and people are learning about the hidden political games of a very corrupt what ought to be realm of righteousness....Maybe that was the price of protecting her or so many thought, but you can't spurn the gold and collect on it, when you send most of it up the river by legal collusion and corruption and make it fight for territory it has no right to in the first place without lawful observation of covenant right. Too many scoundrels in the kitchen doing old mother Hubbard from the rear is bound to cost them the cake in the long run. May a worthier family win the day and restore some semblance of righteousness to our fair Templeton before it is too late...Do not judge by appearance or labors such as wind and sunlight harnessing, these are more signs of a corruption and laziness than of Yankee ingenuity which flew the coop long ago to escape wilder , more blood thirsty birds of prey...
    I may have more to share with some Scripture after Shabbos, but this is costing me time working on my own blog...
    Shabbat shalom and God bless.

    BTW, I go to Court on Tuesday, June 12 of this coming week at 12:30, all interested in viewing the proceedings and meeting me are welcome to come...
