Friday, October 12, 2012

October 9, 2012 BOS Meeting

The October 9th recording of the BOS meeting is ready for your viewing pleasure –



  1. Thank you for posting! I just watched it in its entirety. This is a good meeting for everyone to see. Lots of info on hot button issues.

    The 2 options for ET school each sound viable and I'm glad both avenues are being pursued instead of only one at a time...which is the way of the past...with unnecessary time and money wasted. I love that the potential of a new town hall will come with everyone working together, with local businesses offering their services at reduced or donated costs. And I'm sure the more momentum this project gets, the more people will come forward with other needed items and services. It will be the beginning of a new era in Templeton. A symbol of how things can be possible with respect, cooperation, community support and selflessness. It may not be an ideal town hall (with marble columns, granite counters and new furniture) but it will meet our needs at the time. And that approach has to be the way to go until all the financial damage is corrected. It would also be great if we could save $500k over 5 years if we didn't have to pay rent for office space.

    One more thought...I really hope the water dept is represented in person at the next BOS meeting to deliver the facts that were requested regarding water main breaks and other overdue info on past issues. Mr. Spring had good comments on that as well.

    1. I feel so much better now that something is in the process of getting started. It some times gets frustrating when things move so slowly. It will be great when we can stop heating so many buildings. The cost is just out of control. Just think, if some one needs a permit, they won't have to run all over town to get it done. I guess we should call a truce with Mr. Driscoll. Maybe he really did think he did not have to answer to the selectman, or us. I agree, he did not help things with his attitude, but who cares, we just need to figure out what is wrong with the system, and get it fixed. It would be very nice if he would come to the selectmans meeting. It would go a long way toward mending fences. Bev

  2. Thank goodness you've posted this meeting online because the channel 8 shows the dvd logo for 2 hours instead of showing the actual video. This has happened more than one time. If I relied on watching on cable, I'd be in the dark not knowing what happened. And this meeting is a very important meeting to watch! So, thank you for your efforts to get this out there for us to watch! Very much appreciated.
