Friday, October 12, 2012


In reading a few comments I thought I would remind you all of something.......
Actually we have no formal Pilot with the TMLWP - in the 2009 Dept of Revenue report it was suggested that we enter into a Formal pilot agreement with them - but remember GS, BC DOB voted not to accept the DOR recommendations   REMEMBER THAT MEETING - they (GS BC etc) humiliated the DOR.

Click on the blue word

My opinions- Pauly


  1. Its a long shot, but is there video available of this meeting where this was discussed? I would love to watch this discussion. You don't see body language in meeting minutes.

    1. blue link not working.

      also anyone know why they went against a formal agreement? I mean, I know why in reality, but I"m wondering what reason they gave officially. I'm so upset I didn't pay attention closer back then. Not as much info available then or people discussing. ANother reason Pauly should receive some sort of community service award for creating this blog and getting facts and info out there. Its great that there is a place to discuss town issues and get facts. Thanks, Pauly!

    2. I told Pauly he has been the most influential person in this community in the last hundred years, or more. I agree, he does deserve a reward, the biggest one we can give him is his investigation. We will get there yet! Oh my, the people who wrote the DOR Report, smelled a rat back then. Remember when I used to say "the recall was the worst thing to happen to this town in two hundred and fifty years"? Well, Bart said I was wrong and he is right. It really was the best thing to happen, because it flushed out all of the bad, for every one to see, Big Time. Until the recall, things looked good, people were bought,{they did not even know it}, and all the while, the town was creeping toward the edge of the cliff. Back then it would not have mattered if a few of us made noise. We would have been brushed off, or ignored, or both. See, it does come out in the wash. So, now that we are in a deeper hole then we were back then, and a little late in the game, it is ok. We are united, and moving forward. The Citizens 4 Templeton will be having a meeting in the next week or so. We have a lot to do. I would like every one to bring a new person with them. We can always use some help. Have a good weekend, see you on Monday night. Bev.
