Friday, October 12, 2012


So, Will Spring, Chairman of the Advisory Board is looking for volunteers for some work that is needed at the ET school. Kudos to Will for trying to save the taxpayers money. So if you can help contact the Selectmen's office to leave a message for Will. Every penny we save is another penny in our pockets!

Now on another note I had a friend call me. He was listening to his scanner and he heard something about a town of Templeton vehicle being in and accident in Gardner. Anyone hear anything about it?



  1. they were probably gone to get coffee you see them all the time at dunkin's by freindys in Gardner ..the boys in blue that is !!!!

  2. What, the DD in ET isn't good enough? and what's this that an anonymous commented about Mullins trying to do scrap metel at Temple Stuart?

  3. maybe they know something about the water at et dd that we don't

    1. The "ears" I have in Gardner say some one was driving a Templeton vehicle. The police ran this persons lisence, and it came back as not valid. There has to be something to this. Some things you can not hide. It will all come out---in the wash. Bev.

    2. Oh, I guess i'm tired. I forgot to add, Templetons vehicle has a new dent or two. The reason the lisence was checked out was, because it was in a accident! OOPS!!

    3. You know this damn washing machine has been running non-stop, WHY don't people just spell it out if something happened, there is just too much heresay going on.

    4. we don't know what vehicle or which employee - we are hoping that some one knows and will post the info.

    5. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to ask for everyone to look at the expiration date on your license.

      The department of Motor vehicles has stopped sending out notifications to renew your license.

      Happy Birthday!

  4. Its not that difficult people !!! Ask the selectman at Mondays meeting if the story is true . If there was a accident they better know , or that person or persons that are keeping the secret can go find another job .

    1. Is this vehicle the one that is at Brooks Auto Repair in Winchendon- Water Dept. vehicle. If it's legit why not use a Templeton shop?

    2. LMAO, lets keep the info coming, If it is the vehicle in question, of course they won't bring it to a Templeton location, They do not affiliate themselves with Templeton, remember. They only bleed this town of cash they don't give ANYTHING back. GOTCHA!!!

    3. If all of this is true, this is shameful! Are we just going to allow this behavior from one of OUR departments continue year after year? Come on people! Where's the outrage for the lack of communication and these questionable acts time and time again? Please, we have to go to the meetings and ask questions and keep asking until we get answers as in factual answers. Why is there no rule about fixing town vehicles within the town limits if needed service is available within town? This is ridiculous!!!!!

    4. Well, IF a water vehicle was involved in accident, at least they are cracking up their own vehicles and not not vehicles borrowed from other departments. ha ha ha...not so funny.

  5. Hmmm Doesn't Ron Davin live in Winchendon? and doesn't the water dept have to go out to bid every year for their vehicle repair. And if it is the water dept the selectmen won't know anything.

  6. not valid licence would mean termination for the law breaker that was operating that town vehicle? Please more info people the facts must be there!
    open up for the good of the town!
    questions will be asked at tmlwp next meeting for sure
    In the meantime was the truck a pickup?
    that would be rons truck he uses!
    gardner resident employee takes truck home at times?
    need more info please

  7. who payes for the registrations and insurance
    on tmlwp vehicles,does the town get charges on the light bill for the customers charge of 4.00 like te reat of us do? If so is it per meter for every one the town has?

  8. Hey, I've been reading all these comments about people's water bills being higher. So, I looked at my past year's bills and noticed the same things. How can the amount consumed be the exact same bill after bill until this past bill? I would guess that is an estimated amount. But if it is an estimated amount, wouldn't that be stated on the bill? And then when an actual amount is listed on the bill it is noted as "actual"? Is it illegal to not indicate on a bill which is estimated and which is actual?
