Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just a few notes

First I would like to thank Bev and Julie for putting together Candidates Nite and just a note they are paying to have this video taped (out of their own pockets) so those who cannot make it tonight will be able to watch the video. Thanks Julie and Bev for giving us the information to make informed decisions.

For those of you who missed last nights selectmen's  meeting - Bev informed me that the town has $700,000.00 of debt on 252 Baldwinville Rd that will have to be paid back. This is why Bob C, Jerry S, Denis O should never ever be allowed to be on any committee in this town.
That $700,000.00 is money that will now come out of our pockets - the taxpayers. I heard that the most it can be paid back is 4 years, that's $175,000. a year plus interest. This has to be paid under the levy limit - so that's less money for the rest of the town. These people have done their best to destroy OUR TOWN. I want everyone to remember this for next May is approaching fast.

This is why the candidate for treasurer must be a top notch treasurer to get us a good interest rate.

One other thing that Bev mentioned to me was that Julie read a letter addressed to John Driscoll that she wants the selectboard to discuss and send to Mr Driscoll. The letter had a lot of questions about the water main breaks, the infer structure and other things. Very important questions. these questions need to be answered and not verbally, in writing!

And a note to Selectman/Light & Water commissioner Chris Stewart - Bev  said that you stated that the L&W dept was working on getting a website. WE HAVE A TOWN WEBSITE WITH A LIGHT & WATER DEPT PAGE! IT HAS INFORMATION ABOUT SERVICES, DEPOSITS ETC.  - WHY ISN'T IT GOOD ENOUGH FOR POSTING THE MEETING NOTICES TO LET US TAXPAYER/RATEPAYERS NOW WHEN THE MEETINGS ARE???

The selectmen should vote that all departments post their meetings on the towns website and that all departments put as much information on the town website as possible. There are many people who work out of town and this information is important.

Ok people let me know what you think - comment - and we need to know what happened at the L&W dept meeting.

Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly


  1. I think the town should investigate selling TMLP to National Grid.

    Maybe we could use the $6 million stash, plus any proceeds from the sale to pay down town debt?

    I know folks in Templeton think we get stellar service. But here are some facts:
    Tracking a family member's National Grid bill for 6 months shows TMLP slightly higher per kWh. The difference is very small, TMLP is likely charging what the market will bear, rather than attempting to keep rates low for the Owners (US).

    National Grid is at some disadvantage to TMLP. TMLP does not need to make a profit for taxpayers. TMLP does not pay property taxes, which a non-government entity would pay. This would give the town more revenue.

    I expect people will be worried about service during a power outage. Look around - most neighboring towns do not have a Muni Light Co. They have very similar outage experience.

    Maybe this idea is not worthwhile - it depends on whether or not National Grid would pay us a substantial amount. Add in the large reserve fund, and by shedding one non-government function we might be able to fulfill traditional government functions.

    It's a one-time windfall, but it could get Templeton back on sound financial footing.

  2. Mark-
    I think that divesting ourselves(Templeton) of the Municipal Light Plant may become a reality. A discussion and factual information will not come from TMLWP. A change of this magnitude will need to be discussed for quite a while. If you are committed to Templeton divesting itself of its municipal light plant, I suggest you gather a group of like minded people to begin the process.

    I'm not convinced it's the way to go, but I believe their are many people in Templeton who are unhappy with their water and light bills and the management of that department.

  3. Julie - I am not committed to it, yet. I want the discussion. As you know, I have broached this idea on this blog on a couple of occassions. But I did not see much or even any support.

    The part that is missing is would National Grid pay real money for TMLP and it's customer base, distribution network, the windmill etc? How do we get that information? Maybe National Grid will say they're not interested. Maybe they'll offer Templeton a fair price. I just don't think that I would get very far approaching National Grid myself.

    If enough people are interested, maybe we could organize such a group. But I don't think National Grid would enter into serious discussions with an informal group that has no authority to negotiate for the sale of our MLP.

    I brought this issue up, again, because I see constant blogging about the debt. How are we going to pay off the $700k for The Boondoggle? What about all the debt Templeton has, not to mention the folks in town who seriously believe now is a good time to borrow more money for a new school. New police station. New/renovated Town Hall. New highway equipment to replace the stuff that gets worn out doing ill-advised work. Etc Etc.

    Owning our own light company might be a luxury Templeton has to pay dearly for. It's worth exploration of whether divesting is an available option, and what would the benefits be? How much could the town get from such a sale? Maybe "no bid"? Maybe enough to really pay down the debt.

  4. I think the recent problems with the water system and the departments inability to solve the problem, has brought alot of unwanted attention to water department officials. I think these people were very happy in their own world, doing what they wanted. I understand the water Detp personnel got raises, even while they are loosing money! Now I have no axe to grind with the guys in the trenches, all of this is not their fault, but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to know money does not grow on trees, especially if you can't water them! Why in the world, does the water and light need to spend money on a web page? Oh I forgot, they are special. It is time to have a reality check, and put your information on the town web site, like every other department. Mark, I am going to say what no one else says out loud. There will be no new school, unless the group with all the money gives us a larger percentage. They can do that if they choose to, or if someone has the guts to ask! That does not mean, that we do not need one or want one. Every one does, but it is also a time for a reality check for everyone that lives in this town. We need help to get ourselves out from the mound of debt, left for us by some very selfish people. This is the truth, and my opinion. Bev.

  5. My opinion, we need new L&W commissioners and management. We need people who can run it like a business. If a dept is in debt and the superintendent says he wants to be paid by the hour and get overtime and the commissioners agree - and employee get raises and money that the dept doesn't have is spent - this is bad business plain and simple. we need new commissioners.

  6. Julie - People have commented. Nobody has said they support dropping TMLP to get the cash. Everybody imagines that the fix is a DPW. All posters imagine that this can be fixed. Bev imagines that we're going to get more money from TMLP.

    That is the current thinking.

    1. Mark, I think there are others that agree with your idea, but maybe don't post here, only read. If its possible to drop local light and fix our financial crisis, it should be investigated. Every option should be investigated and discussed at length because the way things are going right now is not working. People may be a bit gun shy due to Casella trying to come into town flashing a lot of money which would have been good for the town's finances, but the real cost (what that company has a history of doing to other towns that let them in) would have done more damage to this community that no money amount would have fixed. I would like to know more about your idea and the pros and cons of it.

    2. I am willing to look at any thing that makes sence. A DPW could work for the water,sewer, highway, cemetary and recreation department. I don't think I forgot anything, but you get the drift. What to do with the Light Company needs to be studied, and discussed. Things can not continue the way they are. When the town does not benefit from having their own department, it is time for a change. The founding fathers that started the department, did not do it to make the management rich. My grandfather's name is on the list of commissioners that started the company in the beginning. The way things have worked out, I doubt this is what they had in mind. My opinion, Bev.

    3. Mark said I imagine getting more money from the TMLP. I don't think I said that. Maybe I said only in the way we have been "given" money every year, I think we as a town have been short changed. Fron what I can gather, there is no formular, that they use, just throw the same ammount at us year after year! No one has questioned this until this past year, when the town is down on its luck, so to speak. Trying to get information from the management has been difficult for sure. If Mr. Driscoll had any smarts, he would work with the people who are his real employer, the taxpayers of Templeton. By the time he figures that out it may be to late. Bev.

    4. Hi Bev - Maybe I interpreted this statement incorrectly? What you said:
      "There will be no new school, unless the group with all the money gives us a larger percentage."

      The group with all the money, I thought, was TMLP. Why should they get so much money? That extra money comes from the owners of the MLP.

      I just want to point out that TMLP giving us PILOT is not a bargain. I would prefer they charge us less for electricty and use their old trucks rather than buy new trucks and "donate" their hand-me-downs to the poorer departments. If they left more money in the pockets of ratepayers we could choose which departments get the new trucks ourselves.

  7. when the employees get more for pay than the owner than its,in my mind upside down! that is when a company owner takes no pay to keep employees and keep them paid!the town gets less than several employees do! that formula is wacked.
    Town should demand 250K 2 times the highest wage paid. that would be a start and realign board for the time being!
    It is all about money and how we spend it or don't!

  8. look back in the old town report books way back to the late 70's early 80's before Jerry S got his buddies in as commissioners. read the Town Meeting articles. there were always 2 articles giving us money from them total $225,000 plus. and that was 30 years ago.

  9. Where can I find out about how PILOT programs work? Is there a good website that explains these things? I find it odd that they would give $100k year after year. I would imagine that the amount would be based on an equation that would change each year. To me, it doesn't look like this was done correctly for years. I'm not a numbers person but I"m sure there are numbers people in town that could give their opinion on this in a more informed way.

    The fact that the LW Dept is not forthcoming on ANYTHING even why they don't post meetings in the same place and in the same way as EVERY other dept and committee makes them look shady and suspect. I'm sorry Mr. Driscoll's response was directed at the Farrells only. He's a fool if he thinks all the heat on his feet is only fueled by two people. The whole town knows there has been shady practices going on there ever since GS walked in the door. Unfortunately, it takes an incredible amount of outrage in order to get people to come out in force against an issue. And that takes citizens who have been paying attention to get out and talk to their neighbors and inform others of what is being done with their money. We've seen what can happen when the town gets outraged...people get voted out of office and real change can happen. It took a lot of citizens paying attention and going to meetings and talking to neighbors to get rid of CS and K&P and BC and we're all better off because of people paying attention and taking action. Templeton has become a bedroom community where people don't pay attention to local issues. I think Bev was trying to make a point that for any town funded project to become a reality, everyone needs to pay more attention to all town issues. If you want an elementary school, pay attention to our debt issues and to town depts that are not fully cooperating with town officials. If you want a new police station, then pay attention to collecting back taxes. Once again, I will state that an investigation needs to happen in Templeton into the suspect practices of buying 252 Bald. Rd. and the liens on American Tissue. Every town issue is intertwined with another. We cannot choose what issues to pay attention to based on our personal wants. We have to pay attention to EVERYTHING if we are to pull ourselves out of the red.

    1. Very well said, Anonymous 7:46. I don't like what the Town went through in May, but if we have to tear through the departments that are not doing the best for the taxpayers, then that is what we will have to do. Things will not get better if we just ignore what is going on under our noses. You are right, Anonymous when you say that every one wants something, but nothing can be done until we have less debt, and more money. Bev.
