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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Candidate Forum

Candidate Forum
2nd Franklin district

There will be a Candidate Forum on Wednesday night (October 10, 2012) in the Kiva at Narragansett Regional High School. The Forum will begin at 7:00 p.m.  The candidates for state representative of the 2nd Franklin District are:

Denise Andrews  campaign website

Susannah Lee  campaign website

Rick Schober   campaign website

Narragansett Regional High School is located at
462 Baldwinville Rd
Baldwinville , MA 01436

We hope to see you there.

Bev Bartolomeo and Julie Farrell


  1. Not related, but today traveling on route 2 west between exit 20 and 19 I noticed a HUGE political billboard for LEE along the highway, IS THIS LEGAL, In all my years I have NEVER saw a political sign along side a highway.

  2. This should be a good way to see in person which candidate to support.

  3. I've see Ms. Andrews at several Templeton events. Never seen the other two here.

    1. I guess by now mostly every one knows that I have supported Denise Andrews since I met her at one of our selectmens meetings. Lucky her, she came to one of the real "good ones". She got to see Bubba and company at their very worse. Needless to say, she almost fell out of her chair. I found her to be a smart girl, she reminds me of Julie. You know, capable and able to deal with alot on her plate. Please come tomorrow night. Give yourself a chance to hear all three candidates, so you will beable to make a informed choice on election day. Bev.

  4. While traveling in the area I have seen many large Lee signs. The sand pits are private property. I guess the property owner is a supporter.

    1. It is hard to kinow. if a sign means the people who's land is a supporter or not. I know people who let just anyone put a sign up, if they ask. I always ask the land owner. I just think it is the right thing to do. Bev.

    2. Sometimes it matters what signs are on what property. There are Lee signs at the Echo Hill barn and on lawns of many Echo Hill supporters. My personal rule is to not vote for anyone that they support. But that's my own opinion.

  5. I disagree with everything that the Echo Hill Gang does here in town, but after doing my own research I will be voting for Susannah Lee. Dont let your hatred cloud your judgement in a knee jerk reaction. Do your own research and then if you dont like the candidate you are an informed voter. Just my opinion.

    1. If signs had any meaning Jim White would have won the primary. He worked hard, and had alot of signs. Signs don't vote, people do. Bev.

    2. I would like to thank Julie & Bev for organizing last night's forum. I hope the citizens of Templeton watch the video (and perhaps attend some of the other debates scheduled) to find out more about each of the candidates.
      To address the comment above, on the signs close to the highway, I have asked the property owners for permission to place my large signs.
      If you would like to ask me a question, you can email or call me at home 978-249-4342

    3. so who is the property owner?

    4. What difference does is make WHO the property owner is?It would be pretty bold for someone to place signs on personal property without permission. Clearly the only people who have issues with it are the ones in this forum.

      And I think it's irresponsible and ignorant to not support a candidate because a person or group you don't like does so.

      No wonder you posted "anonymously"...just we need, more uninformed voters to skew the results.

    5. Greg-you obviously don't know the history in this town and how many people have been hurt by a certain group of people here or you wouldn't have made that comment. Its a valid feeling by many here. It may be confusing to others that haven't lived through what has happened here, but its an honest feeling. And we are here on this blog discussing our feelings and opinions in order to make sense of them and find some truth and resolutions to our problems. That is not irresponsible. At least we are engaged in conversation. The people who you should be shaking your finger at are the voters who #1 don't vote or #2 don't bother to learn about each candidate and what they stand for. Believe me, the voters in Templeton research the candidates in any election up, down, and all around due to past political issues.

      The fact of the matter is these people (Echo Hill Gang) have caused tremendous harm to this town and have pretty much bankrupted it. So, if they're supporting a certain candidate (regardless if they're the best candidate or not) its a knee jerk reaction to choose another candidate. And that, my friend, has been a part of politics forever. Why do you think candidates ask certain public officials to give speeches for them during campaign season? To make them look good and to ride on their reputation. Truth is people base their choices on other's opinions just as much as they base it on their own.

      Its wonderful that there has been several debates for state rep. All candidates have good things to offer. And its going to be a very close race here in Templeton as all 3 candidates have many supporters. I would suggest learning more about the political landscape in a town before blasting people for voicing their opinion and discussing things they feel like discussing. Oh, and by the way, according to one member of the Echo Hill Gang, all the citizens of Templeton are "stupid taxpayers" so we're used to being called ignorant. The best way you can support who you want to win is to promote their platform. Tell us what great ideas and solutions they have to offer instead of insulting voters who may have not made up their mind yet and are freely expressing themselves in the quest to make a "responsible" vote. Insulting us will not shame us into voting one way or another. Been there. Done that. You want to convince the citizens of Templeton to vote for your candidate? Present facts, figures, and ideas. How will your candidate help Templeton? Our financial crisis? Will your candidate help us to pursue an investigation into the corruption and wrongdoing of the past decade? Will your candidate help push the elementary school through by cutting through state red tape? What is their plan for increasing industry in Templeton? How will they strengthen our community? That's what will resonate with us stupid, ignorant, irresponsible voters of Templeton.

  6. Wow Greg I was just wondering who's land it was because we where always told it was either state property or Graves when we were stopped from 4 wheeling there
