Paul working for you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

As Templeton Turns… (episode 2)

Like sands through the hourglass…

Anyway, I finished converting the October 22, 2012 BOS meeting. A three part installment of “must see” TV. The youtube channel is doing well; up over 5,000 hits. I’m not sure what the people in Germany think of these broadcasts. Enjoy your day!

BTW, I was looking over the vendor warrant this week and discovered an invoice paid to Brooks Auto service in the amount of $1,963.61 to repair Truck 33. I believe the water department truck was towed to Brooks and needed new injector valves. This is probably the vehicle that was erroneously reported on the blog as having been in an accident…etc, etc. As always:

My opinion…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Holy smokes, that is a lot of money!! I hope the truck is worth it?? Couldn't you get a new motor, cheaper than that? Ok you truck guys, let me know what you think.Bev

  2. Was it Dark Shadows or Days of Our Lives?

  3. thats nothing compared to the other utility truck needing 6000.put in the engine to hopefully make it run better?
    keep buying fords?

  4. Thank for clearing up that rumor. I don't believe everything 100% all the time anyway, but it is helpful when misinformation is corrected. Some people think this blog is all lies. Not true. Most everything can be backed up by documents or video. I really appreciate the videos of meetings being uploaded to the web. I don't get to all meetings but its helpful to watch the meetings afterwards and still be informed on what is going on in town. Any chance that Special and Annual Town Meetings could be filmed? To me, these seem to be the most important meetings to have video of. Especially if anyone plans on doing any investigations into wrongdoing. Technology is great for transparency in government.

    1. No one could ever make up some of the stuff that has gone on under every bodys nose. I would give any thing to have this stuff be a lie. The more that things are inspected, the worse things look. We have not found the bottom yet. This blog is the truth, paper work may be hid, but surely it will turn up. The paper work at the AG's Office, was misplaced!!CHOKE, CHOKE! Things are going to be so in your face, any political "friends", will not hide anything any more. Citizens 4 Templeton, could have gone with Denise, to the AG's Office. No, we are going as a town! This town will not recover from the political games that have been played, at our expence {YOU & ME}, expense for maybe a decade. This is so far from being right, and honest, it makes me sick. Basically I am worried about the young families, with house payments, and the rest of the stuff that comes with being in that age group. The taxes that you pay, will be to fix mistakes, you had nothing to do with. For that I am sorry.
