Paul working for you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Advisory Board Recommendations vs DOR Report

I have had a few visits from people who have told me that the selectmen at a few meetings ago - voted to accept the Advisory Boards recommendations. I am waiting for a copy from an AB member so I can post it here. Now the advisory board - the new member since May - had not even heard of the DOR report. you see the report was done in 2009. When it was brought to their attention and they read it - wooboy!!!!! what did they find - their recommendation and the DOR recommendation were all very alike if not exactly  alike. HEE hee hee how did the Advisory Board do this - I think this just proves that we have a top notch AB. but here's the thing ..... Bev told me that at the selectmen's meeting last Monday Julie made a motion to accept the DOR report and not one of the other selectmen seconded it.
Sooo who are the stupid people now. how do you accept one set of recommendation but not an almost identical set. stupid stupid stupid. This just shows us taxpayers that we still have board members that are not thinking of the best interest of the town or the taxpayers.

an while we are all asking for an investigation - let's not forget that I had presented a letter months ago the BOS asking for an investigation and the past Chairman Bob Columbus refused to even have the board vote on it. then when Chairman Stewart took over he refused to even bring it up. Julie and Jeff B have asked again and again. sooo my question is when will the other three members of the BOS get the jist that they work for the taxpayers not their personal agendas or the Skelton's.

VW has proven time and time again that she doesn't care about this town oh yeah she pretends - but watch her closely. I realize that Tammy didn't take the job as treasurer (she was offered a job as treasurer for NRSD) but on the night of the interviews VW voted against her - why she was the best candidate. could it be because her "dear friend" CS didn't like Tammy. how do you vote for a person who has no treasurer experience over a certified treasurer?  stupid stupid stupid.

I heard VW was showing her leopard spots hee hee hee.  and had already started to make things difficult for Tammy. I have also heard that she is giving Kate (selectmen's a hard time now over her helping with accounting work. hoo boy VW should we pay Kate $x per hour to do data entry or should we pay the accountant $xx .  Hey VW can you count hee hee hee. oh that's right you can't count and neither can PM let's not forget all the money they wasted last spring with K&P trying to get rid of Jeff Ritter. Not to mention violating town Bylaws.

and hey look back at the selectmen's meetings when Julie was recalled and BC - VW - PM - CS were on the board - they voted to let the Municipal Building Committee keep spending money. Stupid stupid stupid. Now VW is acting all surprised that so much money was spent.

Get rid of these people now- no matter how much they change their stripes they will never work for the best interest of the taxpayers/town.

My opinions thanks for reading -Pauly

PS - Hoo boy am I feeling better all this medicine is finally kicking in hee-hee-hee


  1. I am glad to see you looking and feeling better. I still do not think Virginia gets it! May be she never will. Jeff told me to watch her with two eyes, and watch Scrappy,even closer! What do you think? I think Scrappy is going to run again in May. All of a sudden, he has found his voice! Whats with that? For most of his term, he has done nothing, only shows up at the meetings and goes to the office in time to sign the warrant. Scrappy spent the first half of his term, hiding under the desk. He should have hid. If he had been found guilty, of stealig from Winchendon, he would be a fellon, and there would be no selectmans' job for him. Time will tell Bev

  2. you know what they say Bev - keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!
