Paul working for you.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Treasurer interviews

I see that the Selectmen will be interviewing candidates for Treasurer on Monday October 15th.  Have we learned any good lessons from the past?  This town needs a good financial team, end of story. Here is the Job Description for the treasurer. Read it carefully  and attend the interviews and let's make sure that when the selectmen vote for a candidate - they do it "for the best interest of the town".  I also heard
from a retiree that said their insurance account was messed up. I have heard other complaints - so I guess not only do we need to get someone that can do the work but also fix the past few months. Woo boy, here we go again two steps forward and 3 steps back and to think that the L&W dept was pressuring VW not to get rid of the last treasurer.  Guess we know where they (L&W) stand. They obviously don't care about this town. Now this makes me think - John Driscoll doesn't live in this town, Ron Davin doesn't live in this town, can't find Tom Berry in the town street list book guess he doesn't live in town either. Is this why we can't get any answers - is this why they think that they don't have to answer to the selectmen or advisory board. 

Will the L&W dept have another meeting this month or will they hold off to  November in hopes that our questions will go away.  Now this brings up another question (I seem to have a lot of time to think these days) They keep saying that the water dept doesn't make any money soooo did the water dept. get raises this year?? Julie are the union contracts public record once they are negotiated. Does Mr. Driscoll have a contract with the town. does Ron Daven and Tom Berry. if so are they public record. Just some thoughts - any comments.

Thanks foe reading my opinions - Pauly

PS if you think Templeton's road are bad try driving Brookline Ave. 


  1. water union got their 3 year raise on last year of contract!
    ron just got a raise too i brlieve!

    lucky lucky

    we need to have town laywer figure where we stand with the whole tmlw issue!
    can we sell them and purchase a new school,cash!
    or are we just on the hook for what they have done or are doing?
    can't tell how we stand from the annual reports
    can't get answers for audits!Why take any more chances? Sell now and let them work for a power company and see how that goes for them!

  2. The pilot payment is'nt worth the risk and liabilities anymore,the town needs to move in a new direction change what we can no longer control and we'll be better off!
    they are gambling with Templeton's $$$$
    Our future is unknown and we can't get answers from them!

  3. I heard that Ron gets paid hourly and gets OT even though he is management because the commissioners allow this - looks to me like the commissioners give the L&W employees anything they want regardless of what it cost the town/ratepayers. I said it before Time for New Commissioners.

  4. I'll be posting a blog later tonight after the BOH meeting.

    Once contracts are signed they ARE PUBLIC RECORDS!! There is a clause within the water department union contract that allows the water superintendent to get compensated for OT. The unions contracts are PUBLIC RECORDS once they are signed. Mr. Ritter's contract was PUBLIC RECORD once it was signed. John Driscoll's contract is PUBLIC RECORD once it is signed.

    It isn't against the law to pay a supervisor/superintendent OT, but we're supposed to be consistent. You pay one superintendent OT you should pay all superintendents OT. That doesn't happen in Templeton.

    One of the reasons for Columbus blowing up at Tammy that led to the complaint was that at that time, I wouldn't sign a warrant when the water supt. had OT. I wouldn't sign until that clause was inserted into the water union contract.

    I don't think new commissioners will solve the problem at TMLWP. We need to form a DPW. Combine water, sewer, highway, cemetery, parks, recreation. Share equipment, share personnel. It needs to be studied and a cost benefit analysis before a DPW can be created.

    We have a government study committee, maybe they should look into it. When was the last government study meeting?

  5. If the light and water dept was a sweater, it would be unravelling, as if it was caught on a nail. Looks like the town better get some answers. One of the towns' departments that always looked stable to the taxpayer seems to be floundering. The over spending in that department may turn around to bite them. Bad management in this econmy is not something the town will tollerate to long. It simply can not afford to. My opinion, Bev.

  6. Hey I just saw a show on the weather channel called "Turbine Cowboys" maybe we could get them to come and fix our turbine.

    1. As long as we don't have to fly them in to town from Austria, at the cost of 33,000. just to look at the dam thing, it sounds good to me. Bev
