Paul working for you.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane update

I see Monty Tech, Gardner and Ashburnham/Westminster schools have cancelled school for tomorrow  Nothing on Narragansett yet. Blog in is you hear anything please.

Thanks Pauly


  1. According to that link Narraganset is closed tomorrow

  2. Templeton Hometown News just reported Templeton schools are closed tomorrow

    A Former Skelton supporter

  3. selecmans office was closed ALL DAY, Light and water dept. girls were still in the office at 2 p.m. A bit ridiculous don't you think, The selectmans office should be the LAST place to close.

  4. STATE of emergency was called all town offices were closed except manditory personnel maybe girls at light are manditory personnel or maybe Mr Driscoll just doesn't ever want to be part of the town.

  5. i think it's a bit ridiculous that the Light and water department "girls" even had to go to work, anonymous 4:14 is right, if the light and water department doesn't want to be considered a part of the town of templeton, then the declared state of emergency does not apply to them, but it DOES apply to all town non-emergency personnel. maybe anonymous 1:58 should ask Mr. Driscoll why he would want to place his "girls" in jeopardy and require them to work all day. BTW - i'm putting the word "girls" in quotes because most office personnel, do not like to be referred to as "girls" - maybe clerks, administrative assistants, or office personnel, but "girls" - doesn't seem right to me-how old are they?

  6. Well let's hope the office personnel used some of their clothing allowance to buy ponchos and boots!

  7. In jeopardy of WHAT, a little rain in wind. the Post office was even open, no reason our town office could not be there for the townsfolk.

  8. are you serious? in jeopardy of maybe having a tree or wires fall down onto their car while they are driving home. mother nature works in mysterious ways and i certainly would not want to place my employees in harms way if i had a choice. You never know what could happen - why take the risk if you do not need to - the Governor did declare a state of emergency and recommended that people stay off the roads (yesterday he declared it).if the townsfolks listened to warnings, they wouldn't be going to the town hall today-they would've been staying off the roads. last i knew, the post office is regulated by the federal government, not the state.

  9. It's alright for all other town depts, water, light, sewer, highway,cemetery personell to drive all around town doing their jobs but town office workers could stay home with pay. The weather was not bad this morning, they could have worked a half day. You all are supposed to be looking out for all that money, the town just wasted over a grand paying people for not working.

    1. Pull the panties out of your rear and relax. Do you know for a fact that these workers didn't do work form home? These days, its possible to work from home with a computer and a phone. I'm sure any pressing matters were dealt with early yesterday. And with Mr. Ritter in charge, I'm confident rules were followed and work was accomplished. As far as L&W workers, I'm sure office staff was needed to answer phones and coordinate repair efforts. They should be at work during a storm if its safe to be there as the L&W is an essential service like Emergency Services & Highway dept.

      All in all, we weathered the storm pretty damn well. So, lets be thankful our poorly paid town workers always step up to get the job done when its needed the most. I appreciate the L&W dept getting the power back on as quickly as possible. I appreciate the Emergency Services responding to calls as quickly as possible. There's simply no need to bitch and moan this time around.

  10. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  11. so true, if town offices were open, someone would've said how could they have had them report to work while there was a state of emergency... i guess any reason to complain. the highway, police and light departments did a great job responding to all the calls during this storm. we should be grateful that we did not get hit harder.

  12. That is why you run for elective office, you make half the people happy 50 percent of the time, sort of like batting 500 in major league baseball, which has never happened for a season. In other words, make the best call you can, learn from mistakes and smile at the people who still complain. If someone was coming into work or going home and they get hurt, you could be paying them to do nothing for quite a while. I can hear the lawyer now, "why were you on the road during a state of emergency?" "because my employer, the Town of Templeton, told me to come in because the weather was not that bad"

    1. The "not that bad" is different for each of us. I imagine Mr. Driscoll would not know what to do, with out the ladies in that office, doing what they know is needed in a emergancy. I have seen the post man out in the most unbelievable weather ever. Sometimes it is down right scary. What ever the people that had a "day off" did not do today, they will have to do twice as much tomorroow. It is not like the magic clerk, comes in to help out. Bev.
