Paul working for you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



A few people have agreed to gather signatures at the Baldwinville Post Office this Saturday. If you are concerned about the town of Templeton, please consider signing this Citizen Petition.

If anyone wants to help with gathering signatures see Julie or Bev at the Baldwinville Post Office.


  1. I wonder if Chris S, Virginia or Pat M will sign. hmmmm. then we will for sure know where they stand. as if we don't already.

  2. someone should go and see if they will!
    anyone have an address?
    It would be a good question to ask at the meeting if they were asked and if they did sign it!

  3. The addresses of selectmen are public record. Just look in the street list. My address is 24 Myrtle St Baldwinville MA

    Thank you to everyone out there collecting signatures! We are getting very close to meeting and exceeding the goal of 200 signatures. Keep up the good work. You can ask the BOS if they have signed the petition at Monday's meeting.

    See you there

    1. Thank you Julie for all your hard work and for looking out for ALL the citizens in Templeton. Despite what some may think and say, you are in fact, trying to make this town a better place. Anyone that says otherwise either doesn't know the facts or has their hands dirty in the wrong doings that have occurred over the last decade. Or they're intimidated by a strong, intelligent woman! Its hard for a bully to bully anyone smarter than they are. I will always defend you against anyone that wants to talk smack about you.

      One more point...the petition is only to put the question on town meeting floor. It is not a vote yes or no. Let's put the question up and have discussion and see what happens. There's no harm in having discussion. Because of that, all the selectmen should have no problem signing any citizens petition. A good selectman should want to encourage discussion and support the will of the people. I guess we'll see what happens. I do encourage everyone to sign the petition and also to go to the special town meeting. Its your money. You should have an active role in how its spent. If you choose not to, then things like buying another 252 Bald. Rd. will happen again and your money will be wasted.

    2. The very worst thing about 252 Baldwinville Road, is the way the article was written. Because it said the money had to come out of the budget,(under the debt limit), not to be raised, that means we have to to take it out out of a budget that has been cut to the bone already. Now you may wonder, why was it done that way? Easy to answer. By doing it this way, the tax payers had no chance to vote the question down. There was no question! This article, was on the Town Meeting floor, the third night, of town meeting! It was around 11:00 P.M., and about 80 people were there. Some (the snoos) said it was unamously passed, but I know this was a lie, but what was done is done. I guess the thing to learn from this act, is to never leave a meeting early. It is like leaving the Patriots game with 5 min left on the clock, when you are ahead by 3 points. You can't do anything about the Pats, but you can at town meeting. Now comes the really big question, How are we going to pay this money back? That question is going to be discussed on Monday night. THIS IS A BIG DEAL, We need to make a payment with money we do not have, adding to the over welming amount we already owe. Try to make the meeting. Bev.
