Paul working for you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Woo Hoo!!!!

The Blog is about to hit 300,000 hits since it was started in March 2011. All because my complaints were going unheard.

Since there is a Citizens4Templeton get together tomorrow Sunday at 1PM at the Templeton Fish & Game Club. Let's celebrate!!!!

The Game will be on - bar will be open - Julie is working on a football thing (can't remember what it is called )  There will be food.

so bring a nonperishable item for the Templeton food pantry and come and join us.


  1. Getting close...where were you when Pauly's blog hit 300,000?

  2. I am so excited, this is the most important blog, in Massachusetts. This blog takes the place of our area news papers, who refuse to give the residents of our town, the information that is needed to make good decisions. Bev.
