Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday October 28th

Please remember Sunday, October 28, Citizens4Templeton, are holding a meeting at 1:00 at the Templeton, Fish and Game Club. Every one is welcome, and yes they have a television, the game will be on, bar is open. 
And please bring a nonperishable item for the Templeton Food Pantry,

Thank you  


  1. The Telegram gives the location for voting on Nov. 6 as:
    Precincts A, B and C: Narragansett Regional High School, 464 Baldwinville Road.

    Is it moved from the Middle School to the HIgh School?


    1. Yes, the election voting will now take place in the High School Gym.
      Here is a link from to the elcetion warrant.,_2012.pdf

  2. I got an index card in the mail last week with the polling place change.

  3. yes the selectmen's office sent those out not the elected town clerk who is suppose to be in charge of voting

    1. I hope this works out, but I am afraid the walk is going to be to far for the handicapt and elderly. I think we should have stayed where we were. I think the school is making a big thing out of nothing. They have a way of letting know that they do not want us there. This is the way it will be, until we get ET ready. Maybe that will work Bev.

    2. Bev, it is a much shorter walk into the HS gym, you park outside and walk straight into the gym, no hallways or multiple doors to go thru. The HS Gym is a perfect spot, the MS Gym was a foolish spot to begin with.
