Thursday, October 25, 2012

Financial Management Templeton Style

Financial Management Templeton Style

 The DOR Financial Management Review  was completed in  October 2009. After many meetings, where I tried to have the BOS discuss the report, Gerald P Skelton arranges a meeting with representatives from the DOR.

I apologize for the poor conversion quality. I was able to upload the meeting for your viewing pleasure.

Seeing is believing. So why not accept the DOR Review?

My opinions …supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

Thank you Julie - Pauly


  1. The Good Ole (Boys) Days! This meeting is a prime example of how these men did not have the best interest of the town in mind when in office. This video should be watched over & over again when election times comes again. Here’s proof of why none of these men (or their lackeys) should be voted into office ever again.

    • they did not act respectfully to state officials
    • they did not support the BOS giving up some of their authority
    • they did not support a town administrator position
    • they did not support dissolving the Personnel Board
    • they did not support the idea of BOS members not serving on other committees
    • they did not support creating a separation between the “policy making political end of government & the administrative end”
    • they changed Capital Planning Committee suggestions before they were presented to the town
    • they supported moving accounts payable & accounts receivable under the same umbrella (no checks & balances between what money comes in & what money goes out)
    • they tried to frame Ms. Farrell as incompetent as Capital Planning Chair
    • they tried to frame Ms. Collier as incompetent as Treasurer & interfering with the investigation
    • they took the DOR report as a personal attack (to their ego & a threat to their personal interests) instead of acknowledging it as an independent report of suggested guidelines based on data gathered from numerous other towns of comparable size & wealth

    In my opinion, this should be exhibit number one as to why every Templeton citizen should sign (& vote at town meeting) requesting an investigation into past wrong doings in our town. Any objective individual who looked at this video (not knowing the characters) would see that there was personal agenda involved in running this town. Therefore decisions were made that were not in the town’s best interest. And once that is determined, it is only natural that one would review past expenditures & procedures--especially when you have a $700k bill for a boondoggle (that 4 of the 5 selectmen in this video were directly involved with) on the line that the town must pay for.

    Plus, the more that these people & their supporters protest this requested investigation, the more it appears they are afraid of something being discovered. If they are 100% confident in their leadership & the decisions they made, they would welcome the investigation & put the suspicions to rest. Now, would a man who was the BOS Chair & signed for the town to purchase property next door to his home (which is a glaring ethics violation) feel 100% confident that he did the right thing? I would hope not. I doubt he is going to support an investigation.

    This video also proves numerous facts & statements made by Pauly, Pete K., Julie F., Bob M., Jeff B., Bev, & many, many others are true. So, if there’s anyone that would still like to claim that these people are “wrong”, “crazy”, “liars”, “not looking out for the town”, “ruining the town” or any other colorful criticisms, I suggest you rethink your statements. This video proves otherwise. The citizens are NOT stupid (as you may think or hope) & we can see clearly by this meeting who exactly is working in the best interest of the town. took 3 years for this report to be accepted by the BOS. That alone is a head scratcher for me. What’s the harm in accepting a report that state officials put a lot of time into that are merely suggestions? This town needs all the advice & suggestions it can get. You can’t turn down advice & suggestions simply because you don’t agree with them. You don’t have to implement them. But be thankful that someone at least gave them in the first place. The Chair of the BOS in this video must understand he does not know everything. A good leader listens to the suggestions & opinions of ALL. Otherwise, it is a dictatorship. I believe that form of government went out of fashion several hundred years ago in this country.

    1. This vidio tells a very sad story. We have not yet, faced the results of what these people have done. Their actions are going to have a negative effect on this town for years. As for the people who struggle to make ends meet, week to week, these people have added to your pain. You are not alone, but this does not help when the money you and I bring home, does not go far enough. The tax payers in this town are not the only ones who are being hurt. The workers have spent since July 1st. on reduced time, with that reduced hours. How do we think that this will get better, when there is no way to erase what people in the name of the town, have done. We are left with the hand we have been delt. All that can be done is to stand by the people who will try to the best they can, to make the future as painless as they can. This is my opinion. Bev.

  2. Talk about lines of credit in part 2.

    1. I ment to say since July 1st the workers have had reduced pay, with reduced hours. I know you know what I mean. No matter how you say it, it still sucks. Bev

  3. and dennis o'brien wonders why I filed an ethics complaint against him for signing off on buying that 252 property, another reason to watch the elections in May 2013

  4. Thanks for posting this video. I had forgotten how intelligent Dennis O'Brien and Bob Columbus are, and how much they contributed as Selectmen. HAH! Dennis needed an interpreter because nobody could understand what he was asking/saying, Bob Columbus kept looking at Carol and Gerry after speaking, as if to say, "see, I stuck up for you," and even Chris Stewart did his usual "I wasn't here, I didn't know," routine. How embarrassing to have some of these people together on one Board!

    1. It is sad that as town officials, they could not accept what these people recommended. They were very negative, and almost hostil in the way they behaved. Shots at Julie, the only one on the board, with a brain!! We are so, so lucky she has hung in there, with not alot of support, for a long time. There was no way they were going to give up the control they had. Now we are going to have to live with the decisions they made. I hope every one knows, all of the "wrong doings" will come out in the wash. My opinion, Bev.

  5. Be sure to watch the Part Two video which is just as important. Watch how our past BOS didn't see why making a list of the town's line of credit was a good idea. Watch history repeating itself when Colombus is questioned on a letter he read which was obviously written by K&P. Watch when Julie questioned a K&P bill for writing that letter. Watch how CS claims our former accountant didn't support direct deposit of town paychecks. And the GRAND how Columbus, O'Brien, and Skelton refused to accept the entire DOR report even after the whole room said that was stupid. Even good ole boy Hamilton said they should accept the report and consider parts of it. There's a great quote from Skelton where he states that nothing in the DOR report had financial suggestions that would benefit the town. Classic. I'd like to see him say that now. Oh, and watch how he bullies Ms. Manty when she asks tough questions he doesn't want to answer. This video will resurface if any of these bozos try to run for any office. And they will be asked to explain their own words. Who says karma doesn't exist? Maybe they'll learn you can act like bullies and let your ego speak for you without it coming back to you tenfold.
